I want to upload a photo to picasa web album through from android using data api. i see this link https://developers.google.com/picasa-web/docs/2.0/developers_guide_java but this does not help me at all. can any one give an example code to upload a photo to picasa web album or other tutorial. Thanks
This is the official code sample for uploading a Image,
URL albumPostUrl = new URL("https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/username/albumid/albumid");
PhotoEntry myPhoto = new PhotoEntry();
myPhoto.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("Puppies FTW"));
myPhoto.setDescription(new PlainTextConstruct("Puppies are the greatest."));
MediaFileSource myMedia = new MediaFileSource(new File("/home/liz/puppies.jpg"), "image/jpeg");
PhotoEntry returnedPhoto = myService.insert(albumPostUrl, myPhoto);
A complete example code is available here,
Connect to Picasa album from Android using OAuth2
I'm trying to parse an img src that is featured on a website and include it into my app. I'm using the flutter package Web Scraper, this is the code I've tried so far:
final webScraper = WebScraper('https://tiktok.com');
if(await webScraper.loadWebPage('/#$enteredUsername')){
tiktokProfilePictureURL = webScraper.getElement('img', ['src']);
The image I'm trying to get the URL from is the profile picture of the account, as shown in the screenshot below.
When I look into the code of the website it provides the link to the website image but when I try to parse this in web scraper it can't seem to find it.
This is the WebScraper output:
As you can see it finds various .svg images but not the .jpeg profile picture I'm trying to find.
Or maybe there is another way to parse this image src url? Any suggestions? Thanks.
What I have
I have an image File object trying to post to Tumblr using Jumblr API
My problem
When I try to post the image I get com.tumblr.jumblr.exceptions.JumblrException: Bad Request Response code :400
My code
client = new JumblrClient(CONSUMER_KEY,SECRET_KEY);
client.setToken(TOKEN, TOKEN_SECRET);
User user=client.user();
PhotoPost photoPost=client.newPost(client.user().getBlogs().get(0).getName(),PhotoPost.class);
photoPost.setCaption("My Tumblr post");
photoPost.setPhoto(new Photo(Methods.FILE_IMAGE));
I've encountered the same issue using Jumblr.
Instead of this method (does it somehow trigger Android gallery? Couldn't find any javadoc for Methods.FILE_IMAGE)
photoPost.setPhoto(new Photo(Methods.FILE_IMAGE));
I suggest you to try any flavor of
photoPost.setData(new File(fileName)); //if it's possible on Android
And please try it with different files: Tumblr has not only file-size limitations, but also some weird check for file being valid. ~3% of gif files I upload throw Bad Request Response code :400. Those files are not exceeding GIF size limit and they're displayed fine on my machine, but Tumblr, for some reason rejects them, so please try post.setData and try it with some bulletproof-valid file, because from the rest of your code - it definitely looks like you're doing it right
I had a similar problem posting a video & audio. However, posting an Image worked like a charm..
JumblrClient client = new JumblrClient(
PhotoPost post = client.newPost(strBlogName, PhotoPost.class);
post.setCaption("This is my caption");
post.setData(new File(fileUri.getPath()));
post.save(); //Initiates upload of image file
In new android version, they have added gplus photo section in gallery.
In my application, i have incorporated the logic of selecting image from it and display to the user using below link of stackoverflow:
Download image from new Google+ (plus) Photos Application
However, i also need image extension as we are sending image raw data with extension of selected picture to the API. gplus returns the image path like this
content://com.google.android.apps.photos.content/0/https%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%<a bunch of letters and numbers here>
So, how can i get extension of that image also from gplus?? Any idea??
Use ContentResolver.getType(uri):
Uri uri = // your content://com.google.android.apps.photos.content URI
String mimeType = getContentResolver().getType(uri);
// mimeType will be image/png, image/jpeg, etc.
I'm, trying to post an image to the Facebook (with OpenGraph) using new SDK v3.5 Share Dialog described here
As a result I'm getting com.facebook.FacebookException: Error retrieving image attachment.
The image is added to the dialog like described in the documentation:
List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder(ShareAwardActivity.this, action, "my_app:my_action", "my_object")
.setImageAttachmentsForObject("my_object", bitmaps, true)
It looks like SDK stores image in the cache folder to be read by Facebook app, but Facebook app can't read or upload it somehow.
I tried setImageAttachmentsForAction - didn't help.
Also tried to add the image url to my_object - it doesn't respect the user_generated flag
Does anyone succeeded in doing this?
hello am trying to get images from an album from picasa in an android app. I tried creating an album and the album was created successfully however there is something wrong when i try to get the images in the album. Please find below my code:
PicasawebService myService = new PicasawebService("myApp");
myService.setUserCredentials("username", "password");
URL url = new URL ("https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/myusername/albumid/myalbumid");
AlbumFeed feed= myService.getFeed(url, AlbumFeed.class);
List<MediaContent> l;
for(PhotoEntry photo : feed.getPhotoEntries()){
l= photo.getMediaContents();
return l.get(0).getUrl().toString();
the for loop is not being entered but when i check the size of the feed and it shows me the correct number of images in the album. I got the code from google developers guide:(https://developers.google.com/picasa-web/docs/2.0/developers_guide_java#listalbums)
NB: i tried the same exact code in a desktop app and worked perfectly.
Thank you
EDIT: The problem is that the ALbumFeed is returning entries of class GPhotoEntry and not PhotoEntry. I searched online and the solution was to include the gdata-photos-meta.jar in my library which was already included...Any idea?
google's GData doesnt work with android. You should use google Client api and they say that there is a running sample for picasa on android.