notify iOS & Android on data change on server - android

I'm creating mobile application for iOS and Android. The problem is when any data has changed on server, I cannot notify mobile devices.
I have found 3 solutions, each have minus and pluses.
Use push notifications. Since iOS always shows a notification to user this is not a solution at all. Also I cannot know if the notification will go to device or when it will.
For every X seconds ask server if any change exists. I don't want to do that, because creating too many HTTP connections and closing them is not a good idea I think. Also if the data is changed right after the device asks, the info change on device will occur late.
Use web socket. My application's one time usage expectation is ~2 minutes. So web socket looks like a good choice, because app will be terminated or go to background state quickly and battery consume won't be much. Also all the server side data changes will come to the device just in time. But I don't know much about web socket. Is my opinion acceptable? Also how many concurrent connections can be done by my server. Is it a question too.
Here are my all solutions.

The document would suggest assumption 1. above is incorrect.
If you read the The Notification Payload section, you'll come across this;
The aps dictionary can also contain the content-available property. The content-available property with a value of 1 lets the remote notification act as a “silent” notification. When a silent notification arrives, iOS wakes up your app in the background so that you can get new data from your server or do background information processing. Users aren’t told about the new or changed information that results from a silent notification, but they can find out about it the next time they open your app.

I think for the most part this depends on what your app is doing.
I would say you should use a combination of #1 and #2.
2 - At the very base level if you need information from the server you are going to have to make a request. If this information needs to be up to date then you can proceed to make a request for the information when the ViewController is loaded. If you need this information to update as the ViewController is loaded then you will need to make subsequent requests every X seconds... In addition to this if your user is interacting with this data and sending an update to the server you can check at this point if the data is up to date and alert the user as well as return the current data.
1 - Push Notifications operate off of the 'send and forget' protocol. The notification is sent and is not verified if it is received or not. This is used as a supplement to #2 and is 'nice' but should not be depended upon.

Push notification is the intended way (from both Google through Google Cloud Messaging, and Apple through Apple Push Notification Service).
Both option 2 and 3 are frowned upon as they affect battery life, and they are unnecessary as most cases scenarios can be covered by push notifications.


Is it recommended to use silent notification(FCM) to push data into mobile apps when the app is in Foreground?

Also is there an effective way to track, by the backend server, if the app being used by a user is in the foreground?
What are the best practices and recommended ways in mobile app development to get the latest data as soon as possible from the backend server to mobile apps being operated in the foreground?
Generally, for staying up to date, there are lots of solutions based on your case.
I'm going to divide them into two approaches:
1- You pull the new data when some specific conditions meet (eg; Intervally or based on user actions).
2- Data should be pushed to your app.
The first approach is quite obvious if you need to be up to date at some intervals, you can call networks APIs at intervals and fetch the latest changes.
In the second approach,
In iOS operating system, while app is in foreground state, There are Silent Push Notifications and WebSockets.
Silent push notifications is kind of push notification which can carry payloads and deliver to your app silently either your app is in background state or foreground.
There is some limitations to this kind of notification, based on some conditions OS will decide to deliver push notifications to your app or not. and also there is payload size limitation (up to 4Kb)
You can read more about this and its limitations in Apple Documentations
The second approach is pretty straightforward, It needs to use third-party libraries (like StarScream) to open a socket connection and get the latest updates real-time. There is no limitations in this approach for times that server pushes data to your app or the size of payload you are receiving. so you can be notified from last changes by your backend server every moment while app is in foreground and connection is alive.
Choosing between these two approaches is completely depends on your case.
If you should receive the update a lot of time in an hour and transferring lots of data so I recommend you the WebSocket approach, otherwise push notification will be sufficient and easier to implement.

Bidirectional direct communication from server to app without Push Notification

I have an mobile application (iOS and Android) and I need send some notification from my server to these, then the mobile app need to make some tasks and when they finish, send a message from mobile to server to confirm. I have thought using Push Notification, but the problem is if the user disable this feature, the app will never receive this notification. Anyone know some direct communication server-app but keeping security?
You may try the long polling technique. But it will drain your battery very fast, so be careful. The main idea is that you set connectionTimeout to a very very long time (30 mins for example) and when not closing that connection until the server says there is something. After receiving an answer or timeout, just reopen it.
Another approach is to make some method like getJobStatus on the server, assign a unique id for your job and ask the server if it's complete every N minutes for example.
When trying to synchronise the client with the server, we usually need to combine both push and pull.
Something you can think of:
The server provides an API that allows the client to get the latest updates.
On the client side, when the app is active, use a timer to try fetching updates every N minutes.
When the app is in the background, use a background fetch to try fetching updates. In this case, the user doesn't care about if the task is done instantly, because his is not using it.
Call the getUpdates when the app becomes active from the background, to make sure handle the updates when the user starts to use it.

android notify User on when his data changes in the server

We are working on app which is for fixing their appointment with a doctor. We will have to notify the user on that date by saying if the doctor is available or not.
How can we notify the user when the data changes in the server?
The usual workflow for sending push messages from your server to the application, is the Google Cloud Messaging, or the so-called Push Notification in Android.
Simply put, you send your message to the Google and the Google will notify your application. The actual heavily lifting is done by the Google Play Services Library and its corresponding application, which is installed on every android device. For more information on how to implement it, you may refer to the following links.
Official Documentation on Cloud Messaging
Android Push Notification Tutorial
I used "Pusher" for a doc app a couple years ago. It was easy to do and light weight.
Simplest way I would believe is through a polling technique. However, it would not work for real time updates as there is an update interval. Depending on your application's requirements, this might work!
In order to do that.
You would have to publish a web service which would provide a Unix
timestamp. e.g. https://Your-base-url/status.aspx
Each time there is any change on the server, you change the value to a new one on the server.
Your Android device will poll that web service(status) each say 60 seconds
to see if there is an update.
The device would save the timestamp in his device and would check
whether the two timestamps match.
If not, then he will call the relevant web services to get updated
However, you should note that the Android device will only get to know whenever it polls. So, the device might not know the update until his next polling cycle.
The most accurate way is to maintain a persistent Socket connection with your server at all times. Whenever an update occurs, you can immediately send the updates to the device via the open socket. However, this is more complicated as you will have to deal with the socket connections.
GCM uses socket connections internally. Therefore, a solution including GCM is an easier approach.

Android: sending request from service

I have an application with list of data that I get from server with http request. Now I want to make a notification when new data is available and I assume that it can be achieved with service.
Is that a good practice? Is there any limitations for number of requests made from service?
What I want to achieve is something like gmail application. When I get a new email, notification is shown.
I want my app to be as up to date with data as possible, but I understand that making requests every 5 seconds might be too much.
I am open to all alternatives and various ideas how to do that.
Not sure if you really need to pull data every 5 seconds. Of course, it is too much. You have two options:
Use GCM as #duynt suggested in comment. Follow Try cloud messaging for Android if you've never used it. This way you don't need to worry managing your service locally but whenever there is a latest data available, you will get notification so you can place request to get that and update in notification.
GCM needs An application server that you must implement in your environment. This application server sends data to a client app via the chosen GCM connection server, using the appropriate XMPP or HTTP protocol. Take a quick look About GCM connection server.
For any reason if you would like to pull data from your local Android Service component, you can still do that. But 5 seconds frequency is really high. As majority of the times the device is in sleep mode, you have to wake up the device then send request to pull data. Waking up device every 5 seconds means a battery drain along with consuming data.
If you still want to proceed with local service option by increasing the frequency, make sure you follow How to use http in sleep mode and implement it that way otherwise it wont work in deep sleep mode.
You have to make a decision now.

Scaling GCM Push. How often can you perform GCM Push?

Everybody tells me that polling server for new data is stupid if the server is yours and you should implement push with GCM instead. Well, I agree and have done so but, I was wondering, how often can or should you perform push?
I have a simple app where people post stuff to the server and have a feed of everyone else's posts. The method on the server that does the saving to the database also triggers the GCM Push at the end, so Google sends out the push notifications to everybody and everybody then requeries the server for new posts, containing the post weve just made.
But, what if I have, lets say milion users and a new post is created lets say every minute. This will mean that app will connect to server every minutes and will kill the battery. So my question is, how often you perform Push? Wouldnt in this case polling every 10 minutes be actually better for battery, right?
I know this example is kind of crazy, having milion people in your feed, but its just to make a point, because I cant imagine how this would scale. I figure Google will handle sending million gcm messages at once no problem.
So the question is, is there a limit after which Push is contraproductive? I guess its kind of a first world problem :D but cant imagine Facebook handles stuff like this.
Push notifications are welcome when the server has important new data to show to the user (and by important I mean important to the user).
I believe that if any app sent me a notification every minute I would either disable notifications from that app or uninstall that app. You should be very carefull when deciding what updates to send to your users as push notifications, in order not to antagonize them. If your server can send push notifications very often to the same device, you must have settings options in your app that can reduce the frequency of those notifications.
Push notifications are usually relevant when the app is not running (or is running in the background). When it is running in the foreground, polling the server is probably a better solution (given the disclaimer that you can't rely on the push notifications being delivered every time).
In your example, I'm not sure I'd want to be notified automatically about each new post in the DB. Even while I'm using the app (i.e. it's in the foreground) I wouldn't want it to update with new posts automatically. Even facebook don't update the view automatically (they show you on top of the screen that you have new posts, and you have to pull the list view down in order to load them. And when the app is not running, I'd want to be alerted only about important posts (for example, posts from specific users). When an app sends me too many push notifications, I go to its settings to reduce them.
I can't give you a numeric figure of a reasonable frequency of push notifications, but I hope my answer helps. In short, you don't have to worry about GCM's technical limits. You should worry about the user experience.

