I have a problem since the upgrade of Android studio.
When i try to use a layout it works but when i slide an item on the screen (window design) to see how it's looks like, the item didn't appeared in the window design, just in the window text.
Maybe i need to choose a parameter but i cannot find it.
If you don't know how to fix this, maybe you can explain me how back in the last version
Thanks for help.
The Design view in Android Studio is just blank for me. I've already followed the advice in this link but it doesn't work. If I right click ConstraintLayout and then Convert view it opens a window where I can click RelativeLayout but this doesn't work. Does anyone have any advice?
I had this problem earlier this week. Everything I selected for my ConstraintLayout was invisible for a new project. I ended up selecting a different theme and it woke up after that and started showing the picked views.
Screenshot Attached:
On the right on the API number ["28" in my case]. Click on the theme [NoActionBar in my case]. I think if you try a few different themes they will eventually become visible again.
How to change back the layout of the IDE (Android studio) to normal position? As you can see the make project button, run program button and etc are on the far right. This happend after I updated the IDE to 0.5.5. Please help me. Thank you. Shift-F12 don't work.
The Picture below should be the normal one i think.
You've hidden the toolbar. Use View menu > Toolbar to restore it.
I imported an Android project in Eclipse. Somehow, the layout editor does not open automatically when I open a layout! After I open it, it gives me the 'Graphical Layout' tab but it is still an empty frame! The only difference I see from my previuos projects is that the top drop-down menu has an option called "Locale" while the older ones had "Any locale".
Please advise.
Restart eclipse. I always close eclipse when this error happens and restarting it after that and my problem got resolved.
Something similar happened to me today and I found that if I closed the window/tab and opened again a few times it fixed itself. It was annoying though. Also try going into the xml tab and edit something in there and go back to the Graphical Layout.
Something similar happened to me a few versions of ADT for eclipse ago.
Ok it has just happened to me once again. What I did to resolve was to change the Android version to something else. It's the drop down box beside the Create... button. That made it reappear
I have the same problem, it goes away if I switch to XML view and make a single edit, and then save. Then switch back to graphical layout and the error is gone.
It wasn't working for me no matter what I did. But it started working again when I deleted a bunch of projects in my workspace. My theme for eclipse was also deleted when I did this too, I'm not sure why.
I thought ADT should come with a visual editor for building GUI : Easy way to build Android UI?
However, I just cannot find it. I was wondering where is the Visual Editor for Eclipse with the ADT plugin.
I can run HelloWorld application without problem. However, whenever I click on main.xml at the left navigation tree layout folder, here is what I get. What I wish to get is a WYSIWYG editor.
Select your main.xml file. At the bottom of eclipse you can see a Layout tab, click on it and eclipse will open the android gui editor.
As Paul Kearny previously noted, to resolve issue with seeing "Design" tab instead of "Graphical Layout" follow these 2 steps:
1) Delete project from the left of the screen, without deleting the source files
2) File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace, browse and select your workspace folder and open your project
Graphical Layout problem fixed!
If you want to edit the layout visually, rather than through XML, click on the Layout tab at the bottom left of the main.xml window (in your screenshot, just above Problems).
Also note, there are issues with displaying some of the widgets. For example, the ListView does not render. So, my hint is to change ListView to just a View, then work out the details of the layout so you can get the colors, relative-ness, etc. Then switch it back to ListView. There is one other widget that I cannot recall off the top of my head ...
To resolve issue with seeing "Design" tab instead of "Layout" or "Graphic Layout", I had to:
1. Delete the project from Eclipse without deleting the source
2. Shut down and restart Eclipse
3. Import the project back in
You could probably skip step 2, but I did it just to make sure.
Hope this helps anyone else who has the same issue.
If your view is showing Design|Source for the .xml file right click on the main.xml and select open with - android common XML editor. Simple.
If it is happening to one particular xml, you can delete the file (make sure you copy the content first), create new xml and paste the content again.
I recommend that any serious Android developer stay far, far away from Eclipse/ADT Design View. This is a time-wasting tool that sorely lacks the attention it would need from Google to make it worth serious consideration. It doesn't render the views as a real device would. There is no way to bind dynamic data. Does it work with fragments (I think not)? For it to work properly and have useful features would weigh down Eclipse further and make it unacceptably slow. In my very humble opinion, the entire strategy for ADT's ui-design tools has failed.
Thus, the recommendation is: edit Android XML layout files by hand and use the only reliable testing mechanism you have for layouts: actual devices. You can always fallback on the emulator - but the emulator performs 50x - 100x slower than an actual device. I'm not exaggerating. Pick your poison!
new fix, took me forever to get this fixed, really simple....delete the xml file and undo the deletion (ctrl+z), double click and there you go. Hope this helps someone as it did me. No shut down required.
If you see "Design" tab instead of "Graphical layout", just close the project and open it again.