Android GPS nmea settings - android

I need to get real GPS time from GPS module on Android device. My app realizes nmeaListener and i receive some raw NMEA packets with onNmeaReceived() callback. Threre is one string in NMEA protocol, that contains data and time - $GPZDA. But my callback doesn't give it ti me. There are all other string except this one.
Is there some way to ask GPS module bring it to mee with Android SDK tools? Or any other ways?

You overlooked the date. $GPRMC,075239.00,A,5538.533544,N,03728.327837,E,0.0,0.0,171215,8.8,W,A*23
171215 is 17-12-2015.
Today ;-)


How to send latitude and longitude to webservice in android without internet?

I have an idea of making an app in that truck drivers are there with GPS,SO they will get latitude longitude without internet,there will be an admin panel which can track the truck driver's location and location history,So My question is that the truck drivers will only having a GPS enabled Android device (WITHOUT INTERNET),SO how can the admin will track their location? Please suggest me for it .
I suppose you could try SMS messages, though, it might become rather expensive if the re-fresh rate for the location is high.
In simplest solution you would have a mobile device (you need to find one which incoming SMS you can fetch to the PC, might require some internet searching time) with normal number for receiving the SMS messages, or you could see whether you could get Operator service numbers (see whether using free-to-send number would be cheaper) and then get the data from the operator.

How can I create a GPRMC statement with Phonegap GPS?

I am developing an Android app with Phonegap. I'm using Phonegap geolocation and get lat and long from it. How I can get a GPRMC statement?
There is no built-in function for doing so. You can use the NMEA Sentence Definition and other NMEA references to encode the positional information you receive from PhoneGap and produce a GPRMC-encoded string.
As you likely discovered, there will be items you cannot reliably change to a GPRMC sentence with high accuracy due to device limitations (you never know if they feature a compass heading, for instance).

Is there a way to download the GPS almanac?

I'm attempting to get my phone to update the assisted GPS info.
I've followed the instructions outlined in question
Android: How to reset and download A-GPS data?
This seems to tell GPS to remove the "almanac" SO I'll assume the next time my handheld attempts to connect it will also attempt to get the almanac.
This is not really what I'm looking for, because (at least according to wikipedia) GPS take about 12.5 minutes to get the new almanac. It does indeed feel that long, though I've not timed it. Even 5 minutes seems like a long wait when I'm ready to start a run.
When i was skulking about, I came across "GPS Status & Toolbox." This app downloads the data via wifi or 3g. It's lightning fast and perfectly suited to my needs.
Beyond setting clearing the data, I'm wondering if anyone knows how they accomplish the insertion of the data?
You are confusing two different methods to obtain the almanac necessary for GPS to compute user locations:
Receive and decode the almanac directly from the GPS satellite signal, which is broadcast in its navigation message. This is the part that takes 12.5 minutes (i.e. to download the entire almanac from scratch. In practice, this is only needed after a "cold start" of the GPS receiver). In general, a GPS receiver does not require the almanac to obtain a position solution. Instead it performs a so-called sky search to determine which satellite signals are present.
Receive the almanac from an alternative network (e.g. cellular network) that is dedicated to providing such information. This method is also known as Assisted-GPS (A-GPS). This is the method that smartphone-based receivers will typically use, as it is much faster.
The answer you cited concerns the second method, i.e. telling the system to retrieve an updated almanac from a server.
For those who came to this page due to the headline "Is there a way to download the GPS almanac?" and who want to actually see how the almanac data actually looks, you can always download the current almanac data from the US Navigation Center.
First you must distinguish between
preditced ephermides model
The almanach contains the rough satellite curves, valid for "long" time.
Once received the chip does not need to wait for it each time.
The epheremides contains the detailed satellite orbit modell. They are valid a short time.
The predicted ephermides is a ephermides modell that can predict up to two weeks.
It has to be downloaded form a server, this data is not available through GPS communication. And might be proprietary to specific GPS chip manufacturer.
You can set both the almanach and the epheremides to the chip, via (custom) NMEA or usually the GPS chips properietary binary messages.
How this can be done via a hack on android i cannot tell you.
I expect that android OS does this automatcially without need to have a GPS Status Toolbox

How to force android's locationlistener to fetch provider location?

I have written a small app that receives the location from mobile 3g/wifi by using locationManager & NETWORK_PROVIDER parameter.
according to google's api it will get the location i wish (the other option is using the GPS_PROVIDER)
what i really desired was the WIFI location. I wanted to see its behavior and how the phone gets its location (i.e with wireshark)
in order to do that, i changed into flight mode & activated wifi.
then, i launched the app and clicked the button which starts the NETWORK_PROVIDER location service by calling the requestLocationUpdates function with time parameter = 10.
what that actually happened is that i managed to get the location but saw no traffic at all in wireshark.
could it be that Google gives me the approx. location in advance, when connecting to the wifi? (its the only explenation)
If so, is it possible to clear that cache, or whatever data it have stored, and force the phone to get a new (but the same) location?
Thanks in advance,
Have you tried re-booting the phone, just so to remove any cache files which might be storing the location?
Since NETWORK_PROVIDER use cell location, wifi ssid and their signal strength to get your GPS coordinates.
Since you are in flight mode and cannot get cell location, just try to switch the connected wifi , maybe google service will be invoked to get new location.

Bluetooth GPS 5Hz interface for Android

I hope this is an appropriate question for this group. It is not strictly speaking a programming question unless I end up writing my own NEMA listener instead of the location listener but that would mean a start over on a lot of code. I have written a GPS based application and want to use an external GPS at 5HZ. I have been searching for a couple of hours on Google and this forum with no luck for answers to my problem.
I have been using Android apps to talk to the external GPS. I can get 5Hz with Bluetooth GPS Provider or GPS Mouse but they both have time errors of about 18 seconds (slow). I can get accurate time with Bluetooth GPS but only at 1Hz. I have checked the raw NEMA output of the Qstarz unit and it is correct at both 1Hz and 5Hz.
I am using the standard location listener and everything in the program is working fine. I just want to get 5Hz data and accurate GPS time. At first I thought it was a GPS Leap Second issue but the NEMA data is correct with real time. I use WWV to find real time.
This app updates mock location at the frequency of the source GPS.

