How to show YouTube browsing in my android app? [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is my android app :
My media player can play YouTube videos if we give HTTP URL. So I can launch YouTube app on a button Click. It's working fine.
After user tapping on video, I want to close that YouTube app and get the downloadable URL of that video. How can I do that? Is there any tutorials for that? If this is not possible kindly suggest me possible ways. Thank You.

YouTube Android Player API
The YouTube Android Player API enables you to incorporate video playback functionality into your Android applications. The API defines methods for loading and playing YouTube videos (and playlists) and for customizing and controlling the video playback experience.
This page has a getting started at the end of the page which will help you.


How to play music in android app using spotify sdk or web APIs? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to build an mobile application which can use Spotify APIs and play music (Not remote control app) just like Spotify. So far I've implemented authentication, getting playlists and tracks using web APIs. Now I can not see any API which can help me play music (or maybe I missed it). Could you please help me to achieve or tell me if this service is not provided by you?
Unfortunately, what you want to do does not seem possible.
The Spotify SDK allows your application to interact with the Spotify app running in the background as a service. The capabilities of this API include getting metadata for the currently playing track and context, issuing basic playback commands and initiating playback of tracks.

Playing Youtube DASH Url in Exo Player [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are building an android app to play youtube videos in exo player. We generate a DASH URL and play it using exo player
I have following concerns
Is it allowed by play store to play youtube URLs without using Youtube player e.g, using Exo player
If it is not allowed, What is the way to get it done? Is it allowed if we use the youtube player?
Is Youtube player build on top exo player?
The short answer is: No.
You can play anything to which you have a direct URL to the media. YouTube don't expose direct URLs, so you'd have to use their player API instead. Of course, you could host DASH content yourself, as you're doing for HLS, which would provide you with the direct URLs you need.

How to adjust play speed of video on android? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to implement a requriment of adjust play speed when playing a video, how can I do that using Android API (MediaPlayer) or other 3rd-party library? I google it, and no any idea by far. Any suggestions welcome, thank you.
Media player does not provide what you want.
You have to use some other android api.
check link. Speed Control of MediaPlayer in Android
Or you can use media player with PlaybackParams(added in 23 api)
You can also use different media playback library than android built in, for example ExoMedia that also works below android 23 ,has same api as video view and allow you to set the PlaybackParams including speed.

How to stream videos from URL in Android? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm using JSoup for scraping a website that includes embedded videos. Not every video is hosted in YouTube, they are hosted in different websites. How can I display those videos in my app?
I have not tried anything because I have no idea if it is even possible.
It would be fine if I can at least display a thumb image and when the user click on it, it would open the browser or the default video app.
Update: this is where the videos are hosted. I'm doing some research to see if some how I can stream the videos to my app. But this is my first time trying something like this some everything looks a bit complicated.
This entirely depends on the video content provider. You can write logic to look at the urls determine the provider and get additional information like thumbnail and even video playback based on whether the provider provides a method to do so. This isn't specific to Android if you really think about it.

how to play video with augmented reality in android [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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i found many AR tutorial just show 3D object when detect a pattern, i need some advice to make application that can play video with AR application using android camera?
To play video on marker detection in Augmented Reality you should use the> "Vuforial SDK" it has sample named as video play that will help you to play video on marker
Simplest way to do this is to use the Creator. Load a tracking image and then drag and drop the video onto the tracking image. You can then launch to iOS or Android. No coding needed.
If you want to code, here's a tutorial with sample codes, tracking pattern, and sample video files using the Metaio SDK.

