I'm trying to parse an img src that is featured on a website and include it into my app. I'm using the flutter package Web Scraper, this is the code I've tried so far:
final webScraper = WebScraper('https://tiktok.com');
if(await webScraper.loadWebPage('/#$enteredUsername')){
tiktokProfilePictureURL = webScraper.getElement('img', ['src']);
The image I'm trying to get the URL from is the profile picture of the account, as shown in the screenshot below.
When I look into the code of the website it provides the link to the website image but when I try to parse this in web scraper it can't seem to find it.
This is the WebScraper output:
As you can see it finds various .svg images but not the .jpeg profile picture I'm trying to find.
Or maybe there is another way to parse this image src url? Any suggestions? Thanks.
Case: User should be able to view and print pdf
My solution: I am opening PDF inside Webview with the help of docs.google.com/gview. Below is my code
Set up Webview
string url = "http://www.africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf";
string gview = $"https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url={url}";
Print PDF
var printMgr = (PrintManager)GetSystemService(PrintService);
printMgr.Print("print", mWebView.CreatePrintDocumentAdapter("print"), null);
Below is the screenshot. As you can see PDF loads just fine
When I want to print PDF, all the PDF pages are printed in one paper which you can see below
I would appreciate any suggestion, including different library for displaying/printing pdf or suggestion in Java or Kotlin, I can convert them to C#.
I would not print the web page but print the PDF directly as when printing the web page it just sees it as a longer web page and knows nothing about the content.
Use a custom print adapter instead, but instead of drawing a PDF to print you can just use the existing PDF you already have.
See for details https://developer.android.com/training/printing/custom-docs.html
I'm working with a tutorial fromRay Wenderlich (https://www.raywenderlich.com/124438/android-listview-tutorial). In the tutorial, an image is retrieved via the Internet using a URL specified in the locally stored JSON file:
"image" : "https://www.edamam.com/web-img/341/3417c234dadb687c0d3a45345e86bff4.jpg"
The string is stored in the imageUrl variable:
recipe.imageUrl = recipes.getJSONObject(i).getString("image");
Then the image is loaded using Picasso:
I would like to change the code in the tutorial so that the image is retrieved from the drawable folder within the app, rather than via the Internet. I've been working on this on and off for several days. I assumed it was a matter of changing the URL in the JSON data so that it specified a path to the image file in the drawable folder like this:
"image" : "android.resource://com.raywenderlich.alltherecipes/drawable/chicken.jpg"
So far I've been unsuccessful. Am I on the right path, or am I way off? I'm an Android newbie. I'm used to working with plists in Xcode (although I'm no expert there, either).
I have a Cordova android project and using SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin to share images
I'm storing images in dataDirectory. But when sharing image, it won't shares!
window.plugins.socialsharing.share('', 'subject', window.cordova.file.dataDirectory + 'folder/image.jpg');
Share popup appears and I can select an app, subject will share but image won't!
If I share an image from www folder, it works fine.
I used share with image data method:
window.plugins.socialsharing.share(null, 'Android filename', '', null);
Note: passing a base64 file as 'data:' is not supported on Android 2.x
You can see here how to Get base64 image data
I'm adding files/ in the final path and it works for me:
window.cordova.file.dataDirectory + 'files/folder/image.jpg'
I am realizing an android project I am blocked that one I wanted to show a pdf in webview .the pdf file is accessible via an URL in localhost.
when I use this code, webView.loadUrl("https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url="+pdfurl);
it shows :
"Sorry, we were unable to find the document at the original source. Verify that the document still exists.You can also try to download the original document by clicking here."
Help me to solve this.Thanks in advance.
Your file is located in your local server.It cant accessed from outside your network.Upload your pdf file to any website like this or this.And get the public url from there.Then try to access that url from your application.
You can use the google's document viewer service for viewing the pdf,ppt contents in the webview if your document resource is on online.
create following HTML string like :
String googleDocUrl ="<iframe src='http://docs.google.com/gview?url="
+ "&embedded=true' width='100%' height='100%'style='border: none;'></iframe>";
call webviews loadData() method :
mWebView.loadData(googleDocUrl ,"text/html","UTF-8");
Hope this might help you :)
hello am trying to get images from an album from picasa in an android app. I tried creating an album and the album was created successfully however there is something wrong when i try to get the images in the album. Please find below my code:
PicasawebService myService = new PicasawebService("myApp");
myService.setUserCredentials("username", "password");
URL url = new URL ("https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/myusername/albumid/myalbumid");
AlbumFeed feed= myService.getFeed(url, AlbumFeed.class);
List<MediaContent> l;
for(PhotoEntry photo : feed.getPhotoEntries()){
l= photo.getMediaContents();
return l.get(0).getUrl().toString();
the for loop is not being entered but when i check the size of the feed and it shows me the correct number of images in the album. I got the code from google developers guide:(https://developers.google.com/picasa-web/docs/2.0/developers_guide_java#listalbums)
NB: i tried the same exact code in a desktop app and worked perfectly.
Thank you
EDIT: The problem is that the ALbumFeed is returning entries of class GPhotoEntry and not PhotoEntry. I searched online and the solution was to include the gdata-photos-meta.jar in my library which was already included...Any idea?
google's GData doesnt work with android. You should use google Client api and they say that there is a running sample for picasa on android.