Android BackStack NavigationDrawer - android

I have a problem that I've been dealing with for the last couple o days and don't seem to find an answer to it.
Description : I have a main activity which contains a navigation drawer. Each item of the navigation drawer (when clicked) creates a fragment. In that fragment, there is a listView of objects, which creates other fragments when clicked. In those fragments i have another listView of objects which opens other fragments. In other words, there series of fragment that open other fragment. Something like this:
In order to be able to get back to each fragment, I've implemented the addToBackstack("string") method.
My question is, how can I implement correct backstack for my application so that when i click a navigation Drawer item, all the fragments that have been added to backstack are cleared, without the one that the navigation Drawer item opens.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you !
Ok, it seems I managed to figure it out. Considering what advices i received from the replies, here's the solution I came up with:
public void onBackPressed() {
int count = getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount();
if (count != 0) {
FragmentManager.BackStackEntry backEntry = getFragmentManager()
getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() - 1);
if (backEntry.getName() == NAVIGATION) {
} else
} else {
To put it in words: First, i added a backstack entry even for the top level fragments, given them a specific tag. The I have overridden the Activity's back button function so that when the last backstack entry is a top-level fragment to finish the activity (so that it not simply detach the fragment from activity, living it empty). Otherwise, if the last entry isn't an top-level fragment, execute a popBackStack.
PS: All non-top-level fragments are added to the backstack with a different tag then the top-level one. Also, i had to do a POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE in the navigation Drawer's click listener.
Thank you all for the advices and hopefully this EDIT help other users.

You can use the following code to solve your problem:
.replace(, fragment)
In order to make the code above work, you have to create the fragments dynamically. As hardcoded fragments cannot be replaced. To do that, you can create a container (FrameLayout etc.) which in our example has the id fragment_container. Then, the code above will add the fragment in the container dynamically. Finally, you have to pass as parameter in the addToBackStack method the fragment_tag. That means, that this transaction will be added in the back stack. And finally, in order to get it from the backstack you have to use the code below:
getFragmentManager().popBackStack(fragment_tag, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE));
The POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE flag, insures that "all matching entries will be consumed until one that doesn't match is found or the bottom of the stack is reached. Otherwise, all entries up to but not including that entry will be removed."

You can clear the fragment backstack by using something like:
fragmentManager.popBackStack("string", FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
and then you can addToBackstack and commit as usual. More info.
A code snippet that shows the way I normally use it in navigation drawers:
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
if(clearBackStack) {
fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
FragmentTransaction ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
ft.replace(, fragment);
if(!clearBackStack) {


Preloading a fragment when popBackStack

I have a problem with the backstack behaviour. That is what I am doing:
add(fragment1) + addToBackStack(null)
replace(fragment2) + addToBackStack(null)
What is happening:
Fragment 1 is added and in the backstack
Then the second fragment replaces the first one and it is added to the backstack.
Now I want to change my last backstacked fragment with a new transaction which put a new backstack fragment so:
[frag1, frag2] becomes [frag1, frag3]
but this transaction made by a popBackStack + replace is making the frag1 to load by calling its onCreateView and onActivityCreated. I know this is the expected behaviour since this is how backstack works, but I am trying to find a way to avoid this preload.
In this question I am using the concept of backstack fragment for the transaction to be more clear. Every transaction here is an add+remove (which is a replace).
The code for replace I am using is:
public int replaceFragment(BaseFragment newFragment, boolean addToBackStack, boolean animated, PopStackMode popMode) {
if (popMode != null) {
getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(newFragment.getFragmentTag(), popMode == PopStackMode.POP_INCLUSIVE ? FragmentManager
FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
if (animated) {
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_left, 0, R.anim.slide_out_right, 0);
ft.replace(, newFragment, newFragment.getFragmentTag());
if (addToBackStack) {
return ft.commit();
You can see I am creating a navigation history based on the fragment backstack, as it was kind of a browser. When a "page" is added there is a fragment and a backstack transaction. In this context, I trying to:
Remove the current fragment.
Remove the transaction from the backstack.
Add a new fragment without poping and loading the previous backstack fragment.
I hope it is more clear.
Edit 2
I have filled a request feature for a flag that supports this behavior. Find it here.
First, you should understand that the backstack doesn't save fragments, but it saves transactions instead. When you call popBackStack what it actually does is revert the previous transaction. More on this here.
I think that you can do this:
Name your transactions by providing a unique name to your addToBackStack instead of null. i.e. addToBackStack("frag1").
Don't call popBackStack + replace, but instead just call replace.
Then, in your activity, override your onBackPressed and if the current fragment being displayed is Frag3 (you can check this using findFragmentByTag if you provided a tag in the replace method) you can call getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStackImmediate("frag1", FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE); (otherwise call the super.onBackPressed)

Activity destroyed by garbage collection and all fragments in backstack are showing instead of only current activity

So I have enabled the setting to destroy actvities when you navigate away from an activity
Settings=>Developer Options=>Don't Keep activites
This should basically replicate an activity or fragment getting garbaged collected and then I have to restore the data via the bundle savedinstancestate.
So I understand how that works. But it seems when I navigate from fragment 1 to fragment 2 and then put the application in the background and then in the foreground(destroying the activity)
Both fragment 1 and fragment 2 show at the same time. In which only fragment 2 should be showing.
I do not know if this is something standard that I have to manage hiding and showing fragments onsavedinstance. Or if something in my code is breaking things. Below is how I push fragments which I hope is helpful:
public void pushFragmentWithAnimation(FragmentManager fm, int parentId, Fragment currentFrag, Fragment newFrag, int animEntry, int animExit) {
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
// See:, int, int, int)
ft.setCustomAnimations(animEntry, animExit, animEntry, animExit);
ft.add(parentId, newFrag, String.format("Entry%d", fm.getBackStackEntryCount())).hide(currentFrag).show(newFrag);
Fragment 1 is still in the backstack because when I press back I only see fragment 1. Let me know if you know why this is happening.
The lifecycle of XML added Fragments and programmatically added Fragments differ enough to make mixing them a bad idea, as explained in detail here.
The easiest way around this is to make all fragments programmatically added by replacing your XML inflated Fragment with a FrameLayout of the same ID, then in your onCreate add
FragmentManager fragMgr = getSupportFragmentManager();
if (null == fragMgr.findFragmentByTag(FRAG_TAG))
add(, new Fragment1(), FRAG_TAG).commit();
Where FRAG_TAG is any unique string. This ensures that Fragment1 is only created if it is not already in the layout.
I am not entirely sure why this solution works. I assume its related to if the activity gets killed that it does not keep track of which fragment is currently shown and shows all of the fragments. So basically I needed to replace:
ft.add(parentId, newFrag, String.format("Entry%d", fm.getBackStackEntryCount())).hide(currentFrag).show(newFrag);
ft.replace(parentId, newFrag, tag);
Then when I create the initial fragment in the main activity. I only would do that when
My updated code is below:

Replacing a Fragment with itself does not show anything

I'm trying to decide and show a fragment in activity's onResume method, but in case a previously added fragment is chosen again, then the activity goes blank.
Sample code (with one fragment):
protected void onResume(){
FragmentTransaction trans = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
trans.replace(, fragA);
With above code, when the activity is created for the first time, it shows fragA correctly, but in case I press Home Key and then switch back to my activity (in order to provoke onResume again), it all goes blank (seems like fragA is removed).
Is replacing a previously added fragment removes itself? or how not to loose a fragment if it is replaced by itself?
You can't replace a fragment with itself. The first half of a replace is a removal of the previous fragment at that id. Once a fragment is removed it can no longer be added or used by the fragment manager (so the add portion of the replace will not work properly).
Depending on your use case, you have two options:
Create a new fragment instead of reusing the existing instance
Use some other method to see if its necessary to replace your fragment
Finally, you probably don't need to call executePendingTransactions.
You can try:
if( !(getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById( instanceof FragmentA) ) {
FragmentTransaction trans = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
trans.replace(, fragA);
And I assume that fragA is FragmentA class object.
Finally, I had to put a check before replacing fragments. In case, an (already added) fragment is requested for replace again, I had to check if its already added then ignore the replacement, else proceed. For example:
protected void onResume() {
if (!fragA.isAdded()) {
FragmentTransaction trans = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
trans.replace(, fragA);
//getSupportFragmentManager().executePendingTransactions(); //unnecessary
When referencing back to a created Fragment please do make sure to try adding the
method right before committing so that your Fragment is resumed instead of destroyed as mentioned in the developer guides.
If you don't call addToBackStack() when you perform a transaction that removes a fragment, then that fragment is destroyed when the transaction is committed and the user cannot navigate back to it. Whereas, if you do call addToBackStack() when removing a fragment, then the fragment is stopped and is later resumed if the user navigates back.
You can find this at the end of this page.

How to keep only first added Fragment in back stack (fragment overlapping)?

Scenario what i'm trying to achieve:
Loading activity with two frame containers (for list of items and for details).
At the app launch time add listFragment in listFrame and some initial infoFragment in detailsFrame containers.
Navigating through list items without adding each detail transaction to back stack (want to keep only infoFragment in stack).
As soon as user hit back button (navigate back) he falls back to intial infoFragment what was added in launch time.
If sequential back navigation fallows then apps exit.
My code:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
var listFrag = new ListFragment();
var infoFrag = new InfoFragment();
var trans = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
trans.Add(Resource.Id.listFrame, listFrag);
trans.Add(Resource.Id.detailsFrame, infoFrag);
public void OnItemSelected(int id)
var detailsFrag = DetailFragment.NewInstance(id);
var trans = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
trans.Replace(Resource.Id.detailsFrame, detailsFrag);
if (FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount == 0)
My problem:
After back button has been hit, infoFrag is overlapped with previous detailFrag! Why?
You can do this:
if (getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryAt(0).getId(), getSupportFragmentManager().POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
} else {
In your activity, so you to keep first fragment.
You shouldn't have, in your first fragment, the addToBackStack. But, in the rest, yes.
Very nice explanation by Budius. I read his advice and implemented similar navigation, which I would like to share with others.
Instead of replacing fragments like this:
I added a fragment container layout in the activity layout file. It can be either LinearLayout, RelativeLayot or FrameLayout etc.. So in the activity on create I had this:
transaction.replace(, mainHomeFragment).commit();
mainHomeFragment is the fragment I want to get back to when pressing the back button, like infoFrag. Then, before EVERY NEXT transaction I put:
transaction.replace(, frag2).addToBackStack(null).commit();
transaction.replace(, frag3).addToBackStack(null).commit();
That way you don't have to keep track of which fragment is currenty showing.
The problem is that the transaction that you're backing from have two steps:
remove infoFrag
add detailsFrag (that is the first1 detail container that was added)
(we know that because the documentation This is essentially the same as calling remove(Fragment) for all currently added fragments that were added with the same containerViewId and then add(int, Fragment, String) with the same arguments given here. )
So whenever the system is reverting that one transaction is reverting exactly those 2 steps, and it say nothing about the last detailFrag that was added to it, so it doesn't do anything with it.
There're two possible work arounds I can think on your case:
Keep a reference on your activity to the last detailsFrag used and use the BackStackChange listener to whenever the value change from 1 to 0 (you'll have to keep track of previous values) you also remove that one remaining fragment
on every click listener you'll have to popBackStackImmediatly() (to remove the previous transaction) and addToBackStack() on all transactions. On this workaround you can also use some setCustomAnimation magic to make sure it all looks nice on the screen (e.g. use a alpha animation from 0 to 0 duration 1 to avoid previous fragment appearing and disappearing again.
ps. I agree that the fragment manager/transaction should be a bit more clever to the way it handles back stack on .replace() actions, but that's the way it does it.
what is happening is like this (I'm adding numbers to the details to make it more clear).
Remember that .replace() = .remove().add()
Transaction.remove(info).add(detail1).addToBackStack(null) // 1st time
Transaction.remove(detail1).add(detail2) // 2nd time
Transaction.remove(detail2).add(detail3) // 3rd time
Transaction.remove(detail3).add(detail4) // 4th time
so now we have detail4 on the layout:
< Press back button >
System pops the back stack and find the following back entry to be reversed
so the system makes that transaction backward.
tries to remove detail1 (is not there, so it ignores)
re-add(info) // OVERLAP !!!
so the problem is that the system doesn't realise that there's a detail4 and that the transaction was .replace() that it was supposed to replace whatever is in there.
You could just override onBackPressed and commit a transaction to the initial fragment.
I'm guessing but:
You've added the transaction to replace infoFrag with 1st detailsFrag into the backstack.
But then you replace 1st detailsFrag with 2nd detailsFrag.
At this point when you click back, the fragment manager cannot cleanly replace 1st detailsFrag with infoFrag as 1st detailsFrag has already been removed and replaced.
Whether the overlapping behaviour is expected or not I don't know.
I would suggest debugging the Android core code to see what it is doing.
I'm not sure whether you can achieve without say overriding Activity::onBackPressed() and doing the pops yourself having added all transactions to the backstack.

Swap two fragment simultaneously

In my application i have one activity and i am adding two fragments at run time.I need to swap these two fragment simultaneously. Fragment 1 consist a button and i want when i click that button fragment 1 moves to right side of the screen and other fragment to the left side of the activity.
In the onClick method of the button i tried something like this
public void onClick(View v) {
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
Fragment newFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
Fragment newFragmentB = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
ft.add(, newFragment);
ft.add(, newFragmentB);
But i am getting the following error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't change container ID of fragment PageA{40653da0 #0 id=0x7f060001}: was 2131099649 now 2131099650
I want something like this when i click the button on Page A then Position of Page A and PageB should swap with each other.
I have a similar issue ( IllegalStateException: Can't change container ID of Fragment ) and i solved by swapping the containers instead of the fragments... Nonetheless i still have no clue as to whether it's possibile to swap directly fragments. As I wrote in the aforementioned post, it seems to work only on ics!
I posted a solution to this problem to a similar question. My approach is to re-create the fragment, but keeping the state by saving it first and re-applying it to the new instance.

