When I navigate to an activity using ShowViewModel, it is nicely animated. But when the target is a Fragment it won't. Is there a way to add this as well?
I saw that in native android you would add it to the FragmentTransaction, but since MvvmCross Handles that for us, I assume there is another place to handle that.
The code that handles the fragment transaction is the Show method from the activity implementing IMvxFragmentHost that's responsible for handling the specific Fragment being show. In order to change the animation, you need to use the SetCustomAnimations method when displaying the fragment.
What I usually do is creating a BaseFragmentView class that has enter and leave animations exposed as properties. When displaying the fragments, I can simply use those properties like this:
var transaction = SupportFragmentManager
.SetCustomAnimations(fragmentView.EnterAnimation, fragmentView.ExitAnimation)
.Replace(targetId, fragmentView)
When using the MvxChachingFragmentView, you can simply override the OnBeforeFragmentChanging method and use the second parameter to add the custom animations you want.
You can see how to implement the IMvxFragmentHost interface by checking the MvxCachingFragmentView class and, if you don't know how to use the new Fragments from MvvmCross 4, refer to this answer
how to make button to open another fragment. being within a fragment. kotlin
I'm starting in kotlin and I'm having a hard time trying to open a fragment with a button, how do I?
You need to use FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction to add your fragment on the fly. you can call a function similar to this in your button's onClick method. But it is recommended for the parent activity to handle each fragment's lifecycle and the fragments
are not supposed to interact each other. The following is taken from the developer docs, that can be found here.
"Often you will want one Fragment to communicate with another, for example to change the content based on a user event. All Fragment-to-Fragment communication is done either through a shared ViewModel or through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should never communicate directly."
fun createFragmentonTheFly(){
var mFragmentTransaction: FragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction()
mFragmentTransaction.add(R.id.fr_container,new ProductListFragment())
The best way to do it would be to add an interface let say onFragmentDetachedLisetner and add one method replaceFragment() or something and make your Activity implement this interaface and had it replace as soon as the fragment is detached and make your fragment that contains your button finish itself when user clicks the button, then your activity will replace it with the one you wanted to start. And also consider reusing fragments, as that is the main purpose of fragments at the first place.
How can I set a Fragment's Id so that I can use getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.--)?
You can't set a fragment's ID programmatically.
There is however, a String tag that you can set inside the FragmentTransaction which can be used to uniquely identify a Fragment.
As Aleksey pointed out, you can pass an ID to FragmentTransaction's add(int, Fragment) method. However, this does not specify the ID for a Fragment. It specifies the ID of a ViewGroup to insert the Fragment into. This is not that useful for the purpose I expect you have, because it does not uniquely identify Fragments, but ViewGroups. These IDs are of containers that one or more fragments can be added to dynamically. Using such a method to identify Fragments would require you to add ViewGroups dynamically to the Layout for every Fragment you insert. That would be pretty cumbersome.
So if your question is how to create a unique identifier for a Fragment you're adding dynamically, the answer is to use FragmentTransaction's add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag) method and FragmentManager's findFragmentByTag(String) method.
In one of my apps, I was forced to generate strings dynamically. But it's not that expensive relative to the actual FragmentTransaction, anyway.
Another advantage to the tag method is that it can identify a Fragment that isn't being added to the UI. See FragmentTransaction's add(Fragment, String) method. Fragments need not have Views! They can also be used to persist ephemeral state between config changes!
Turns out you may not need to know the fragment id.
From the docs:
public abstract Fragment findFragmentById (int id)
Finds a fragment that was identified by the given id either
when inflated from XML or as the container ID when added in
a transaction.
The important part is "as the container ID when added in a transaction".
.add(R.id.fragment_holder, new AwesomeFragment())
and then
AwesomeFragment awesome = (AwesomeFragment)
will get you whatever (awesome) fragment is held in R.id.fragment_holder.
In most cases you can use the fragment tag as well as the ID.
You can set the tag value in FragmentTransaction.add(Fragment fragment, String tag );.
Then you can use the command FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(String tab) to find the fragment in question.
As Tom and others already mention, there are ways to put a tag on a fragment and use that tag for identification. A subsequent problem I've come across with those solutions is that the fragment doesn't get a tag until it's associated with the Activity (or, actually, the FragmentManager). What to do if one needs to identify a fragment before it has been tagged?
My solutions so far all rely on the oldest (Java) trick in the world: create a minimalistic template fragment which takes an id in one of it's constructors and provides a getFragmentId() method which returns that id. I then let those fragments that need early identification extend that template and; voila! Problem solved.
This solution might, unfortunately, require a set of template fragments, one for each fragment type, ListFragment, DialogFragment or plain old Fragment (POFO?!) that need early identification. But this is manageable in the case of fragments I think, considering the gains provided.
Sorry for tearing up healing wounds :-)
Use the following:
To add a fragment:
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.fragment_container, fragmentToBeAdded, tag).commit();
To identify existing fragment:
When using a tag please do make sure to add the
method so that your Fragment is resumed instead of destroyed as mentioned in the developer guides.
If you don't call addToBackStack() when you perform a transaction that removes a fragment, then that fragment is destroyed when the transaction is committed and the user cannot navigate back to it. Whereas, if you do call addToBackStack() when removing a fragment, then the fragment is stopped and is later resumed if the user navigates back.
You can find this at the end of this page.
I lost about 30 minutes trying to figure out why my Fragment was not being found through a simple findFragmentByTag(); call
In addition to Tom's answer, replace method also supports the fragment tag, in addition to add method.
Assume I have an Activity which contains two FrameLayouts (let's call them FrameA and FrameB) which in turn each contain a Fragment (let's call them FragmentA1 and FragmentB1 respectively). Now, I commit a series of individual fragment transactions using code similar to the following...
.replace(frameId, fragment)
... such that I replace FragmentA1 in FrameA with FragmentA2, then I replace FragmentB1 in FrameB with FragmentB2, then I replace FragmentA2 in FrameA with FragmentA3, then I replace FragmentB2 in Frame2 with FragmentB3, and the final state looks like the picture above (where only FragmentA3 and FragmentB3 are visible).
If I understood correctly how the back stack works, pressing 'back' will interleave popping of the Fragments between FrameA and FrameB (reflecting how I added them).
Does anyone know if it is possible to pop the last transaction on FrameA or FrameB selectively? (i.e. if I pressed 'Pop FrameA' then FrameA would be transitioned back from FragmentA3 to FragmentA2 and, instead, if I pressed 'Pop FrameB' then FrameB would be transitioned back from FragmentB3 to FragmentB2)
Supplement: I know I can get the Fragment last added to a given FrameLayout using the FragmentManager.findFragmentById(int framelayoutId) method, but calling FragmentTransaction.remove(fragment).commit() only removes the Fragment from the View and does not transition the View back to the Fragment it previously displayed.
Basically, no, there is only one back stack for an activity.
You will just need to implement your own separate back stacks.
As of Android 4.0 (and the associated support library) there are APIs that should make this relatively easy -- FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment) lets you put a fragment into the same state it is when in the back stack, and FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState(Fragment) lets you go further and completely throw away the Fragment object. Not coincidentally, these are used to implement ViewPager's FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter, respectively, so you could look at the code for these as an example of how to use them.
FragmentManager.popBackStack(String name, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE)
Here is the simplest answer, and the explanation is very clear: Well there are a few ways to go about this depending on the intended behavior, but this link should give you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn...
I'm looking for some advice on the best way to handle fragments which launch other fragments.
I'm converting an app which I started writing using a more Activity based approach and have since begun moving it over to using Fragments. I have some Fragments which used to launch a new Activity and I want to move them over to launching other Fragments in the same view that the current Fragment is residing.
For example - I have an Activity which has a WebView which uses a WebViewClient to handle internal js->java interactions. My WebViewClient can launch other Activities, which I used to do with :
i = new Intent(context, GoogleMapActivity.class);
This webview activity can either be fullscreen or in a view with a menu on the side, but I want the webview to respect the layout - so if the menu is present, it should stay present when launching new Fragments - I just don't know the best approach to writing the code which launches the Fragments.
So...is there a way, within a Fragment, of essentially telling a new Fragment to load in to the same space as the current Fragment or does there need to be some interaction with the Activity?
** EDIT **
Given that there are a few different layouts which could be used, I don't always know which id I should be targeting to put the fragment in - hence I need to know if there's a way to do this without knowing the id (as in the replace method for example).
.replace(((ViewGroup) getView().getParent()).getId(), fragment)
This should replace parent container with desired fragment.
That should be doable via FragementManager.replace(). Have a look at the documentation for Fragment and especially the longer example in the "Layout" section there.
If you want to add Fragment rather replace it, use:
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.fragment_container, new Fragment()).commit();
This is a design question, rather than a technical one.
General case: I want an UI event in a Fragment to make Activity-wide changes.
Specific case: I have two fragments, hosted in the same activity. When the user clicks a button in one of those fragments, I want it to be replaced by the other.
I don't want, however, my Fragments touching my activity. I may want to change the behavior later (maybe, in a bigger screen, show both fragments instead of replacing the first), and I don't want my Fragment code to have that logic.
What I did was implement a Listener class in my fragments, that reports events back to the Activity. This way, if I want to use another Activity class with different display behavior, I can just change the listener and leave the Fragment code untouched.
Is this a good way to go about it? Is there a standard good practice, or a better design pattern?
Using listeners is the recommended way of communicating between Fragment and your activity.
See this Android documentatin section for infromation. Long story short they just implement a listener interface by the Activity class and cast getActivity() result in a fragment to a listener.
From my personal experience this is very convenient because lets you to:
Easilly switch underlying activity (e.g. you host entire fragment in a wrapper activity for compatibility in pre-3.0 and host this fragment along with others in 11+)
Easilly control if the wrapper activity supports callbacks or not. Just check is it does implement the listener and do your app specific actions if it doesn't.
You are right on about using a Listener. This is something I also had to deal with in a project at work. The best way to handle it is to make the Fragment stand-alone in nature. Anything wishing to interact with the Fragment should use its public API and/or set listeners for specific events. If you are familiar with Design Patterns, this is the Observer pattern. The events can be general or specific as well as contain data or no data.
As an example of my project, I had two Fragments. A ListFragment and an InfoFragment that displayed the selected ListItem. The ListFragment already has a Listener interface for my Activity to hook into, but the InfoFragment does not since its your basic Fragment. I added a Listener interface to the InfoFragment that would be notified when the Fragment wanted to close. For the Fragment, this could be by a button press, or specific action occured, but as far as my Activity is concerned, when the Event is triggered, it would close up the Fragment view.
Don't be afraid to use a lot of Listeners for Fragments, but also try to group them by a specific action using data parameters to individualize them. Hope this helps!
A technical answer for:
I have two fragments, hosted in the same activity. When the user clicks a button in one of those fragments, I want it to be replaced by the other.
FragmentTransaction ft = this.getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
Fragment mFragment = Fragment.instantiate(this.Activity(), Fragment2.class.getName());
ft.replace(android.R.id.content, mFragment);
public class Example_3_Mainfile extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Fragment fr ;//make class that extend to thefragment
fr = new Act_2_1();
FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fm.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.fragment_place, fr);
//id get of fragment tag from xml file there decelar