I'm using the Google analytics plugin for MvvmCross with the following namespace:-
There isn't any documentation on how to use/implement it, from my discovery, the AnalyticsConfiguration needs to be defined, then added to the DroidAnalyticsService.Configuration.
Inside the AnalyticsConfiguration, there is TrackingId, which I understand, log levels and whether to report UncaughtExceptions (set to true)
The PluginBootstrap file is included which is great, but joining the last dots are a bit of a headscratch.
Any ideas how to get this working? I've messaged the creators so if they email me back, I'll post the details here.
Thanks in Advance.
I was able to set it up and it seems that it's working properly.
You have to setup all properties inside Configuration object and then it works.
var analyticsService = new DroidAnalyticsService();
analyticsService.Configuration.AppName = "Your app name";
analyticsService.Configuration.AnonymizeIp = true;
analyticsService.Configuration.AppVersion = "App version fro xml";
analyticsService.Configuration.TrackingId = "Tracking id from google";
analyticsService.Configuration.DispatchPeriod = 30;
analyticsService.Configuration.ReportUncaughtExceptions = true;
I am currently developing an Android application using Cordova. This working fine so far, but now that I want to add a Chromecast button to the UI, it does not seem to work. I followed the instructions provided here: https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/chrome_sender/integrate
And this is what my code looks so far:
var CastPlayer = function() {
/* Cast player variables */
/** #type {cast.framework.RemotePlayer} */
this.remotePlayer = null;
/** #type {cast.framework.RemotePlayerController} */
this.remotePlayerController = null;
var castPlayer = new CastPlayer();
window['__onGCastApiAvailable'] = function(isAvailable) {
if (isAvailable) {
Inline script inside my index.html.
CastPlayer.prototype.initializeCastPlayer = function() {
var options = {};
// Set the receiver application ID to your own (created in the
// Google Cast Developer Console), or optionally
// use the chrome.cast.media.DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID
options.receiverApplicationId = chrome.cast.media.DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID;
// Auto join policy can be one of the following three:
// ORIGIN_SCOPED - Auto connect from same appId and page origin
// TAB_AND_ORIGIN_SCOPED - Auto connect from same appId, page origin, and tab
// PAGE_SCOPED - No auto connect
options.autoJoinPolicy = chrome.cast.AutoJoinPolicy.ORIGIN_SCOPED;
this.remotePlayer = new cast.framework.RemotePlayer();
this.remotePlayerController = new cast.framework.RemotePlayerController(this.remotePlayer);
Content of my index.js.
In the index.html, I added the button like this:
<google-cast-launcher id="castbutton"></google-cast-launcher>
Now when I open my Cordova app via browser (Chrome AND Chromium), the cast button shows and I can use it normally. When I open the App on Android, the Button just does not show. Does anybody know what causes this and if it can be resolved?
We could not find a solution for Cordova, but managed it in Flutter.
We had the same challenge, and we searched high and low. Finally found this solution to make it work with: https://pub.dev/packages/dart_chromecast
Make sure your flutter compiler is downgraded to 13 or below. Otherwise, you will not be able to compile. Unfortunately, their code is not supported in a newer version of the flutter compiler and the author is not going to update anytime soon.
I'm trying to authenticate an end-user in an android app written in C# (Xamarin.Android).
I decided to try and use NuGet package Google.Apis.Oauth.v2 which seems to expose an easy to use Oauth client.
LocalServerCodeReceiver.ReceiveCodeAsync throws the following:
I get System.NotSupportedException:"Failed to launch browser with https://XXX.auth.XXX.amazoncognito.com/login?response_type=token&client_id=XXX&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&scope=profile%20openid%20email for authorization. See inner exception for details."
and it has an inner exception of System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception:"Cannot find the specified file"
var clientSecret = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.ClientSecrets();
clientSecret.ClientId = ...
clientSecret.ClientSecret = ...
var initializer = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Flows.AuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer(
initializer.Scopes = new List<string> {"profile", "openid", "email"};
initializer.ClientSecrets = clientSecret;
var flow = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Flows.AuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer);
var authCodeRequestURL = flow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest("https://www.google.com");
authCodeRequestURL.ResponseType = "token";
var uri = authCodeRequestURL.Build();
var cancellationTokenSource = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource();
var codeReceiver = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.LocalServerCodeReceiver();
var task = codeReceiver.ReceiveCodeAsync(authCodeRequestURL, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
Do I need to ask for a specific permission in the application manifest?
Instead of redirecting to www.google.com, I've heard you can redirect to an app, I'm not really sure how to do that, is it http://my_app_package_name or http://my_app_title, something else?
Is it possible not to rely on that library for launching the browser and instead get the RequestUri and start an Activity, if so how will the app become aware the end-user completed the SignIn process and how will the app retrieve the token?
Sorry, but Google.Apis.Oauth.v2 does not support Xamarin, and there's no simple way to get it working.
Unfortunately no Google.Apis.* packages currently support Xamarin.
You might find the Xamarin.Auth package does what you want?
I've figured out how to redirect to an app after authentication in the browser completes.
It's called a "Deep Link" and it's documented at enter link description here, essentially you need to declare an IntentFilter on your Activity, which registers with the Android OS that if someone clicks or an page redirects to a specific URI, your app gets called. The token that's appended to the URI can then be read inside your app.
I am using DynamoDB as back-end database for my mobile app, and the schema etc are identical across Android & iOS. For a particular use-case, I have to perform a Scan, based on two attributes which are not indexed. For iOS Objective C, I am using the following code:
AWSDynamoDBScanExpression *scanExpression = [AWSDynamoDBScanExpression new];
scanExpression.limit = [NSNumber numberWithInt:maxCount];
scanExpression.filterExpression = #"#l = :location AND event = :event";
scanExpression.expressionAttributeNames = #{#"#l":#"location"};
scanExpression.expressionAttributeValues = #{#":location":location,
Both location and event are Strings. EVENT_TASTING is a String constant. This scan keeps returning zero results, even though I have validated that for the provided entries I should be receiving the results. I use the following code in Android Java:
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression = new DynamoDBScanExpression();
new Condition()
.withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS(location)));
new Condition()
.withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS(Constants.EVENT_TASTING)));
The scan works as expected in Android. What needs to change in iOS to make it work there too? I updated iOS SDK to 2.3.6 but it has not made a difference. This is the only scan operation I am doing in my code.
Is there an error in my scanExpression for iOS? Is there a way I can use the Android-style syntax to make this work on iOS?
I tried the following changes:
AWSDynamoDBScanExpression *scanExpression = [AWSDynamoDBScanExpression new];
AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue *locationVal = [AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue new];
locationVal.S = location;
AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue *eventVal = [AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue new];
scanExpression.limit = [NSNumber numberWithInt:maxCount];
scanExpression.filterExpression = #"#l = :location AND event = :event";
scanExpression.expressionAttributeNames = #{#"#l":#"location"};
scanExpression.expressionAttributeValues = #{#":location":locationVal,
But now I am getting an error:
The request failed. Error: [Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSDynamoDBErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)" UserInfo={message=ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid value: Supplied AttributeValue is empty, must contain exactly one of the supported datatypes for key :location, __type=com.amazon.coral.validate#ValidationException}]
Thanks to the hint from #YosukeMatsuda, I was able to fix this by calling Scan repeatedly until LastEvaluatedKey is empty. I am posting this as answer because unfortunately Mike's answer is not pointing out the correct issue and is misleading.
Here's how I changed the code in iOS:
// In a different method (for first call):
AWSDynamoDBScanExpression *scanExpression = // See code in original question
// In a new method that can be called recursively:
// DynamoDBObjectMapper scan:class-for-model expression:scanExpression
// continueWithBlock -> if (task.result):
AWSDynamoDBPaginatedOutput *paginatedOutput = task.result;
if (paginatedOutput.items.count != 0)
// Append the paginatedOutput.items to the cumulative array
// Replace the cumulative array with paginatedOutput.items
if (paginatedOutput.lastEvaluatedKey.count == 0) {
// Scan is complete - handle results
} else {
// Check if you have sufficient results
// In my case I had asked for 25 results but was getting 39
// So it doesn't seem to obey the scanExpression.limit value
// If more results are needed, continue the scan
[scanExpression setExclusiveStartKey:paginatedOutput.lastEvaluatedKey];
// Call this method recursively
If there is a more elegant solution I'd love to hear it. But at least it works now.
There are several differences between the Android code you're using and the ObjectiveC version.
in the Android Version you're using the older Filter Condition API while in the ObjectiveC you're using the more modern Filter Expression API; this doesn't necessarily make the newer one fail but it's just something to point out
in the case of ExpressionAttributeValues, the values for location and event that you're passing in should be of type AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue *, not strings; if you make this change your query will most likely start working.
I hope this answers your question but can't be certain because you only say "this works as expected in Android - how can I make it work in iOS" but you're not telling us what's broken.
Parse for Android: Trying to get a device token in Parse but it keeps returning null. This code was working about 6 months back but lately have noticed this issue. Using the device token to subscribe to Parse later on. It just gets stuck in the while loop.I am using Parse 1.7.1 version. Even if I update the parse will this be the right way to get the device token?
private static final String KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN = "deviceToken";
boolean isTokenReady = false;
while (!isTokenReady) {
String deviceToken = (String) ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().get(KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN);
if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(deviceToken)) {
isTokenReady = true;
} else {
ParsePush.subscribeInBackground("pushtoken_" + deviceToken);
You can use this, if you are retrieving a String:
If you need to get the objectId from the default installation class:
I'm using version 1.9.2. Hope this helps!
There's been 11 updates of the Android parse sdk. I would definitely update since there's lots of fixes.
Also, you shouldn't have to block your thread to wait for the device token. Did you forgot to save the installation before trying to get the deviceToken?
Like this:
String deviceToken = (String) ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().get( "deviceToken" );
Lastly, Im not sure why you would use a unique device token as push channels. You can use the deviceToken directly. So I would suggest not to subscribe to any channels and push notifications to selected devices using their deviceTokens.
I spent a lot of time on this problem too...
getInstallationId() seems to work. I use installationId to query installations and now it works OK
Authentication and app engine, there is a lot to be read about it, but a lot seems to be outdated!
Even the google pages https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/endpoints/consume_android#making-authenticated-calls
Here, they talk about 'GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience', but nowadays, you should use GoogleAuthUtil (as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong).
I am trying to set up an app engine as a backend to my Android app (and in future, my iOS app).
I am using Android Studio, used the 'new module' and chose app engine with cloud messaging there.
I created a simple endpoint, and have a function there, here is some code:
public class ReviewEndpoint {
// Make sure to add this endpoint to your web.xml file if this is a web application.
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ReviewEndpoint.class.getName());
* This method gets the <code>Review</code> object associated with the specified <code>id</code>.
* #param id The id of the object to be returned.
* #return The <code>Review</code> associated with <code>id</code>.
#ApiMethod(name = "getReview")
public Review getReview(#Named("id") Long id) {
// Implement this function
Review r = new Review();
As you can see, this is nicely generated by Android Studio. I implemented some stuf like creating the 'review' object and return it at the end.
On the Android side, I can do this:
ReviewEndpoint.Builder b = new ReviewEndpoint.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), null);
ReviewEndpoint ep = b.build();
Review review = ep.getReview(1L).execute();
data = review.getData();
and yes, I get 'test!' :)
Now, I want to have this authenticated. I want to know which user wrote what, so I thought I am going to use GMail account and Facebook later.
Here I'm stuck. I am able to get a token from the user on Android:
token = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(MainScreenActivity.this, mAccount.name, "oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile");
then you are able to add this token as credential to the request:
Credential cr = new Credential(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod()).setAccessToken(token);
ReviewEndpoint.Builder b = new ReviewEndpoint.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), cr);
Then in the app engine I tried to get the user info, but how?
Will it be supplied as 'bearer'? How do I get this bearer token? Should I then do API request to get the data on the server?
this does not work:
OAuthService service = OAuthServiceFactory.getOAuthService();
try {
User user = service.getCurrentUser();
can anyone give me a heads up?
So finally, today, I found out how to do it! I had questions on Stackoverflow on this before and never had an answer, but these to sites gave me the answer:
The first shows what needs to be done on the app engine side. The second page will tell you how to get the credentials. I was quite close. I am not sure if the adjusting of the build.gradle file mentioned in the second link is necessary. What I added to the App Engine:
#Api(name = "reviewEndpoint", version = "v1", ...<<some more stuff here >>
scopes = {Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE},
clientIds = {Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID, Constants.ANDROID_CLIENT_ID},
audiences = {Constants.ANDROID_AUDIENCE})
and then get the credentials:
// Initialize the scope using the client ID you got from the Console.
final String scope = "server:client_id:" + Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID;
credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience(activity,scope);
You have to add the e-mail address of the user:
you can get the e-mail address using the account picker (also example shown when you follow the link)
and next. you do a call to the endpoint, using the credential, I think Play Services will validate the user, because if I use an e-mail that is not logged in on the device, it will not work. The following code will throw an GoogleAuthIOException :
ReviewEndpoint.Builder b = new ReviewEndpoint.Builder(
new AndroidJsonFactory(), id_token);
ReviewEndpoint ep = b.build();
Review review;
review = ep.getReview(1L).execute();
for testing, I've put the e-mail address I get at the server side as a string in the review object, and there it gave me the e-mail address instead of the user object being null. Ow! I forgot to tell you, you need a user argument on the app engine side. Even though you do not see the 'user' argument in the 'getReview' call above, it will be added by App Engine.
So this is how my getReview looks now:
#ApiMethod(name = "getReview")
public Review getReview(#Named("id") Long id, User user) {
// Implement this function
Review r = new Review();
r.setData("user == " + (user == null ? "NULL " : user.toString()));
Hope this will help someone