Managing activities in Android and preventing large activity stack - android

I'm new to Android development and I have an app with various activities. For performance reasons I'd like to properly manage the activities when users are using my app. Here's my problem.
Activity A - starting activity with map
Activity B - user navigates to Activity B (a list view) from Activity A.
The user then selects the map icon to navigate to Activity A again.
So if you can image it, my activity stack is now:
Activity A
Activity B
Activity A
So if I press the back button the device it will take forever as it scrolls through activities.
Is there a way of managing this so the old activity is destroyed and is just re-created upon choosing an activity nav icon. I've read up about onDestroy() and onStop() but I'm a little confused at their implementation.
Apologies for a poorly worded question but I'm unsure of the correct lexicon to ask about activities.

One simple solution is to kill the Activities as soon as they leave the foreground.
You could do that by calling finish() inside onPause().

You could have B finish itself and return to A instead of starting another A. Or, if your stack might be more complicated, like this:
D could start A with FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, which would cause D, C, and B to be finished, leaving A on top. (That intent flag interacts non-intuitively with a couple other flags, so read the docs.)


Keep one activity in the bottom of the backstack

I want to learn the proper way to manage the activity back stack with regards to my issue. Most of the time when a person uses my app, I want to keep an activity in the bottom of the stack, let's call this Activity A. This would be their "Home" activity. I have a navigation view which can take the user to a bunch of other activities, but I want to manage what displays when they tap back. I want Activity A to always be the last activity in the stack, so the stack can look like A -> B -> C-> D, and when the user is on Activity D and they want to go to Activity E, I want the stack to look like A -> E when they press it.
A possible solution I have found is by clearing all the activities in the current stack, launching Activity A, and sending an intent for Activity E in the intent I launch Activity A with, then that will just check it's intent extras and if it finds an intent in the extras it would just launch that intent. This results in the stack looking the way I want, Activity A -> Activity E. I just want to know if there is a better or simpler way.
I have tinkered with the activity properties in my manifest, but it seems like I can't do exactly what I would like to with those.
Any help would be appreciated :)
Lets assume you want to keep activity A in the back stack so that whenever a user presses back, you want to show activity A on top. Lets say you go to B from A and then C from B. So whenever you go from any activity(other than A) to any other activity just call finish() from the calling activity, this will remove the stack entry of the corresponding activity, ensuring that only activity is there in the back stack.

What are the implications of using FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP?

Could someone please explain what FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP do? The docs say
If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at
the top of the history stack.
But that statement seems to be burying a great deal of meaning beneath it. For instance someone online mentioned that the top activity may not be the same as the activity at the top of the task stack. I have no idea what all of that means. Hence my greater question: what are the implications of using FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP?
It means if the activity is already up and you call it again you wont replace it with a new one and you wont create another one (which sometimes happens and is evident when you hit back and you see the same activity up), instead you will pull that one up.
So say you have 3 activities: A -> b -> c. You are in C and you came to it through A and then B. If you call to A, from C with the SINGLE_TOP filter your stack will look like A, C, B - if you started to hit the back button, you would go to C, then B. I could be wrong but thats how i believe it is. You can also pass in the CLEAR filter with it to erase the back stack and techniquely be started back at A with no stack in back of it, you would back straight out to home. - please correct if im inaccurate.
The following is an answer I read online. It is not a complete answer to the question you are asking, so I am really hoping someone else can add a lot more meat to it.
If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the
current task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a
call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance
of the activity. The activity can be instantiated multiple times, each
instance can belong to different tasks, and one task can have multiple
instances (but only if the the activity at the top of the back stack
is not an existing instance of the activity).
For example, suppose a task's back stack consists of root activity A
with activities B, C, and D on top (the stack is A-B-C-D; D is on
top). An intent arrives for an activity of type D. If D has the
default "standard" launch mode, a new instance of the class is
launched and the stack becomes A-B-C-D-D. However, if D's launch mode
is "singleTop", the existing instance of D is deliverd the intent
through onNewIntent(), because it's at the top of the stack: the
stack remains A-B-C-D. However, if an intent arrives for an activity
of type B, then a new instance of B is added to the stack, even if its
launch mode is "singleTop".

ANDROID: Activity state after pressing the back button

Imagine you have the following sequence of activities:
Activity A -> Activity B -> Activity C
When you are on Activity C, pressing the native back button, takes you to Activity B. Now what is the state of Activity C? Is it still in memory or it has been finished?
If it is still in the memory, is there a way to resume the activity? Other than starting another instance of this activity...
I should add that this is the standard case where you do not use any flags including: FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
Default behavior is that when you press hardware "back" button, current activity will be removed from the backstack and activity "destroy" sequence will be initiated. From that moment you should not rely on the fact that it might be somewhere around - it is all up to Android to decide when does it actually kill this activity.
What my previous investigations show is that victim's onDestroy() will be called only when new activity is done loading and is idle.
You can specify android:launchMode="singleInstance" for your activity in Manifest. This will ensure that only one instance of activity is created at the time
You might want to consider reading the official docs.
More specifically the part that answers your question:
When the user presses the Back button, the current activity is popped from the top of the stack (the activity is destroyed) and the previous activity resumes (the previous state of its UI is restored).
Now for your second question… you can keep reading the same page…
when you start an activity, you want to bring forward an existing instance of it (instead of creating a new instance on top of the back stack)
So if you read that… you will find…
You can do these things and more, with attributes in the
manifest element and with flags in the intent that you pass to
In this regard, the principal attributes you can use are:
And the principal intent flags you can use are:
No, it is not in memory. It gets finished when you press the back button. You should use android:launchMode="singleTask" in the androidmanifest.xml for that particular activity for which you want no new instances to be created if an instance is already there. For further information this link will be helpful.
In the following sequence...
Activity A -> Activity B -> Activity C
When you will press back button in Activity C then onBackPressed() method will be called. The default behavior of onBackPressed() is to finish the current activity until you Override the functionality.
So, in normal case, after back press the current Activity will be destroyed and you can't find it in the Activity Stack, so you can't resume it.
You will find more information from Android Developer's doc in below link...
Tasks and Back Stack

Launcher not returning to the last-used activity in my application

I'm using a custom Launcher application with Widgets that are used to launch (and provide status updates) for an application.
The application consists of a few Activities - let's call them A, B and C for simplicity.
A is the launched Activity. The user proceeds from A to B and then to C (never in any other order).
At any time the user can press the 'Home' button on the remote control and return to the launcher application.
If the user then presses the 'Back' button on the remote control they always return to the Activity they were last using (A, B, or C).
However, if they click on the widget (rather than pressing back) the Activity that is brought to the front seems inconsistent!
So, here is an example of what happens
From (custom) launcher, use widget to launch application
Activity A appears
User presses a button that launches Activity B
Activity B appears
User presses 'Home'
Launcher appears
From (custom) launcher, use widget to launch application
Activity A appears NOT B
Sometimes I get Activity B instead of Activity A - but I'm not sure under what circumstances. I want to get the Activity at the top of the stack to be displayed and never any other Activity (Activity B in the example above).
I've read Google's documentation about the Activity flags ("single-task", "single-instance", etc...) but nothing seemed to jump out as the solution to my problem.
In my case, Activities A, B, C only make sense when run in that order - and it never makes sense to see a previous activity unless you explicitly go back to it.
I'm not sure if the problem is the way the widget is launching the application or whether there is something I need to specify in my manifest or something else.
Any ideas?
Isn't that what's supposed to happen? Isn't your widget launching activity A? Would you expect it to launch activity B if you are asking it to launch activity A?
(Althought you say that you get B launched sometimes. Isn't this related to the app being forced out of the memory?)
I'm sorry, but this is not an answer, but rather some additional information related to that same question.
I have found a pattern for Activities when relaunched after home button is pressed.
See my question for all my research:
Android Activity Stack is not working as stated in the docs - last activity in task stack not shown
Hope this can be of help...
I have been reading that the suggested fix for this strange behavior is the use of a "Dispatcher" class as Main that will launch the activity based on the application state...or you can also keep track of all the activities opened that need to be restored...but this can become really cumbersome when having a complex UI application design.


I have an app that I have running a media player and I want to resume the activity from my apps home activity.
I can successfully do this by adding the following flags to the startActivity Call:
I am worried that this is not an ideal way to do things since it took me a long time to find it. It made me think that no one uses it very much.
Are there any pitfalls to using this method?
I know that this question is quite older and may you have solved your problem and may be travelled to mars and back in those years.But just to make things clear for the people coming here and looking for an explanation:
According to Official Documentation:
If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at the top of the history stack.
Suppose you have BackStack of A-B-C-D and You have launched
another intent Starting Activity A with FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
at this point what android will be do is Simply Clear All the
Activities on the Top of Activity A, means now your BackStack Will
Look like-> A (yes that's it because you have cleared all the
activities on top of it).
And In Second Scenario Suppose You have the same BackStack A-B-C-D
and you launched an Intent Starting Activity A with
FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, now your BackStack will look like->
A-B-C-D-A (Confused? Don't Worry Next Example Will Clear All Your
Third Scenario, We start with the same BackStack A-B-C-D and We
will launch an Intent Starting Activity D with
FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, now our BackStack will look like->
A-B-C-D (Yes the BackStack remains in the Same Order because our
FLAG prohibits the launch Same Activity If it is the Currently on Top
of the Stack and Showing on the User screen.
Last Scenario, We start with our same BackStack A-B-C-D and We will
launch an Intent Starting Activity D but this time with no FLAGS,
now our BackStack will look like-> A-B-C-D-D.
Got it? FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP is only useful When you are
starting the Same Activity Which is Currently Showing On the Screen
and You want to prohibit the launch new Instance of the Existing Activity.
Just to make sure I understand your question correctly: Say your activity stack is something like A -> B -> C, and now from C you want to clear the stack and get back to A.
If this is what you want, then those intent flags are correct and should work as expected, as per the Android-developer docs.

