Advance Android Concepts [closed] - android

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Closed 2 years ago.
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As we know that Android Development is becoming quite easy with Android's new concepts like :
Android Architecture Patterns,
RxJava, RxBus,
Two Way Data binding,
Live Data,
Kotlin Coroutines,
Data Store,
JetPack Library,
Work Manager,
Navigation and Flow,
Motion Layouts,
and many more...
There are many documents available to get known about these concepts But, at some level I got confused.
Is there any dependency among these concepts?
I just want to go through all with proper steps and complete guidelines.
Can anybody guide me that How can I start Step by Step to complete these concepts with 100% clarity?

I can assist you about concepts which I am aware of.
Android Architecture Patterns,Live Data,View Model :
Mostly now a days Developers are using MVVM architecture.So,better to start with MVVM pattern where you will come across ViewModel and LiveData concepts.So,these are basic components in MVVM.
Sample Viewmodel class can be found in below link.
Room is the wrapper over sqlite which makes developer work easy.I am sure that once you start using Room you won't go back to sqlite.
Sample Room Implementation in below link.
Work Manager
Work Manager is very easy to implement and it can be finished in 15 to 30mins.
Motion Layouts
Motion layout is used to implement animations very easily.In below blog,Siva had explained well.


Is it necessary to use MVVM pattern or architecture components in android for beginners in android? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to android. I have already built 80% of my app without following a MVVM pattern or using android architecture components such as View Model, Livedata etc because most of the tutorials didn't follow these patterns. My code just has data models and business logic, data binding on the activity, fragments itself.
Just got confused about the fact that whether is it okay to launch an app in the old school style or I should rework with some architecture pattern?
Its ok to use any pattern you think is best for your app. There are no requirements, technical or policy wise, about how you implement your code. If you feel MVVM is right use it. If you don't, avoid it. Even Google wouldn't claim its the best for every usecase, its just another tool in the box.
Architecture components solve a bunch of complex problems. Among these are:
Code maintainability
App performance
Consistent behavior across devices and versions of Android
That last one is key in my opinion. Rolling your own architecture can lead to bugs as your app gets exposed to more and more devices after release. Devices that you just didn't see during testing.
I would not hold up your app's launch to integrate architecture components, but certainly you should consider refactoring your app where it makes sense as you update it for future releases.

how to change the structure of already developed android project? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am just a beginner and at the time of developing i was blind about following an architecture, but now I've come across many awesome architecture and frameworks out there which i can follow to make code clean and easy to maintain.. so I have 3 questions
1) Is it a wise thing to change already developed project to follow a particular structure or framework like MVP and MVVM.
2) If yes for first question, how much time does it take (I know it depends on the project size but still rough estimation)
3) Which architecture would be better suitable to change the structure. (I've already gone through many documents and stack overflow questions of comparison. But here i want to change the whole structure. so which one would be best for this)
1) It'd be better if you stick to one particular architecture from the beginning of developing your application. It's gonna be a tiresome job if you wanna change the architecture, you're gonna have to do it from scratch.
2) It'd probably take as much as time as you did for creating you application with mvc architecture I guess.
3) I'd go for MVP architecture. It's the better alternative to MVVM if you're planning to change from MVC.
If the amount of code you have written is not very large , you can certainly change the structure.
MVP helps you to seperate views from logic and i have found using it to be very helpful when it comes to adding new logic , methods or modifying existing code.

MVP for android. Is it worth the effort? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Recently I stumbled upon a few articles on using the MVP pattern for developing android applications.
I would like to know:
whether it is worth the effort to move towards a MVP pattern, given
that fact the android framework is not inherently designed keeping
MVP in mind whereas iOS development using Swift enforces the MVP
pattern (if I am right).
Is the development time impacted a lot on using MVP?
To answer your points:
MVP is worth the move in the long run - for a new project definitely start using MVP. For an existing codebase, it will be time consuming to untangle the logic in Activities, Fragments etc.
In the short term dev time is impacted as you'll have to learn MVP etc. In the long run, you'll save time bug fixing etc.
Here's a great article on MVP and Android

Android Better UI Design [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've just recently started getting into Android development, and know about all the basic features of it such as permissions, basic UI, adapters, activities and interacting with a backend. How do I proceed if I want to further develop my UI/UX skills? Apps like Instagram and twitter have an interactive and attractive layout involving user inputs such as swipe. What's a good place to start to get more familiar with fancy layouts that are favourable to users?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I see 2 topics being discussed here: design and implementation.
Design includes UI/UX, interaction & motion.. You can find more types of design in this stackoverflow answer.
Implementation is a process of converting (usually) a static design to an interactive application. In your case you're doing this in Android. But the fancy layouts are general, not specific to Android.
Lastly, if you're interested in simply seeing some examples of Android UI and maybe their code, try this github repo
Almost everything about the layout in android is made with XML. If you want your layout to look better, you can also use different themes (either a custom one or a template one)
Editing an UI with XML also offers more possibilities than the graphical UI designer. You should get more information about designing UIs with XML on the internet.

Getting Started w/ Flow and Mortar [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been searching all around the web for a simplified guide on using Mortar and Flow in Android but just found some snippets of code explained.
Its really hard to understand how this library works.
Try recently updated samples - now it's possible to realize idea behind it with working samples.
Also code in libraries itself contains documentation, which helps with grokking with it. Also consider reading these blog articles:
Advocating against fragments
An investigation into Flow and Mortar
and presentations from these guys:
Presentation by Pierre-Yves Ricau from Square
and slides
Presentation and slides by Thorben Primke at Droidcon Berlin 2015
Slides of presentation by Matt Compton
along with blog article provided above. Though the libraries are evolving rapidly and some information in these libraries outdated they're helpful.
You can also check out my example project with Mortar / Flow / Dagger2, which is up to date with latest versions:

