IncompatibleClassChangeError - android

We are getting IncompatibleClassChangeError in Samsung device when user update app from Play Store. Please check below log.
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Couldn't find
at libcore.reflect.AnnotationAccess.toAnnotationInstance(
at libcore.reflect.AnnotationAccess.toAnnotationInstance(
at libcore.reflect.AnnotationAccess.getDeclaredAnnotation(
at java.lang.reflect.Field.getAnnotation(
at com.cubii.utils.SessionManager.getUserID(
at com.cubii.BluetoothLeService.broadcastUpdate(
at com.cubii.BluetoothLeService.access$400(
at com.cubii.BluetoothLeService$1.onCharacteristicChanged(
at android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt$1.onNotify(
at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGattCallback$Stub.onTransact(`enter code here`
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
And code is as below:
public int getUserID(){
try {
String json = preferences.getString("User", "");
LoginResponse loginResponse = new Gson().fromJson(json, LoginResponse.class);//getting error from this line
Integer id = 0;
if (loginResponse != null) {
if (loginResponse.getId() != null) {
id = loginResponse.getId();
} else {
id = loginResponse.getUserId();
return (id == null) ? 0 : id;
}catch (Exception e){
return 0;
LoginResponse is my POJO class.
preferences.getString("User", "")
will return JSON String which is Server response.

Looks like a Samsung Issue .. Lot of people are having the same issue not only with gson lib but also with other libs as well .I think you can't do much about it ,only wait for Samsung developers to fix this.. Already this question is raised on samsung developer forum
There are more reports of the problem here and it only affects samsung devices.
Some of them are also having this issue on devices other than Samsung so it may not be completly Samsungs fault. This issue is already assigned to the Google team .And as one of the Google team member mentioned if someone can share the bug report to the team they can fix this ASAP.
After reproducing the issue, navigate to developer settings, ensure
‘USB debugging’ is enabled, then enable ‘Bug report shortcut’. To take
bug report, hold the power button and select the ‘Take bug report’
Note: Please upload the bug report to google drive and share the
folder to, then share the link here.

Yes, this happens in most of Samsung's phones. I also got the same issue.
I got the alternative solution of it.
At first all phone's company was ignoring comments ( // or / / ) in .json File.
But now Samsung developers are not ignoring it.
So The best Solution is that you have to remove all comment ( // or / / ) lines in your .json file
Note:- this is not a perfect solution but maybe this will help someone.


Googlesheet with Flutter : invalid_grant Invalid JWT

So, I've spent the past 2 hours searching for a solution for this but I cannot get anywhere.
I've followed this link to setup the google sheet API in order to use it with Flutter.
I keep getting this error:
ServerRequestFailedException (Failed to obtain access credentials. Error: invalid_grant Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp values in the JWT claim. Status code: 400)
As far as I've seen, this is related to a time problem but I've made sure the device's time is correct + enabled auto setting in the settings.
I'm using an android emulator (Pixel 4 API 27)
These are 2 pictures to show my time settings:
My code: (I'm calling the initSheet() in main)
class SpreadSheet {
static late final gsheets;
static late final spreadsheet;
static Future<bool> initSheet() async {
// TODO: Handle errors (Wrong time....)
gsheets = GSheets(_credentials);
/// link looks like so
/// [YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID] in the path is the id your need
spreadsheet = await gsheets
return (spreadsheet == null ? false : true);
Somehow, the code is running perfectly now.
I used flutter clean & had to re-download gradle-6.9 zip because it got corrupted somehow.
I still don't know if that's exactly what actually fixed it or no but it'll be worth the try if someone faces this problem again.

Reading Texts Kotlin - Android SDK 29

I'm relatively new to Android Dev and I'm running Android Studio on SDK 29 for a project to read through messages, find Roster text messages for where I work and then import them into the Google Calander via API. I've had a small amount of experience with Android before so the text and onClick etc are fine (Although I used java in the past, trying kotlin as it's the future). However I'm trying to play around with reading the body of all messages and just printing them to the screen so I can understand how it works, tweak things here and there and see the results I get. However just getting the body of messages and printing them is turning out to be quite difficult.
I had issues initially however they were to do with permissions not working correctly. From there I fixed that issue and got some working code with no errors however instead of getting an output of the body of the messages I got a random '12'. So after further researching and googling I've managed to get myself to what I think is a close lot of code however, it's just incomplete and I'm unable to see what errors there may be as I haven't found a working lot of code online yet.
Furthermore the android dev documentation hasn't been a huge help. So I'm reaching out. Sorry if this seems a easy fix however it's new to me and I havent' found anything online after a fair bit of searching.
Thanks in advance
This is my code so far:
var cr = contentResolver.query(
do {
var msgData = ""
for(messages in cr.getColumnIndex("body")) {
lastSyncMessage.text =
lastSyncMessage.text.toString() + " " + msgData.toString()
Try the next code, the for loop is not correct:
if(cr!= null && cr.moveToFirst()){
do {
lastSyncMessage.text =cr.getString(cr.getColumnIndex("body"))
This code will set the last sms body message as the lastSyncMessage text. Just play with this.

YouTube API Exception In Initializer Error

So I have been using the YouTube API successfully for the past few months in Android Studio. I went to update my app and as of today the app keeps crashing when it is trying to initialize the YouTube builder. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
mYoutubeDataApi = new YouTube.Builder(mTransport, mJsonFactory, null)
The app crashes with the following output:
2019-12-09 01:38:06.443 17937-17937/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Line 44 in the file is:
public class YouTube extends {
// Note: Leave this static initializer at the top of the file.
static { == 1 && >= 15,
"You are currently running with version %s of google-api-client. " +
"You need at least version 1.15 of google-api-client to run version " +
"1.30.1 of the YouTube Data API library.",;
In 1.30.6, they added this:
To fix, edit your build.gradle back down to 1.30.5
dependencies {
implementation ('')
implementation ('')
If there's a better solution, I'd like to hear it!
To further explain why that change in 1.30.6 causes the crash, here's some more info.
Specifically, the issue is coming from this file:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No successful match so far
at java.util.regex.Matcher.ensureMatch(
at<clinit>(Unknown Source:26)
Here is the relevant code
public static final String VERSION = getVersion();
static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(-SNAPSHOT)?");
static {
Matcher versionMatcher = VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(VERSION);
MAJOR_VERSION = Integer.parseInt(;
MINOR_VERSION = Integer.parseInt(;
BUGFIX_VERSION = Integer.parseInt(;
private static String getVersion() {
String version = GoogleUtils.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
// in a non-packaged environment (local), there's no implementation version to read
if (version == null) {
// fall back to reading from a properties file - note this value is expected to be cached
try (InputStream inputStream =
GoogleUtils.class.getResourceAsStream("")) {
if (inputStream != null) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
version = properties.getProperty("google-api-client.version");
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
return version;
Presumably, getVersion is returning null, although I can't say why. Seeing as how this recently happened for me 2-3 days ago also, something we updated must be conflicting.
This bug is fixed in Upgrading to that version or later will fix it.
In the latest version, they have added the library proguard file, which keeps the the and hence keeps the which gets generated in build time.
Initially they used to update the string literal for version name for each release hence that time parsing of version name done in was crash free.
But later on they shifted to parsing the version from at which started giving error as proguard started removing the generated file.
Later on after release, 1.30.9 at this commit id the started using the embedded proguard rule to keep the file
They actually fixed the issue at release, 1.30.8 at the commit, 1.30.9 release just does the same fix in more android recommended way.
Although the final adopted version uses GoogleUtils.class.getResourceAsStream("") which is Java api and returns the InputStream to read the file. Since these stream may not work perfectly in some devices they still crash but with lesser frequency(as we still see the crashes with the fixed present in the release 1.30.9).
Created an issue to track this

PayPal Here Android SDK Error - BadConfiguration: Cannot proceed with this merchant account

I'm trying to integrate the PayPal Here swipers into a Xamarin Android app. Everything is fine until I try and give my credentials to the SDK. Specifically, the line containing the call to PayPalHereSDK.SetCredentials
public void InitializeSdk( Context context, string serverName, string accessToken, string refreshUrl, string expires, IPayPalHereSdkWrapperCallback listener ) {
PayPalHereSDK.Init( context, serverName );
PayPalHereSDK.RegisterAuthenticationListener( this );
PayPalHereSDK.CardReaderManager.RegisterCardReaderConnectionListener( this );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( accessToken ) ) {
var credentials = new OAuthCredentials( accessToken, refreshUrl, expires );
PayPalHereSDK.SetCredentials( credentials, new SetAccessTokenResponseHandler( listener ) );
My SetAccessTokenResponseHandler class implements the Com.PayPal.Merchant.Sdk.Domain.IDefaultResponseHandler interface. As described above, the OnError function is called when call the PayPalHereSDK.SetCredentials function. I'm given the error code "BadConfiguration" and the message "Cannot proceed with this merchant account. ready"
I've searched Google high and low and, I believe, scoured SO pretty thoroughly. I can't seem to overcome the error, so I'm asking for help!
I think the paypal email is not verified properly. Please go through the merchant onboarding guide document to get more details regarding making the merchant eligible.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
I'm not sure what exactly the issue was, but I ended up deleting the Sandbox App in my PayPal dev portal and creating a new one. Everything works now. head scratch
I resorted to this because, while trying to follow Sundar's suggestion, I started getting an "invalid scope" error. I had received them before and KNEW I had it fixed ( and no code had changed ). When I deleted/recreated the app, that error went away. Frustrating, but that's what worked!

MvvmCross and Google Analytics with MvxAnalytics - How to use?

I'm using the Google analytics plugin for MvvmCross with the following namespace:-
There isn't any documentation on how to use/implement it, from my discovery, the AnalyticsConfiguration needs to be defined, then added to the DroidAnalyticsService.Configuration.
Inside the AnalyticsConfiguration, there is TrackingId, which I understand, log levels and whether to report UncaughtExceptions (set to true)
The PluginBootstrap file is included which is great, but joining the last dots are a bit of a headscratch.
Any ideas how to get this working? I've messaged the creators so if they email me back, I'll post the details here.
Thanks in Advance.
I was able to set it up and it seems that it's working properly.
You have to setup all properties inside Configuration object and then it works.
var analyticsService = new DroidAnalyticsService();
analyticsService.Configuration.AppName = "Your app name";
analyticsService.Configuration.AnonymizeIp = true;
analyticsService.Configuration.AppVersion = "App version fro xml";
analyticsService.Configuration.TrackingId = "Tracking id from google";
analyticsService.Configuration.DispatchPeriod = 30;
analyticsService.Configuration.ReportUncaughtExceptions = true;

