Getting Started w/ Flow and Mortar [closed] - android

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been searching all around the web for a simplified guide on using Mortar and Flow in Android but just found some snippets of code explained.
Its really hard to understand how this library works.

Try recently updated samples - now it's possible to realize idea behind it with working samples.
Also code in libraries itself contains documentation, which helps with grokking with it. Also consider reading these blog articles:
Advocating against fragments
An investigation into Flow and Mortar
and presentations from these guys:
Presentation by Pierre-Yves Ricau from Square
and slides
Presentation and slides by Thorben Primke at Droidcon Berlin 2015
Slides of presentation by Matt Compton
along with blog article provided above. Though the libraries are evolving rapidly and some information in these libraries outdated they're helpful.

You can also check out my example project with Mortar / Flow / Dagger2, which is up to date with latest versions:


Where to start with Android development in 2021? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I searched for this question here and there are lots of answers, but they are all outdated. I googled it and saw answers but I'm curious about your personal experience in learnin android development. So where do I need to start and what should I learn to become Junior Android Developer?
The first step should be learning Kotlin. For that, I'd recommend enroll the Kotlin Developer course on Jetbrains Academy
Then you can get a taste of android with this free course on Udacity.
The complete roadmap which you can follow
You'll find various tutorials on YouTube for every stage in this roadmap. You can even follow Google's Codelabs for various topics.
Think of building something like Instagram/Whatsapp clone. You'll learn a lot while building something on your own.

Advance Android Concepts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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As we know that Android Development is becoming quite easy with Android's new concepts like :
Android Architecture Patterns,
RxJava, RxBus,
Two Way Data binding,
Live Data,
Kotlin Coroutines,
Data Store,
JetPack Library,
Work Manager,
Navigation and Flow,
Motion Layouts,
and many more...
There are many documents available to get known about these concepts But, at some level I got confused.
Is there any dependency among these concepts?
I just want to go through all with proper steps and complete guidelines.
Can anybody guide me that How can I start Step by Step to complete these concepts with 100% clarity?
I can assist you about concepts which I am aware of.
Android Architecture Patterns,Live Data,View Model :
Mostly now a days Developers are using MVVM architecture.So,better to start with MVVM pattern where you will come across ViewModel and LiveData concepts.So,these are basic components in MVVM.
Sample Viewmodel class can be found in below link.
Room is the wrapper over sqlite which makes developer work easy.I am sure that once you start using Room you won't go back to sqlite.
Sample Room Implementation in below link.
Work Manager
Work Manager is very easy to implement and it can be finished in 15 to 30mins.
Motion Layouts
Motion layout is used to implement animations very easily.In below blog,Siva had explained well.

Are all libraries from github safe? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to use this github library to implement in-app purchases:
Is it possible he inserted some code to steal license keys or something?
Not all code on Github is safe. However, a library with 2000 stars is almost certainly not doing anything malicious. If it were, somebody else would have looked through the code by now and found the nefarious content.
Are all libraries from github safe?
No, not really. Like all software, they can have vulnerabilities.
Although GitHub has put in place measures to cub Vulnerabilities in libraries, some might still have.
The good thing about open source is you can always look through the source code yourself and if you spot any suspicious code, you can easily not integrate it in your app.

Android Beginner Tips [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a newbie to Android and want to explore. I see samples that I can workout from the documentation, But I am keen on developing a top to bottom sliding drawer instead of the left to right Navigation drawer. All I can see from the reference documentation are classes methods and their function. Please give me tips on how to work with these methods without seeing the samples. All I want is to be a good programmer and learn to code myself. Is that possible.
You can see this open source project Clean Calculator that contains a bottom to top navigation drawer you can download it and see the code how it was written, also to have a good start you might like to follow the android training classes Android site, also you can see this book Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach (Deitel Developer Series)
which is very good when you learn the basics, the following book too is good Beginning Android 4 Application Development, and Androidhive contains many tutorials too

Should I use Android programming books before Android training? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it advisable to start first from android pdf books instead of the developers website because the Android training because they seem to go way too fast for me to comprehend and I have java knowledge
I highly highly recommend this series:
The series will honestly teach you everything you need to know, and it's taught by a very knowledgeable person. Don't skip the first videos, they go by slowly, but help you comprehend the Android system.
If you have eclipse and do the android developer website tutorials. It should suffice. I don't think a book is necessary especially if you have knowledge of Java.
1. Watch the videos. 2. Go through the tutorials. 3. Get your fingers on the keyboard.
Those three steps in about a month period helped me release an app, and I had very little knowledge of Java.
As someone with a brief but ancient history with Java, reading O'Reilly's Programming Android cover to cover was great. It gives you a very solid overview of app life cycles and quite a few other extremely important and useful components of Android including SQLite, intents, etc. (many of the basics, nicely distilled in one place).
This is best book
Commonsware book
By Mark Murphy , you will also get a timely hour chat with Mark to solve your queries. This book also gets updated quickly so you won't be having an outdated version. By far best money spend on any book.

