How to customize Floating-ArcMenu (satellite menu option) - android

I want to implement arc-menu in my android app. I'm using ArcMenu Lib
Here is screenshot But I want Ui like this
Is there anybody customize this library.

In order to achieve it you have to get some permission and add use WindowManger to draw this overlay.
A detail explanation is here
An detail sample is written here


trouble with layout android Not Able to generate this View According to icons and line and below text

I am designing following layout structure for one of my application. But dont know how to implement it.
This Design is called Stepper. There are lot of open source library is available for this design. Check the following link. May it will help you.

Sliding down activity - Android Material Design App

I've been to make this effect in Android. I've achieved to make a Share Element Intent succesfully but don't have a clue on how to get back to the previous activity by sliding down the second one.
The example of what I'd like to do is this: (But implemented with native resources)
Thank you.
I think you're searching for "BottomSheet",
Please Refer below link
This is for custom create
Material guidelines
Create Bottom Sheet from This link

How to implement vertical sliding actionbar(like in the grofers app)

I want to implement a layout in which the action bar is below an image. And, on sliding the screen up, the actionbar should also move up, along with the image. The action bar should then go to the topmost point of the screen and stop.
This is implemented in many apps like the grofers app.
I don't mind using an external library for the same.
Go Through this awesome Demo Sample Code using Android Design Support Library Coordinator Layout.
Please go through this,It shows some of the important features in the new Design library:
As per your requirement Here is sample code link.
Please check this
I have found a library same for your requirement. please find the link
You have to customize from that library according to your need.

Use ShowcaseView without the highlight circle

I want to use the ShowcaseView library to create a tutorial, but for one stage of the tutorial I don't want to highlight anything with the circle. Is this possible with the API?
The main way to do this is to set the target as Target.NONE, an example of which is shown in the sample.
As #maxcanna points out here, you can call showcaseView.setShowcaseIndicatorScale(0) after creating the ShowcaseView to accomplish this.

Implementing custom menu in android system

I am trying to find a way to customize the android menu in system level.I want to remove the existing android menu and replace the custom menu.Can any one done the replacement of default menu.Can any one help me how to do that?? or kindly share some useful links to do that.
Thanks in Advance..
Hope these links will be helpful to you,
Adding Custom Menu In Messege Activity in android
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color)
check this:

