Imagine you have the following sequence of activities:
Activity A -> Activity B -> Activity C
When you are on Activity C, pressing the native back button, takes you to Activity B. Now what is the state of Activity C? Is it still in memory or it has been finished?
If it is still in the memory, is there a way to resume the activity? Other than starting another instance of this activity...
I should add that this is the standard case where you do not use any flags including: FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
Default behavior is that when you press hardware "back" button, current activity will be removed from the backstack and activity "destroy" sequence will be initiated. From that moment you should not rely on the fact that it might be somewhere around - it is all up to Android to decide when does it actually kill this activity.
What my previous investigations show is that victim's onDestroy() will be called only when new activity is done loading and is idle.
You can specify android:launchMode="singleInstance" for your activity in Manifest. This will ensure that only one instance of activity is created at the time
You might want to consider reading the official docs.
More specifically the part that answers your question:
When the user presses the Back button, the current activity is popped from the top of the stack (the activity is destroyed) and the previous activity resumes (the previous state of its UI is restored).
Now for your second question… you can keep reading the same page…
when you start an activity, you want to bring forward an existing instance of it (instead of creating a new instance on top of the back stack)
So if you read that… you will find…
You can do these things and more, with attributes in the
manifest element and with flags in the intent that you pass to
In this regard, the principal attributes you can use are:
And the principal intent flags you can use are:
No, it is not in memory. It gets finished when you press the back button. You should use android:launchMode="singleTask" in the androidmanifest.xml for that particular activity for which you want no new instances to be created if an instance is already there. For further information this link will be helpful.
In the following sequence...
Activity A -> Activity B -> Activity C
When you will press back button in Activity C then onBackPressed() method will be called. The default behavior of onBackPressed() is to finish the current activity until you Override the functionality.
So, in normal case, after back press the current Activity will be destroyed and you can't find it in the Activity Stack, so you can't resume it.
You will find more information from Android Developer's doc in below link...
Tasks and Back Stack
I am new to android so don't know what can be the solution to this problem.
I have created an app with two activities in it named these as first and second activity.
First activity launch mode is singleTask and second activity launch mode is standard.
Now when i switch from second activity to first activity i don't want to destroy the second activity.
But in this case it is getting destroyed.
So can anyone help me in suggesting how can i achieve this scenerio of switching from second activity to first without
destroying second activity.
This is because activity one is single task activity.
Read here. According to this
"singleTask" and "singleInstance" activities can only begin a task. They are always at the root of the activity stack. Moreover, the device can hold only one instance of the activity at a time — only one such task.
To avoid this scenario, change launch mode of activity one to standard.
No need to destroy any activity for this, i think so. Just implement this:
Intent intent=new Intent(ActivityOne.this,ActivityTwo.class);
in your oncreate() method of actvity
You can open new activity that you want to open, without finish() your current / previous activity by using finish().
Once you open multiple activity without finish() previous ones, the OS will automatically maintain the activity stack.
I go from activity A to B.
Now I want to go back to activity A again.
One way is that i do not finish activity A when I start activity B and then just finish activity B.
If android has destroyed the activity A due to less memory or other issues, then that activity would no longer be there in the back-stack and then what happens when we press the back button on Activity B.
How to configure an activity such that if its instance exits, then we go to it other wise we create a new instance?
Thanks and regards,
The framework already behaves the way you describe. In scenario 1, the system will restore activity A, even if the app process was killed. Of course, the author of activity A would need to write the appropriate code to save and restore state. As for scenario 2, you can Force this behavior by setting the launchMode field in your <activity> tag in your manifest. See the docs:
Imagine an app where Activity A is the default Activity and has launchMode="singleTask". The app opens to Activity A. The user navigates through the app and at some point navigates to Activity A again (by moving forward, not pressing back). According to the Android docs, because launchMode="singleTask", this will happen:
The system creates the activity at the root of a new task and routes
the intent to it. However, if an instance of the activity already
exists, the system routes the intent to existing instance through a
call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new one.
Activity A exists on the back stack, so it will receive a call to onNewIntent(). What I want to know is, what happens to the other Activities when Activity A is brought from the bottom of the back stack to the top?
Are they popped and destroyed or does something else happen? Are they even in the same stack?
Thanks in advance...
From the Android docs:
A representation of how an activity with launch mode "singleTask" is added to the back stack. If the activity is already a part of a background task with its own back stack, then the entire back stack also comes forward, on top of the current task.
Activity A (MAIN and LAUNCHER in manifest) starts up when clicking on launcher icon.
In turn it launches Activity B.
Activity B then launches our main app Activity C (MAIN and singleTask in manifest).
Behaviour I require:
Once Activity C has been shown and the home key is then pressed, the next time the launcher icon is pressed I would like to skip straight to Activity C (and not show Activity A (and consequently B) again).
I have tried using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from A, but I still get Activity A whenever I hit icon on launch screen.
Is appearance of my singletask Activity C from launcher achievable?
Update: Use of FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from A and not calling finish() creates the situation whereby Activity B appears on press of launcher icon. However, also applying use of FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from B and not calling finish() does not resolve situation. now I don't get A on launcher icon press, but get B. What gives!
See similar scenario here.
In your case, I would recommend using a similar approach, where you would have a SharedPreference that would persist a value representing whether your app had previously been launched.
Create a simple Activity that will contain the logic for what you are trying to do here. In that activity's ("pre-A" Activity) onResume() method, check the value of the preference representing whether the app has ran previously.
If it has not previously been ran, launch an intent to Activity A, which calls the subsequent B and C activities; otherwise, launch an intent to Activity C.
Seems pretty straightforward, just remember to define the new "Pre-A" activity in your manifest!
I was going through Android Task and Back Stack documentation and at one point they mention this:
if your application allows users to start a particular activity from more than one activity, a new instance of that activity is created and pushed onto the stack (rather than bringing any previous instance of the activity to the top). As such, one activity in your application might be instantiated multiple times (even from different tasks), as shown in figure 3. As such, if the user navigates backward using the Back button, each instance of the activity is revealed in the order they were opened (each with their own UI state)
Let's take an example:
I have Activity A Starting Activity B which Starts Activity C which starts D.
Stack is A->B->C->D now it is possible to Start C from D so when we start C from D stack will be
Now instead of this standard behavior I want Activity to have only 1 instance or only 1 entry in the Back Stack. "SingleTop" will not work since Activity C was not on top when we started it from D.
I might be missing something but is there any way to achieve this making sure an activity has only 1 backstack entry?
Intent intent = new Intent(context, <your_activity_here>);
So, all the activities in stack after activity C will be finished automatically. If you use the specified flag
will become
You can also use android:launchMode="singleInstance" in your activity tag in manifest