When i load bitmap it shows cannot resolve load(android.Graphic.Bitmap), is there any alternative to show bitmaps in imageview.
.load(model.getBitmap()) // return Bitmap object
.resize(100, 100)
Picasso image loader is good but there are also many image loader which are better than picasso like.
Universal ImageLoader
Facebook fresco
For some reason glide is not caching the images. After loading images, I restart the app but Glide will download the image again.
The server does return a unique url each time but I am providing a signature that does not change. Glide version 4.9
.signature(ObjectKey(url.substringBefore(delimiter = "?")))
I am developing A App which requires loading multiple images from their urls. I save all the images in firebase storage. I am currently using a compressor to reduce the size.
newImageFile=new File(uri1.getPath());
try {
compressedImageFile = new Compressor(ProductAdd.this)
} catch (IOException e) {
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
compressedImageFile.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
thumbData1 = baos.toByteArray();
and I using Glide to load the image from the url
I wanted to know if there is any way I could improve to load images much faster. Maybe store them in a specific format.
You can load a thumbnail of the original image into the ImageView before the original image loads.
This will load the 5% quality of the original image into the view and when the complete image loads it will be replaced.
And if you're having a separate URL for thumbnail then
Now when image loads it will be immediately loaded into the view, here you can use the transition for a smooth effect.
You can checkout my project in which I'm also first compressing the Image and storing a thumnail image to Firebase Storage and then loading it.
You can also try different DiskCacheStrategies but I would suggest to go with the default one, it works just fine!
Here are various DiskCacheStrategies:
You can use the disc strategy which will be used to store the image on the disc. So it may take time for loading at first but later it does not take time at all.
For Glide 4.x
For Glide 3.x
Please note: This will not refresh the image if you just update the image without updating URL. SO if you want to see the updated image you must update URL and Glide will automatically download an image for you.
if you are using firebase storage for host your images : Using FirebaseUI you can quickly and easily download, cache, and display images from Storage with Glide. source
I am using Glide library for displaying image from url in recyclerView ,
Glide.with( context )
but since I want to print the bitmap from my app , I also want to get the bitmap of the image cached by Glide, so How to get the bitmap if we specify the url of the image that is already Cached?
I'm trying to load an image from the following url:
In Chrome/IE the image will be displayed without problems. When I try to load the image on Android I am not able to store the image as an PNG file. Everytime the image will be saved as a textfile which contains the image as base64 String.
Also I tried the following code but the decodedByte is null:
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(encodedImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);
Does anyone have an idea how I can show my image from the url as an bitmap or which I prefer to store the image on the device as an png?
Use Universal Image Loder to upload image from Url
Download universal image loder and add to your lib folder and
Implement the below code where you want to load image
ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder().cacheInMemory(true)
imageLoader.displayImage(url, imageview, options);
For handling images, Use Picasso , Glide , Universal image loader, Volley or Fresco
Eg, in picasso, you will be able to load images, store them in memory cache and handle cancellations in listviews/recyclerviews etc...
Picasso: https://github.com/square/picasso
Glide: https://github.com/bumptech/glide
Fresco: https://github.com/facebook/fresco ( I use this after extensively testing all 3 except volley )
UIL: https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader
Similar things can be done using all the above libraries.
I highly recommend not trying to handle images on your own. It can turn into quite a mess if you are a novice android dev.
The image you download is much to big ((860.000 bytes)) to make a Bitmap out of it. So BitmapFactory will return null.
Scale image down before use.
I want to keep all the transformation, stoke and animations identical and was thinking if we can pass resource ID or asset name in Glide to load it locally?
For resource ids, you can use:
For assets, you can construct an asset uri:
Apart from the above answer if the image URL return null you can load default image into the view as like above.
It works when using .asBitmap()
String pathUri="file:///android_asset/img/flower.jpg";