I want to use the ShowcaseView library to create a tutorial, but for one stage of the tutorial I don't want to highlight anything with the circle. Is this possible with the API?
The main way to do this is to set the target as Target.NONE, an example of which is shown in the sample.
As #maxcanna points out here, you can call showcaseView.setShowcaseIndicatorScale(0) after creating the ShowcaseView to accomplish this.
How can i achieve a marker like the one in the picture below,that i can customize for every item at runtime,based on the item's attributes,in this example,price.
I have some knowledge about markers and customization,so im not a complete newbie,for example i was able to achieve this:
But in this case nothing is dynamic,the marker is the same for every item so it's not like what i want to achieve.
Have you looked at the utility library? It supports an IconGenerator class which you can use to display text on a marker. This seems to accomplish your use case.
See: https://github.com/googlemaps/android-maps-utils
I want to implement arc-menu in my android app. I'm using ArcMenu Lib
Here is screenshot But I want Ui like this
Is there anybody customize this library.
In order to achieve it you have to get some permission and add use WindowManger to draw this overlay.
A detail explanation is here
An detail sample is written here
Is it possible to create animations to implement help layout for android applications as in the figure :
Desired Effect : The hand image should move and point to an icon.Then an effect like ripple is created.
How could we implement animations like this ?
Yes you can do this by using the ShowCase view library from this github link, it works pretty well and it is very customizable
Follow this link :
refer this :
Display overlay tooltip on the first run
I am doing an android application where i need to implement interactive graphs.Can any one suggest good libraries to use.
I have gone through achartengine.
I need some interactive charts libraries.
Following two links will help you out :
If you want to create custom graph like change the background color then you have create it on canvas
There are many libraries.
The simplest one is this
I am trying to display my layout via android xml.
Here's what I want to do:
I have 12 buttons with a animals image like this one: , and the circle is the background.
I do not have any idea related to this, how should I start?
Please give me some suggestion so I can go ahead. What things should I use to do this?
You'd be looking for making a custom view. A good place to start is, as always, android's own development site: http://developer.android.com/training/custom-views/create-view.html
i think you can do this with xml. this need simple mathematic calculation that you can not do in xml.
you most extend View class and create your own View. then you can use it in xml.