Assume I have an Activity which contains two FrameLayouts (let's call them FrameA and FrameB) which in turn each contain a Fragment (let's call them FragmentA1 and FragmentB1 respectively). Now, I commit a series of individual fragment transactions using code similar to the following...
.replace(frameId, fragment)
... such that I replace FragmentA1 in FrameA with FragmentA2, then I replace FragmentB1 in FrameB with FragmentB2, then I replace FragmentA2 in FrameA with FragmentA3, then I replace FragmentB2 in Frame2 with FragmentB3, and the final state looks like the picture above (where only FragmentA3 and FragmentB3 are visible).
If I understood correctly how the back stack works, pressing 'back' will interleave popping of the Fragments between FrameA and FrameB (reflecting how I added them).
Does anyone know if it is possible to pop the last transaction on FrameA or FrameB selectively? (i.e. if I pressed 'Pop FrameA' then FrameA would be transitioned back from FragmentA3 to FragmentA2 and, instead, if I pressed 'Pop FrameB' then FrameB would be transitioned back from FragmentB3 to FragmentB2)
Supplement: I know I can get the Fragment last added to a given FrameLayout using the FragmentManager.findFragmentById(int framelayoutId) method, but calling FragmentTransaction.remove(fragment).commit() only removes the Fragment from the View and does not transition the View back to the Fragment it previously displayed.
Basically, no, there is only one back stack for an activity.
You will just need to implement your own separate back stacks.
As of Android 4.0 (and the associated support library) there are APIs that should make this relatively easy -- FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment) lets you put a fragment into the same state it is when in the back stack, and FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState(Fragment) lets you go further and completely throw away the Fragment object. Not coincidentally, these are used to implement ViewPager's FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter, respectively, so you could look at the code for these as an example of how to use them.
FragmentManager.popBackStack(String name, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE)
Here is the simplest answer, and the explanation is very clear: Well there are a few ways to go about this depending on the intended behavior, but this link should give you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn...
I add fragments to back stack. For instance: A, B, C, A, D. Then from D I want to update the second A.
If I use supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("A"), I have a reference to the first A, that is in a bottom of the back stack.
I tried to search through fragments collection, getBackStackEntryAt(i), but with no success.
Sorry, looking at get the latest fragment in backstack I understood that findFragmentByTag(tag) finds the last fragment with required tag. In my case after adding many fragments it sometimes found not last fragment with tag, but a previous to last (with the same tag). Maybe there is a bug in my code, I don't know, why is that.
First I tried to use callbacks, then tried to use parentFragment and childFragmentManager, see getParentFragment returning null. In fragment D I called parentFragment and accessed to methods of A and could update the last A fragment. This solution has two problems.
1) Child fragment (D) inherits a toolbar from parent (A) and adds own buttons. And after clicking Back button we return not to a parent, but even quit parent (A).
2) If we want to update not previous fragment (so that between A and D are also 3 fragments), it seems to be impossible.
So, I cancelled that solution and changed the application behaviour. I clear a backstack where it is possible. So that we cannot have two A fragments in backstack. I use supportFragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE). Yes, that's a workaround, but I don't know, how to deal with that bug.
I am hitting a very strange problem in Android and I can't figure out why it's happening or how to code around it. I truly believe this to be an Android bug.
I have a MainActivity which contains a FrameLayout named main_container (its height and width are both match_parent as each fragment should be the only fragment "showing" to the user). From MainActivity, I add Fragment A like so:
.replace(, frag, fragTag)
From there, Fragment A, upon a user's click of a view, will add Fragment B like so ("frag" and "fragTag" are different values than the above code snippet):
.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, 0, 0, R.anim.slide_out_right)
.add(, frag, fragTag)
And from here, Fragment B will add Fragment C like so (again, "frag" and "fragTag" are different values than the previous two snippets):
.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, 0, 0, R.anim.slide_out_right)
.add(, frag, fragTag)
So at this point, in the backstack, we should have Fragment A -> Fragment B -> Fragment C.
Fragment C invokes the MediaPicker upon the user's click of a view. Doing so calls all fragments' onPause methods and the app is put in the background. Now when the user selects an image, the application is resumed but here's where the bug happens... it resumes in this order, as proven with breakpoints in each fragments' onResume method:
Fragment A -> Fragment C -> Fragment B
This causes all sorts of issues because each of my fragments registers itself as a listener in the MainActivity to handle back button clicks. This logic relies on that ordering being correct. For some reason, it's still showing Fragment C on top, but onResume was definitely called out of order.
Perhaps even worse though... rather than clicking for MediaPicker, you can simply rotate the phone to cause a config change. This exhibits the same behavior of reordering to A -> C -> B but in this case it DOES actually show the wrong fragment on top. It SHOWS Fragment B on top.
Is it a design point that you can't rely on Android to resume fragments in the same order you added them to the backstack and I'm supposed to code around it? Or am I doing something wrong? Or is this really an Android bug? I am by far not a newbie to Android development, but this one has me stumped.
I've pinpointed what is going on and apparently it's by design. It seems pretty crazy to me and I disagree with the logic behind it. I may be able to fix this with reflection, but I don't like doing that. Anyways, on to the problem.
The problem is with the way FragmentManagerImpl keeps track of active fragments. It has an ArrayList to keep track of active fragments and when everything is paused (such as in my case where I'm starting an intent to get a photo from media gallery, thus it's leaving my app), upon resuming back into my app, it moves the fragments back to active in the same order they're in that ArrayList. Sounds great, eh?
Well here's my problem. When things are taken OUT of that ArrayList, they don't remove() the item, they just set it to null and then have logic to reuse that empty "slot" (line 1168 in the github link) when the next fragment comes along. In my case, the transient fragment that leaves a hole in the ArrayList is a DialogFragment. Putting it back into terms of my original report, Fragment A shows a DialogFragment... clicking a certain button in that DialogFragment brings up Fragment B. Clicking another view in Fragment B brings up Fragment C. But here's what happens to the ArrayList FragmentManagerImpl keeps track of after clicking the button in the DialogFragment:
{ FragA, null (used to be DialogFragment), FragB }
So apparently DialogFragment was moved out of active state after FragB was moved to active, thus leaving a hole. So now we click the view in FragB to bring up FragC and the ArrayList looks like so:
{ FragA, FragC (reused DialogFragment's slot), FragB }
We go off to the media picker, come back, and voila the fragments are resumed out of order with respect to how I instantiated them in the first place. This makes no sense to me and if you don't step into OS code with breakpoints, you never figure out why Android is not behaving the way you told it to. Seems like it would have been easier to just do an ArrayList.remove() of the fragment you removed, thus leaving no holes.
Like I said, I can probably get around this with reflection... but I'm leery of that because there is also this mIndex variable in all Fragments that corresponds to the index of it's slot in that ArrayList (mActive). So I'd have to be sure to keep those in sync... and now I have a dependency on knowing how the OS code works. :(
This is a known issue. Google "android fragment reordering" and you will get a whole page of links on the subject including some solutions.
I have what I think is a relatively simple problem. I got just one activity with three fragments in it (showing only one at a given time). So, these are my fragments
ORDERS (shows a list of orders)
NEW ORDER (shows a form to create a new order)
OK so, I guess we all know what the navigation between these should be. I'm having some problems with back navigation though. Here's what happens.
1 -> 3 -> 2 [<] nothing happens [<] goes back to android :/
*[<] = [user presses back key].
I've been doing some research and I know there are some methods I should be using, among them:
(I don't quite understand what that last one is doing but it seems to save the transaction so I can get back, which would be the same ass .add?).
Thanks and leave any comments below I can add any relevant information should it be needed.
The difference between add() and replace() is that replace() removes the fragment in the container and then add the new fragment into it while add() just adding. If you want to navigate between fragments, you should use addToBackStack().
I'm implementing menu navigation using Fragments. So I begin with Home, and then users can navigate to diferent sections and details of each section.
When a user changes section, then I call pop on the fragmentmanager backstack until I reach Home, and then load the new section.
This is all working as expected. But I'm getting this problem:
load a section that calls setHasOptionsMenu(true) on onResume()
loads another section (old section it's suposed to get out of the stack). I see it OK. No menu is shown
leave the application (for example, go to Android Laucher activity) and then when I return, I see the correct section, but it's showing the Menu of the old Fragment.
I've iterated the backstack and printed each fragment, and there it's not the fragment with the menu.
I put a debug mark on the onResume() method (where the setHasOptionsMenu(true) is flagged) and it indeed enters here, so the Fragment it's still somewhere.
I want to know if I'm doing something wrong and how could I solve it, thx
I'm using this code to load new fragments
.add(container, sectionFragment.getFragment())
And for remove:
private void clearStack(){
int count = fm.getBackStackEntryCount();
while(count > 1){
NOTE 1: I'm using add instead replace because I don't want to loose the state of my fragment when I navigate back from detail section. When I load another different section, then I call clearStack to pop the stack up to 1, and then loads new fragment. At the end, I'm calling executePendingTransactions() to finish to remove the fragments from the transaction.
NOTE 2: I'm seeing that it is entering on my fragment onDestroy() method, so it is suposed to be destroyed. But I don't know why it is getting called again when the Main activity resumes.
I found that the problem was not in the logic of adding and removing fragment of the stack.
The problem was that some of the fragment loaded another fragments inside of it (it had ViewPager component). Then I thought that when the fragment was removed then these fragments were removed too.
This is true ONLY if you use getChildFragmentManager() method. This method MUST be used when loading fragments inside other fragmets. If not, then the fragments are asociated with the fragments activity.
popBackStack will just revert your last FragmentTransaction.
If you use FragmentTransaction.add, popBackStack will just call FragmentTransacetion.remove.
But if you call FragmentTransaction.replace, popBackStack will call FragmentTransaction.remove and FragmentTransaction.add
For your "NOTE 1" :
FragmentTransaction.replace will not change your fragment state.
I found this question, because after calling
fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
this code fragmentManager.getFragments().size() returns me the maximum number of fragments, which were in the stack. I checked every fragment on null. And I found that some fragment is null in my case. Maybe it will help someone)
If you are really looking to remove fragments at once then follow:
How to replace Fragments of different types?
Otherwise use replace transaction for fragments to smooth transitiona and hassel free approach, see
Also understand Fragment lifecycle,
I had a similar problem where the popBackStack() didn't remove my fragment.
However, I noticed that I called the wrong FragmentManager, where I had to call getSupportFragmentMananger() instead of getFragmentManager().
Maybe there is a <fragment> or <> in an activity with android:name="androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment", app:defaultNavHost="true" and app:navGraph="#navigation/nav_graph".
In this case navigation is held by nav_graph. If you don't want to use NavController and NavHostFragment, maybe you should remove navigation and clean <fragment> tag.
I am a bit confused about what is the ideologically correct way of using fragments.
As the Android Developers states,
A Fragment represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an
Activity. You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to
build a multi-pane UI and reuse a fragment in multiple activities. You
can think of a fragment as a modular section of an activity, which has
its own lifecycle, receives its own input events, and which you can
add or remove while the activity is running (sort of like a "sub
activity" that you can reuse in different activities).
And also:
Fragments decompose application functionality and UI into reusable
modules Add multiple fragments to a screen to avoid switching
And my usage of fragments goes the following way:
I have only one main Activity and a whole bunch of fragments. Instead of starting activities, I prefer replacing fragments.
For example, I have FeedsFragment, FriendsFragment, MessagesFragment, and when I select something from sliding menu, my Activity just replaces the main Fragment. If I'm launching a Fragment from other Fragment, I put the previous one in backstack.
Some fragments require the Activity to change the actionbar, an I do it directly by
Currently I don't have any code that supports tablet layouts (as seen in examples on android developers), but I'm planning to add it.
So, is this the right way of doing things? Or am I completely missing something?
As you know fragment has their own lifecycle, and you can use its event when ever you want from the activity lifecyle.
But Fragments lifecycle depens on activity lifecycle So when actvity destroyed, fragments destroyed also.
// Create new fragment and transaction
Fragment newFragment = new ExampleFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
// and add the transaction to the back stack
transaction.replace(, newFragment);
// Commit the transaction
Yo can use the fragment transaction, to replace them in one activity, I think you use the same way,
i think you arent wrong way and there are no problem to use fragment instead of using different activites.
But you should think about, you realy need to use them in one activty ? If you dont need to show them in one activity you dont need to use fragment.
A fragment must always be embedded in an activity and the fragment's
lifecycle is directly affected by the host activity's lifecycle. For
example, when the activity is paused, so are all fragments in it, and
when the activity is destroyed, so are all fragments. However, while
an activity is running (it is in the resumed lifecycle state), you can
manipulate each fragment independently, such as add or remove them.
When you perform such a fragment transaction, you can also add it to a
back stack that's managed by the activity—each back stack entry in the
activity is a record of the fragment transaction that occurred. The
back stack allows the user to reverse a fragment transaction (navigate
backwards), by pressing the Back button.
As a result , it is not wrong , but i think if you dont need, creating different activity is easy to maintain.