Fetch throws "Network request failed" in React-Native 0.14 - android

Fetch is throwing a Network request failed error when I try to make a request to a local server in the Android emulator. I'm pretty sure the request isn't getting out of the app.
I've checked and double checked the request headers and target URL, all correct (Hitting the right URL and specifying Content-Type and Accept). I tried disabling CORS on my local server, no effect.
I'm using digits in my app and digits is able to make contact with its server outside the app and return authorization, so I'm think something is going on with React-Native.
I've tried manipulating the app permissions, but no dice, it only needs the android.permissions.INTERNET heading in the manifest.
Any ideas on how to move forward, either a quick fix or something I've overlooked?

Figured it out, the problem was that the android emulator runs in a VM. I was trying to hit localhost, which was pointing at the VM, so I needed to specify my ip or instead.


Is there a way to make axios more verbose?

We're using axios to make requests from our react-native app.
Today we bumped onto an issue where an old Samsung device couldn't reach our servers, and it was because our servers no longer support old TLS. The customer tried reaching our servers through the an old Samsung browser the device had, and couldn't. After they installed Chrome they were able to reach our servers without issues.
If axios returned a more specific error, we'd have probably figured out what went wrong, but instead axios returned a generic 'Network Error'.
All I'm now asking is this, is there a way to make axios more verbose when it comes to errors, or more specific?
p.s I'm still not sure how to resolve the tsl issue itself either.
As far as I know axios on background uses two types of request structure. HTTP and XHR. Since react-native does not run on node engine it is probably using XHR and the error you are seeing is related to this line.
// Handle low level network errors
request.onerror = function handleError() {
// Real errors are hidden from us by the browser
// onerror should only fire if it's a network error
reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request));
// Clean up request
request = null;
Although this is not exactly an answer to your question, might give you a start point.

Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error on android

I have an ionic app that when I run that on iOS then it works perfectly fine but when I run that on Android I get this error
Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error
Any reason I am getting this one? I have allowed CORS on server side as it is working on iOS devices.
Any help?
This is what I have in my app.js file
const cors = require('cors');
And then I simply use it with default options.
If you are using localhost, change it to the IP address of the localhost. Android doesn't seems to support it where iOS do.
Try actual host name in case it didn't work too.
First you dont need CORS to call API from your android device.
Second probably your server is not accepting your request. If you are using Cloud then your server must accept request from any IP. There must be a option for allow IP address, place there from to so that each and every user can call your API.
Third you need to allow origin from your config.xml and also in header for CROS request. Check your API header and config file.
And fourth If your service is running under http then it will also could be the problem. Secure your service by adding SSL certificate. This could fix your problem.
We had experienced the same Error several times in our App. In our case it was a problem with the headers of the request and also a CORS problem on the serverside.
Are you able to reproduce this error in the browser if you emulate a android device? Then you could compare them with the headers of the iOS request.
Or you can try to log the incoming requests on the server-side to see if the requests reach the server and what headers are set.
Hope my ideas help :)
The solution is to add NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 to your environment to disable the SSL verification in Node.js.
Note : You should only set this in development, Don't do this in production
In that case it indicates that CORS has not been properly setup on your server. Go through the issue here

Cordova - Android HTTPS requests fail on 4G

I've created Cordova Android app, and I'm facing this issue:
When on 3G/4G, whenever I try to make request towards my server I get the error:
When I am on WIFI everything works fine. This is not happening on all Android devices, I am facing this issue on Samsung Galaxy A5 (nd some other Androids).
I've discovered that if we use HTTP instead of HTTPS everything is fine.
Also according to https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html
everything seems to be fine with our SSL cert.
How can we solve this issue?
This usually happens because your provider is configuring a proxy in your device.
Try checking your current APN setting and deleting the fields proxy and port from it.
This also can be caused if you are using a port different from 443
I wonder if you have found your answer or not, but still want to post answer for others looking for the solution: Note that Cordova doesn't allow https calls to Servers with untrusted ssl certificate installed on them. You can ignore this error and continue by making a small change in a cordova file.
Open “\cordova\platforms\android\CordovaLib\src\org\apache\cordova\
CordovaWebViewClient.java”. In 'onReceivedSslError' method, comment
the else part and add handler.proceed() instead.
This issues happens with mobile data connection because the default Access Point that came with carrier generally have proxy that will not allowing SSL Tunneling. All you have to do is to set Proxy and Port to nothing.
Also ensure to use only port 443 for HTTPS.

Fehler (error) 6 - the requested item could not be loaded

Currently I'm developing android application that needs to connect itself to REST API. It is crucial for my app to access API whenever connection is possible (mobile data/wifi).
But when testing my app something extremely weird happened. Application works as expected almost all the time, but when on VipMobile operator (Austria telekom group) I cannot connect to API.
At first I didn't get it, error was too unreadable. It says
j u fehler6 the requested item could not be loaded & wrong mime type
There are a lot of unprintable chars in that message too. When i figured out that it is operator fault i tried to copy link to my API and got this.
What could that possibly be? Can anyone point me in any direction, I cannot publish application as long as there are those ridickulous errors.
This happens when the user is on 3g connection. Some mobile operators intercept clients request and if the Content-Type is not good, or not defined they display page like this. This happens also to vipmobile operator in Serbia.
Try to add right content-type to response headers on your server side.
Try to put for example Content-Type:text/plain;charset=utf-8 to headers

Internet Connection Problems over Cellular

We have discovered a strange bug in on of our Android apps in that the app cannot connect to the internet over cellular on certain Android Models/Mobile Networks (connecting via WiFi works perfectly). The URL which the app is trying is to reach is however accessible using the device's normal browser, which rules out the URL being blocked upstream. Any ideas what could be causing this would be appreciated please.
which rules out the URL being blocked upstream
Not necessarily. As one of the commenters pointed out, you do not indicate how you are using this URL in your app. If this is an HTTP request, and it works in a browser but not your app, try changing the User-Agent HTTP header of your request to match the one from the browser.
You have provided no error log, but from experience I have run into a few inconsistencies when connecting to a server.
Using HttpsUrlConnection a SNI header is set on HoneyComb and above but not on previous versions, which can alter how the server responds. To add to this there are some general SSL handling inconsistencies between API levels, such as handling of wildcard domains in a certificate is buggy in some api levels.
Second some phones/api levels add a header to HttpUrlConnection requests that specifies time the request was sent like so:
Some servers seem to use these headers to detect mobile traffic and alter the response.
I had problems when using a dual-simcard. Do you have more devices connected? Try to shut them down.

