I want to show progress of my file upload. I use built.io to store my files, but really don't know how I can show progress, because I think built.io does not support this.
This is how I send file:
final BuiltFile builtFileObject = new BuiltFile();
builtFileObject.save(new BuiltResultCallBack() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onError(BuiltError builtError) {
Toast.makeText(getContext(),"blad zapisu pliku",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onAlways() {
This is not possible using the current SDK provided by built.io. There is a plan to support this in the future.
A workaround is to call built.io using the REST APIs (check out the REST section on https://docs.built.io/guide#uploads). The regular HTTP upload call can then be tracked to get the progress detail.
Please mail us at support#built.io if you have any more queries with this! Glad to help.
I am using Google CoreAR package in my React-Native app for AR support. There are some devices which support AR and some not. I am getting error while I run the application in non-supported devices. I want to render a message instead showing error on the screen. For this Google CoreAR package is providing the solution which is not working for me.
void maybeEnableArButton() {
ArCoreApk.Availability availability = ArCoreApk.getInstance().checkAvailability(this);
if (availability.isTransient()) {
// Continue to query availability at 5Hz while compatibility is checked in the background.
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 200);
if (availability.isSupported()) {
} else { // The device is unsupported or unknown.
The problem with above code snippet is that availability.isSupported() is always returning true and that's why else part of code is not running. Can you guys please help me with this?
Thank you.
I found solution for this problem. ArCoreApk.Availability has some methods which can be used. You can find these methods in the
documentation. The method ArCoreApk.Availability
return either SUPPORTED_INSTALLED or SUPPORTED_NOT_INSTALLED depending on device support. So based on this return value we can do the stuff.
I did like this.
public ArCoreApk.Availability getSupport(){
ArCoreApk.Availability availability = ArCoreApk.getInstance().checkAvailability(this.getReactApplicationContext());
return availability.name();
I want to send a String message to database when user presses a specific button in the LibGDX game I am designing for android. How do I go about doing that? Following is the code I tried. But it does not work.
Net.HttpRequest httpRequest = new Net.HttpRequest();
httpRequest.setUrl("URL is here");
httpRequest.setContent("INSERT INTO `game_table` (`Button`) VALUES ('Button 1 Pressed')");
Net.HttpResponseListener httpResponseListener = new Net.HttpResponseListener() {
public void handleHttpResponse(Net.HttpResponse httpResponse) {
Gdx.app.log("Log httpResponse", httpResponse.getResultAsString());
public void failed(Throwable t) {
public void cancelled() {
Log does not provide anything in android monitor. I also tried using AsyncTask and without AsyncTask to implement this code. But neither works.
Am I missing something? If so could you give me small code snippet that will work?
You don't need to use an AsyncTask, libGDX' HTTPRequest is async out of the box.
You did not log anything if the request fails or is cancelled so probably that's the case.
I'm currently working on an Android app that enables users to group-chat with each other via OpenTok API. And I want to add a feature to the app that automatically detects which user is talking right now and show his video to the others and minimize the other users' videos until someone else talks.
I cannot find such feature in OpenTok so I was wondering if there's a workaround.
private void joinVideoCall(String sessionId, String sessionToken) {
session = new Session.Builder(activity, OPENTOK_API_KEY, sessionId).build();
public void onConnected(Session session) {
publisher = new Publisher.Builder(activity).build();
public void onStreamReceived(Session session, Stream stream) {
subscriber = new Subscriber.Builder(activity, stream).build();
In order to do that, you'll need to use a custom audio driver that will detect the audio levels.
Take a look to this sample: https://github.com/opentok/opentok-android-sdk-samples/tree/master/Custom-Audio-Driver
And also, take a look to the API documentation: https://tokbox.com/developer/sdks/android/reference/com/opentok/android/BaseAudioDevice.html
I've noticed that occasionally images won't load in my app through picasso and that picasso is in fact erring. I am using two images per list item in a list view. Here's the picasso code:
Picasso.with(DashboardActivity.this).load(status).into(iv_customer_status_pic, new Callback() {
#Override public void onSuccess() {
Log.d("Debug", "Picasso Success");
#Override public void onError() {
Log.d("Debug", "Picasso Errored");
How can I ensure that the images are loaded, I don't want them to error and then make them disappear. Also why does it error? Is there a timeout? I noticed on more powerful devices it happens less.
The reasons why it fails might because of no Internet connection and Invalid Image URL.
With regard to the error handling refer to nPn's answer.
The reason the onError() callback for Picasso.with().load().into(target, callback) exists is because there is no 100% guarantee the load will be successful. For example if you are trying to load from a uri and you don't have an internet connection, the load will not be successful.
You can somehow attempt a re-try (which I think is already built into Picasso), but ultimately, you need to handle the case were the load fails (for whatever reason). One option would be to load a "default" image, like a generic "profile picture" if you were trying to load a specific users profile picture.
If you move the implementation of the callbacks to a separate class , or even the containing class you should be able to retry from the onError() call back. Here is what I am thinking:
class ContainingClass implements Callback.EmptyCallback
private int mRetryAttempts = 0;
public void onError() {
if (mRetryAttempts < 2) {
// try again
} else {
mRetryAttempts = 0;
public void onSuccess() {
mRetryAttempts = 0;
I need to implement quite popular template of app behaviour - give opportunity to user to retry failed requests. Right now I catch failed request with SpiceServiceListener, and shows dialog where user can press "Retry" button. Unfortunately, using the same CachedSpiceRequest object with SpiceManager.execute() don't give desired behaviour, because RS removing all request listeners from mapRequestToLaunchToRequestListener if request wasn't successful. So request can work fine, but it will not return any information to my Activity.
Is there easy way (without modifying code of library) to implement this?
Unfortunately looks like there are no abstract solution for situation like this, so I had to add code like this in every request.
getSpiceManager().execute(r, new RequestListener<CountProfiles>() {
public void onRequestFailure(SpiceException spiceException) {
if (act.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("network_problem") == null) {
NetworkProblemDialogFragm.newInstance(r, this).show(act.getSupportFragmentManager(), "network_problem");
} else {
((NetworkProblemDialogFragm) act.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("network_problem")).setSpiceRequest(r);
((NetworkProblemDialogFragm) act.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("network_problem")).setRequestListener(this);
public void onRequestSuccess(CountProfiles countProfiles) {
NetworkProblemDialogFragm is a DialogFragment with Retry button, on click on this button I re execute failed request, using given RequestListener.
Not very beautiful solution, but looks like there no better one.