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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am fairly new to Kotlin so I will like to try to create app that let users download files eg videos and save them into internal storage. Please help me out. Thanks in advance 🙏🏾
Kotlin is basically a language just like java to do same type of work. for example , you can speak in English or Spanish. Speak is function , language is your decision.
To download files and save them
Use fetch
Use kotlin or java to call it's functions
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Closed 3 years ago.
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(How) Is it possible to extract the sql-file from an android application on my pc? We developed an app and used it on some devices but unfortunately some of them didn't save the information on our web interface. So we need the database from three phones and typing by hand is out of the question.
Yes, depending on where it is saved you can access the .db file via the device file explorer on the right in Android Studio.
I assume it is in data/data/yourPackageName/databases
There should be .db files, but again, they could be somewhere else depending on the way you created it.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm a beginner in android atudio, I recently make my first app, I put in many raw resources file(txt,mp3) that is why it's size is big (~200Mo).
I want to allow user to download what he need in order to benefit my service like listen to mp3 read text.
You should carefully consider why you need this much data in your app, remove all unnecessary parts and put everything you really need into the .apk as resource.
If I find some app is downloading 200MB to my phone, I'll uninstall that immediately.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to create an feature which can summarizes text from a document in Android.
I am confusion about algorithm to do it
Any support from anyone will be appreciate
It can be done. If you are writing on your own, you have to start with nltk library for java which is abbreviated as Natural language tool kit, which allows you to carry out these kind of text summarization. or you can use the following open source code to carry out , what you want.
Like, how many no. of words your summarizing content should have at final. Have a look at it.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my application i need to have list of images that are downloaded from whatsapp.
I am a newbie in android programing world.
please give me some guide line for it.
There you can follow some steps :
check that whether whatsapp installed or not
if installed then check in which directory it keeps its downloaded image.
if it is a separate folder & can be accessible from outside of that app then you can normally use that images.
if it downloaded its image in a common directory then then it's not possible to find out which images are downloaded by whatsapp.
Thank you.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to create a recipt after user registration with following data
with following pattern
ID 10001
Name: ABC
Company XYZ
Person to meet Mr P
How i can make print of this particular data and in particular format please help
can it possible to save this data as PDF i mean with photograph also
Please guide me
Thanks in Advance
There are several library for creating pdf in android. Some library :
Use this library and see the documentation of this for formatting.