Rating Bar view only on android - android

I'm trying to create an android application where one of the activities has a rating bar. Is there a way to make a Rating Bar a view only so that the user will not be able to modify it?

Yes, just call setIsIndicator(true)


Make Android Custom App Bar as Default in every Activity

I want to make android custom app bar that contains searchbox, icon, etc.
The solution on google that I found was changing the style to no action bar. And create a toolbar layout that need to be included in every activity I made.
I just wondering, can I make custom App bar that default appear in every activity without including them when creating Activity?
I would recommend using v7.widget.toolbar. At first you need to create custom layout for your toolbar. Then you need to set it as a support action bar in each activity that you want it to appear. Toolbar on every activity can contains different icons.

Android Action Bar Customization vs A Custom View

If I want a customized action bar, should I implement the customization on the action bar or should I just use a custom view instead of an action bar. Navigation bar in iOS has a specific animation but as far as I understand, action bar in Android does not have anything speacial associated with it. So would it be more flexible and easier to implement it as just a view?
Once in a while I was thinking like this created a app with custom view as a action bar but when we want to use custom view we have to declare everytime in every activity which may cost more time .
Pros : You can create your action bar as per your wish can animate,change design,change UI etc.
Cons : cost more time on development .

Setting custom image view as action bar's menu icon

I would like to add one of the menu icons of the action bar as below.
I need an icon and a bubble on top of that and I need to display a number on that at run time.
Is it possible to do? I have Googled regarding this, but couldn't find exact way to do.
Thanks in advance.
what you want is call "badge"
A simple way to "badge" any given Android view at runtime without having to cater for it in layout.
try this Lib
You will have to define custom layout for your action bar as mentioned in the tutorial here
and to display counter above the Imageview android notification class can be used.

Android - Action Bar Style

I want to show Action Bar like below.
I have already used this library clickhere
But it takes only two icons on Action Bar. If I add four items, then last two are shown me like menu. I want all in Action bar same as image above.
Is it possible? if yes, then HOW? Can I change Action Bar color or its default style available in Device?
Thanks in Advance.
I recommend you use this:
to style your ActionBar.
If you want all the 4 icons to be there, just add this attribute to all the menu items:
hello try this library
it sure help you And you may have to add you own logic to handle this in below 2.3 Android OS and above 3.0 Android OS.
there is many demo sample available like below :
There is no way you can be sure of the number of icons displayed in the action bar. There is a large varierty of Android devices out there and they all have different screen sizes. That's why you have to prioritize the actions available in a menu : the most important will be displayed as actions in the action bars and the others will be displayed in the "menu" : the action overflow.
You should think of actions in a functional way, not a graphical way.
With ref to Image that you attached you should decide which design pattern you want to use in your application, there are many UI patterns available for mobiles, tablets. The image you attached looks like Side Navigation UI pattern. It's better you decide which UI pattern perfect for your app.. then start implementing it with custom action bar libs (if you want action bar in less than Android 3.0 ver) or any other.

Remove Category bar in PreferenceScreen

How do you remove the category bar that displays in the PreferenceScreen? I have my own custom view for that, so I want to get rid of it altogether.
Would this help? Android – Hidding the status and title bar of your application

