Android print receipt wit image and text [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to create a recipt after user registration with following data
with following pattern
ID 10001
Name: ABC
Company XYZ
Person to meet Mr P
How i can make print of this particular data and in particular format please help
can it possible to save this data as PDF i mean with photograph also
Please guide me
Thanks in Advance

There are several library for creating pdf in android. Some library :
Use this library and see the documentation of this for formatting.


How to download any files from server in android studio kotlin [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am fairly new to Kotlin so I will like to try to create app that let users download files eg videos and save them into internal storage. Please help me out. Thanks in advance 🙏🏾
Kotlin is basically a language just like java to do same type of work. for example , you can speak in English or Spanish. Speak is function , language is your decision.
To download files and save them
Use fetch
Use kotlin or java to call it's functions

What do I need to create an app that summarizes text from a document (include 100-150 characters)? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to create an feature which can summarizes text from a document in Android.
I am confusion about algorithm to do it
Any support from anyone will be appreciate
It can be done. If you are writing on your own, you have to start with nltk library for java which is abbreviated as Natural language tool kit, which allows you to carry out these kind of text summarization. or you can use the following open source code to carry out , what you want.
Like, how many no. of words your summarizing content should have at final. Have a look at it.

Suggestions to store an integer in an android app [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to android programming, i just need to store an integer on a server, so that my app can consult and update the value of that int. I listen useful suggestions of more experienced android developers whether if i need a server or there is a simpler solution.
For what purpose you want to store int on server .
If you want to store int within phone , you have different techniques for that

How to use Wikipedia api in android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing an app to get Location name then put it into a googlemap and display that location wiki page . I tied to search but There is some phonegap android app .
My question is : Is there any Wiki API for android native app to get and search information ? and how to implement it ?
I did a Google search for wiki API and it brought me here:
It is not specifically for android but it should be able to work for you.
An example:
If you can not find a usable api, you can use JSoup to parse wikipedia and return relevant information or you can build a url based on user's input and implement a webview

lmx file format in android [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is Android capable of recognizing the lmx file format for a landmark when it receives one by e-mail ? Can it react to this by opening google maps , or other application ?
The *.lmx file format is not supported for Google Maps like that. But basically its just another XML Namespace. So you could build your own App or maybe there is already one in the market, which can convert it on-the-fly.
The format specification is located here:

