NMEA sentences are not complete - android

I am working on android application and i need to get the user's longitude and latitude just by GPS not the network provider. I am using NMEA for this purpose.I am receiving few parameters correct as they should be but the others are not. I am receiving in response following sentences.
I can get accuracy and satellites in use from GPGGA from the GPGGA sentence but GPRMC and GPGGA have nothing. How can I get longitude and latitude? any help would be appreciated, thanks in anticipation.

Stand up and move outside of your office. You don't have receivement inside a building. Your NMEA messages show that the GPS chip is running, that GPRMC are enabled but it is not possible to get a valid coodinate. "V" in RMC stands for invalid.


Android GPS nmea settings

I need to get real GPS time from GPS module on Android device. My app realizes nmeaListener and i receive some raw NMEA packets with onNmeaReceived() callback. Threre is one string in NMEA protocol, that contains data and time - $GPZDA. But my callback doesn't give it ti me. There are all other string except this one.
Is there some way to ask GPS module bring it to mee with Android SDK tools? Or any other ways?
You overlooked the date. $GPRMC,075239.00,A,5538.533544,N,03728.327837,E,0.0,0.0,171215,8.8,W,A*23
171215 is 17-12-2015.
Today ;-)

How to ge the nearby locations from my GPS coordinates?

i got the location from the android GPS and it seems like it is giving me this format
which i think is called the decimal format?
now i have Latitude and Longitude. i want to find all the nearby locations that are 200 Meters away.
how can i Calculate this so i can query the SQL Server database for any location that is close to me by 200 Meters?
You might want to give a look at this presentation, as shown on this previous SO post.

How to get latitude and longitude values from Cell Id in android?

I am developing a android application in that i want find the user location using GPS. That is working fine .But if the GPS is Disabled means i want to find the user location based on the CellID and Loc .It is possible or not
It is possible means please tell me how to do that with sample code
Waiting for reply
Just request the "best" location provider, and you'll either get the GPS if it's available or the network (wifi / cell) if it's not.
You don't need to explicitly code to either GPS / network providers.
Here is complete tutorial of Location-Based Services Using CellID in Android.

android Gps Application

i did the GPS application which gets the current location.It is working in android emulator by using DDMS perspective(by passing mock location).But it is not working in android phone and phone is Samsung gt-i5801.please help me.
And one more thing i want to ask you guys.
(Why i need Gps) bcoz
in my appln i want to display the nearest cinema theatres by using latitude and longitude.
Is there any other way to do that.
Please tell me.
I think there is no problem in your code if it runs in emulator. But you have not start the gps on your phone, so it's giving a null pointer exception.
So now when you use gps, first check whether gps is on or not. Then fetch lat. and long.
You can check your gps is on or off by this:
LocationManager mlocManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
boolean val= mlocManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)
First of all, tell us what errors are you getting when you run it on the device. Logcat messages!?
Secondly, there must be any webservice which gives you the nearby cinema theatres, so you might be required to give it your current location in latitude and longitude.
For getting your current location, GPS is necessary.
On the other note, you can also use NETWORK_PROVIDER to get your current location.

How to retrieve the GPS location via SMS

I made an Application that gives me the location of my Android phone.
Now I want to make a method that helps me to retrieve the GPS location of my phone (latitude longitude or the address if possible) with an SMS.
Exemple: phone number 558899.
I send an Sms with "get location" to 558899 an get a message back with the coordinates.
this may help:
"Capture" incoming SMS:
Send SMS:
Edit: Dead link. I don't remember what exactly was in it, just like Google's cache and Internet Wayback Machine. Following link should have some info on topic:
Use the Geocoder class. Pass it's getFromLocation() method the longitude and latitude and the maximal number of results you want to get returned. You'll get a List of Address objects.

