Drag/Drop feature in Android studio not working - android

I'm new to android programming The drag/ and drop feature in android studio is not working. I can't drag anything to my phone. Right now my fragment is google map view and i want to add a search bar to the view. It just doesn't drag. When I try to add it in text it says element item not allowed here?
This is my activity_maps.xml file
<fragment xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent"
android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="#+id/map" tools:context=".MapsActivity"
<item android:id="#+id/search"
android:actionViewClass="android.widget.SearchView" />

the new version of android studio uses 2 xml files for each layout. One (e.g. content_main.xml) embedded in the other one (Activity_main.xml).
you should open the content_*.xml and do the design in it.
hope it helps.

In addition to Hamed's answer I also had to:
File > Invalidate Caches / Restart ...
I'm missing vim.

The drag and drop feature is not working in Android Studio.... I also wasted a lot of time searching...what fixed my problem was to select a Theme for the Activity.
The image below will make things clear.

After updating to the latest version of Android Studio (2.2) I started having this problem.
After some searching and playing around I discovered holding down alt allows my to drag and drop. I had the "hold ALT to drag and drop" option checked under Settings-> Appearance & Behavior > Appearance.
Either I had already selected this option and a fix in Android Studio 2.2 made it so the option applied to dragging and dropping with the palette panel OR this option was recently added and defaulted to checked or a problem happened while upgrading that set it to true.
I have this option set in IntelliJ and have used the android studio palette normally before and am mostly sure I used it without having to hold down alt before so I'm going with option A (and it took me an embarrassing amount of time until I tried holding down alt).

In my case, I was using ConstraintLayout in Android Studio 3.0. Fixed it by using android.support.constraint.ConstraintLayout instead.

Go to your "values" folder
and open the "styles.xml" file.
Replace "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" under the parent tag with "Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"

I faced this problem also and I simply fixed that by changing the theme to DeviceDefault.Light for the activity.

I also faced the same problem. The culprit was that in my parent
tag i was dragging the components directly but when i put
tag and then drag my components to
it worked .
Hope it will help someone.

I know this is old but not being able to drag elements into the design just happened to me (2/18/18). Restarting Android Studio (3.01) did the trick.

I faced the same problem of not dragging elements in Android Studio 3.1.
Restarting the Android Studio, fixed the problem for me

I figured it out. Even though the design panel is visible as well as the Palette and Component Tree I ALSO need to have app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_main.xml selected over in the Project panel in order for the actual design of the layout to be enabled.

Drag 'n' Drop may not work properly, when you have a LinearLayout, in that condition, the items you drag will try to settle in a specific manner(Horizontal or Vertical), instead try to change your main layout to Relative Layout
Linear Layout --> Relative Layout

I know this is a old issue,none of these were working for me, and it so happened that it wasn't android studio that was giving this problem it was windows. I noticed I couldn't drag anything so clicking and holding any file on the desktop and pressing escape is what fixed it for me.

I resolve this problem by simply rebuild my android studio project.

I was facing the same problem,but then I found the solution .
All you have to do is select the element you want to add(eg. Button) and press "Enter".
The component will be displayed on your screen.
Or you can select the component and right click -> Add to Design

I have did everything in this post, until I've run android studio by just running and not running with "Run As Administrator"(Right Click -> More -> Run As Administrator). I've used to run android studio with "Run As Administrator" and that caused the problem to not drag and drop. Just run Android Studio without "Run As Administrator".
Or try do vice versa and actually "Run As Administrator" if you already just running it without "Run As Administrator".

File>Settings>Appearance and Behavior>Appearance>Theme -> IntelliJ Light
Change your settings to the above path. Then you can drag and drop the views on the design view.

I was also confused with the drag&drop feature. Until I figured out:
After beginning to drag you have to release the mouse button and everything works fine.
Nice feature - a bit unusual though.

I just downloaded Android Studio and ran into this problem.
After clicking random buttons for a few minutes I found out:
There's a magnet icon in the toolbar right above the design view called "Disable Autoconnection to Parent". After I clicked this I was able to move the button wherever.


How to refresh preview on Android Studio 2.2?

Now on Android Studio 2.2 on new Preview mode, there are no more refresh button:
Image 1: Preview on Android Studio 2.2 (without refresh button)
Image 2: Preview on Android Studio 2.1 (with refresh button)
Does anyone know how to display it again? Or with shortcut maybe?
Edit: If I change a drawable by example and that the change does not appear in the layout, the only method that works for me is closed and restart the project. If I close the layout and as I re-opens nothing happens. Same result using the "Synchronized" button.
Refresh feature is not removed, it is there; It's pretty simple to refresh:
Click on the preview screen to make sure preview window has the focus and press R. It should display the progress in the right-top corner while refreshing.
If it doesn't work for any reason, switch to design tab and press R, it refreshes the layout instantly.
I think it is a small bug. But I find a hack solution to resolve the problem, you can modify the a resource id to a wrong name, for example, you have a resource named 'ic_launcher', when you input 'ic_launcher1', you can find the interface like that:
next step, click refresh icon(sometimes it is 'clear cache' label). it is works for me.
I have try to change the orientation, but it not works when I replace a exist image file.
May your problem is same as : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39646639/android-studio-2-2-layout-editor-refresh-button
Display again?
I guess you cant. Apparently the refresh functionality has been removed because they think the processing will happen much faster and will auto-refresh the previews real time. The Layout Editor's document has no mention of refresh functionality.
If you are faster in making changes to your layout than Android-studio refreshes, you could try toggling between the design and blueprint views using the shortcut B
Refer the Layout Editor Official Documentation for other shortcuts you might feel comfortable with or works for you.
So do the Simple Step. When you change your layout then save it and clean your project.
go to menu Build -> Clean Project.
I Hope this will help you.
There is no refresh button in stable version of android studio 2.2 for preview. But there is a work around to do so. By toggling the orientation button in an editor will refreshes the changes!
I too had the same Problem , sometimes changing the Android Version worked
and it'll sure work if you clean/Rebuild the project
Find the double diagonal lines below your preview layout and click them. It will refresh your layout.

Android Studio Refactor > Extract > Style Disabled

I am trying to extract style in android studio 0.8.9 using the refactor option. But it seems to be disabled for some reason. I have tried cleaning and rebuilding the project just in case and even restarting Android Studio, but nothing seems to enable the extract style option.
Do let me know if anybody else is facing the same problem or is there a way to solve this ?
Screenshot image:
I had the same problem. Extracting styles is different in Android Studio:
You don't need to select text and choose Refactor->Extract->Style, just choose the menu option With no text selected.
So, just click anywhere inside the ImageView element (Do not select any text). The refactor option should become available.
Works fine for me without selecting any code. To extract layout you need to select the whole layout not just a part of it.

Android studio IDE Layout changed after Upgrade to 1.5

How to change back the layout of the IDE (Android studio) to normal position? As you can see the make project button, run program button and etc are on the far right. This happend after I updated the IDE to 0.5.5. Please help me. Thank you. Shift-F12 don't work.
The Picture below should be the normal one i think.
You've hidden the toolbar. Use View menu > Toolbar to restore it.

Unable to drag UI elements to Android layout Eclipse

I am having trouble getting Eclipse 4.2 to work with the latest Android SDK. When I try to drag any of the UI elements from the palette onto the Graphical Layout of the XML, or onto the outline view, nothing happens. Same is true when I try to drag existing elements in a relative layout. I am able to use the XML for the layout but not the designer.
I am also not able to close tabs using the x icon, I have to right click then go to close.
I have tried using Eclipse 3.7, same problem.
Thanks in advance for the help.
The emulator might be running. Try closing the emulator and drag ....it should work !
Hello I am assume that into your XML file, You can not see the graphical layout.
I have also face the same problem when I import the project from the workspace, that time simply close the project and again open the project.It works for me.
And for more Information see this LINK
Finally solved by re-downloading eclipse
Check your XML for warnings displayed as little yellow exclamation marks like this one:
Although my code was running fine this prevents any drag and drop.
Try cleaning the project and run it again. this worked for me.

Where is the Visual Editor for Eclipse with the ADT plugin

I thought ADT should come with a visual editor for building GUI : Easy way to build Android UI?
However, I just cannot find it. I was wondering where is the Visual Editor for Eclipse with the ADT plugin.
I can run HelloWorld application without problem. However, whenever I click on main.xml at the left navigation tree layout folder, here is what I get. What I wish to get is a WYSIWYG editor.
Select your main.xml file. At the bottom of eclipse you can see a Layout tab, click on it and eclipse will open the android gui editor.
As Paul Kearny previously noted, to resolve issue with seeing "Design" tab instead of "Graphical Layout" follow these 2 steps:
1) Delete project from the left of the screen, without deleting the source files
2) File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace, browse and select your workspace folder and open your project
Graphical Layout problem fixed!
If you want to edit the layout visually, rather than through XML, click on the Layout tab at the bottom left of the main.xml window (in your screenshot, just above Problems).
Also note, there are issues with displaying some of the widgets. For example, the ListView does not render. So, my hint is to change ListView to just a View, then work out the details of the layout so you can get the colors, relative-ness, etc. Then switch it back to ListView. There is one other widget that I cannot recall off the top of my head ...
To resolve issue with seeing "Design" tab instead of "Layout" or "Graphic Layout", I had to:
1. Delete the project from Eclipse without deleting the source
2. Shut down and restart Eclipse
3. Import the project back in
You could probably skip step 2, but I did it just to make sure.
Hope this helps anyone else who has the same issue.
If your view is showing Design|Source for the .xml file right click on the main.xml and select open with - android common XML editor. Simple.
If it is happening to one particular xml, you can delete the file (make sure you copy the content first), create new xml and paste the content again.
I recommend that any serious Android developer stay far, far away from Eclipse/ADT Design View. This is a time-wasting tool that sorely lacks the attention it would need from Google to make it worth serious consideration. It doesn't render the views as a real device would. There is no way to bind dynamic data. Does it work with fragments (I think not)? For it to work properly and have useful features would weigh down Eclipse further and make it unacceptably slow. In my very humble opinion, the entire strategy for ADT's ui-design tools has failed.
Thus, the recommendation is: edit Android XML layout files by hand and use the only reliable testing mechanism you have for layouts: actual devices. You can always fallback on the emulator - but the emulator performs 50x - 100x slower than an actual device. I'm not exaggerating. Pick your poison!
new fix, took me forever to get this fixed, really simple....delete the xml file and undo the deletion (ctrl+z), double click and there you go. Hope this helps someone as it did me. No shut down required.
If you see "Design" tab instead of "Graphical layout", just close the project and open it again.

