I downloaded an AVD out of android studio, now I want to use it in it, how can I do that?
the link I downloaded is:
Thank you
after extracting your sys-image..go to your sdk folder find system-images, then create a folder of the image and paste it in there i.e mine is
Okay the process of installing an externally downloaded system image is not super complex and #whack_panther had the idea right.
To make everything work with an external installation you do need to unzip the x86 folder from the downloaded system image to:
In order to find this folder in Windows ensure that you have your hidden folders visible.
The download you provided is API-26 and the Release name is O, keep this in mind because this is where I ran into confusion at first as I already had many sys-images downloaded on my system for development purposes.
What I did:
I removed all of my downloaded system images and then placed only the new system image from link you provided in the directory listed above to ensure we were looking at the same data. When I did this, the only available system image that would not require an additional download when I attempted to create a new AVD from the AVD Manager GUI located under “Tools” in the Android Studio menu was:
Release Name: O | API Level: 26 | ABI: x86 | Target: Android 8 (Google APIs)
Which is the system image downloaded from the link you provided.
Then set everything up as usual with your externally downloaded system image using the prompts in the AVD Manager and you should be good to go. Also note that here I was required to create a New Hardware Profile to enable the option to use the newly downloaded system image, I would bet this is because there are settings in the download that do not apply to the built-in hardware profiles
One note: The folder you provided appears to have variations already available from Android Studio so I would suggest looking through the options in the AVD manager before you stick with the idea of downloading external images for these purposes, doing so is obviously supported but it may not be needed so there is no reason to make things more challenging for yourself unless it is completely necessary.
Extract the zip at below location :
Go to AVD Manager and refresh the system image page. It will be detected/
Good day,I'm a student and I'm trying to create a virtual device in Android Studio, however my home internet is too slow to download a System Image, there is an internet cafe near me that has very fast internet and I plan to download the System Image there by accessing in my browser this link : https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis/x86-25_r08.zip
From this message in the window where Android Studio downloads the System Image for Android Nougat
To install:
- Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image (system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86)
Preparing "Install Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image".
Downloading https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis/x86-25_r08.zip
However I do not know how to install it in android studio. How am I able to install it myself on android studio and make an emulator?
Many thanks.
In windows: First locate your android-sdk. By default it's in your C:\Users\Your.name\AppData\Local\
in it's root folder. where you can find: SDK Manager.exe, make a folder name it "system-images", my api 25 image is at system-images\android-25\google_apis\x86_64\Files
Hope you can Figure it out. Comment if you have any problem.
In mac OSX:
Replace [API_VERSION] with Android version you are downloading and the [API_TYPE] can either be google_apis_playstore or google_apis depending on whether the image you are downloading comes with Google Play or not.
On Windows 10:
Download the file from e.g.:
Extract the zipped file.
Copy (OR Cut, not recommended) the contents of the extracted folder e.g.: x86.
Find the android-sdk folder. By default, it should be located at C:\Users\[YOUR USER NAME]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk.
Look for a folder named system-images. Create system-images if it doesn't exist. Depending on the file you downloaded, create
subfolders within system-images. E.g.:
Paste within google_apis.
Restart Android Studio and the system image should be selectable.
Shout if you need any further assistance.
To get the exact path of the system-image, try to download from android studio first, after 1% download, stop the download and go to your sdk path.
E.g. C:\Users\TBR\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk, you will see a folder name "system-images"
this folder was created from the part download, open the sub-folder till you get to the last sub-folder.
E.g. C:\Users\TBR\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-27\google_apis\x86
i.e x86 is last sub folder (delete any content in this last sub-folder)
Download the system images manually, unzipped and copy the whole content, then paste it into your last sub-folder.
Download link for android-27 - https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis_playstore/x86-27_r03.zip
Go back to android studio and you will see the system-image there now.
For Windows 10:
Download the file from e.g.: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis/x86-27_r09.zip. or Any other System Image
After Completion of Download
Extract the zipped file.
Copy extracted folder e.g.: x86.
Find the android-sdk folder. It is located at C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\
Find the folder system-images. Create system-images if it doesn't exist.
Create subfolders within system-images. E.g.: system-images/android-27
Check in link, if it has google_apis or google_apis_playstore:
Paste within google_apis if link has google_apis or Paste it in google_apis_playstore folder.
The Complete path of system image file :
C:\Users\{Your UserName}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-30\google_apis\x86
C:\Users\{Your UserName}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-30\google_apis_playstore\x86
Restart Android Studio and the system image should be selectable.
============= Good Luck ❤❤❤ =============
I have faced the same issue when manually installing an android-wear image. For android-wear images the directory structure looks like this.
example: For this wear image https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/android-wear/x86-28_r03.zip
Don't forget to restart the Android Studio!
Actually, if you extract downloaded zip archive, system will never find it.
You have to click in 'Download' tag, then in folder
^^^ version of SDK you use
if google-api then additional folder 'google_apis' will be created .install file with the path, where archive is located.
Usually it is
C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME]\AppData\Local\Temp\PackageOperation01
Put there your zip archive and go to Download link again.
After that, it will not start download, but will start to check and unzip operation.
This resolves offline installation issue.
find the logfile for the android device manager (on my machine it was here: C:\Users(user name)\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Logs\16.0). At the end of the logfile (named like 2021-07-21_16-03-19.18380.devicemanager.log), you'll see it reference a path it's trying to download from and to. Here's what my log message looked like:
[21-07-21 21:03:29.66] [ProgressMonitor] Step "Downloading Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image v9" did begin for AVD: pixel_2_pie_9_0_-_api_28, totalWork: 918028186
[21-07-21 21:03:29.67] Downloaded file '<USER_HOME>\AppData\Local\Temp\xamarin-android-sdk\x86-28_r09.zip' not found for Android SDK archive 'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis_playstore/x86-28_r09.zip'
[21-07-21 21:06:08.50] [ProgressMonitor] downloading did report error with exception: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out. AVD Name: pixel_2_pie_9_0_-_api_28
So I went to the https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis_playstore/x86-28_r09.zip link and manually downoaded the file and copied it to <USER_HOME>\AppData\Local\Temp\xamarin-android-sdk\x86-28_r09.zip and clicked retry from the failed attempt inside the android device manager, and voila, it worked after 2 days of messing around with it.
For me the problem was that currently Android Studio doesn't list older system images (older than 29) in the "Create Device" wizard, and that even if the relevant system images have been downloaded already.
The workaround I found was to download system images and create emulator devices from the command line. This works even if you don't have the Android Studio - you just need the Android SDK installed.
To download a system image, go into the directory where the Android SDK is installed (by default this is at ~/Android/SDK on Linux), then in your terminal type: ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --list - this will list all the available system images, even very old ones (I see the oldest SDK is 10). They should have the path (the text in the first column) labeled with this format: system-images;android-<sdk-version>;<type>;<architecture> (there are also other stuff aside from system images, lets ignore these for now).
To download the system image you want, type ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install "<path>" where "<path>" would be the first column from the available package list from the step above.
Then to create an emulator virtual device for this image, use the command line as well: type ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/avdmanager create avd -d <device-type> -k '<system-image-path> -n '<device-name>', where:
"<device-type>" would be the name of the device you want to emulate, for example "pixel_4a" to emulate a Pixel 4a - use avdmanager list device to get the list of devices.
"<system-image-path>" would be the same path you used to download the system image, for example system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64.
"<device-name>" would be whatever name you want to be shown in Android Studio's "Device Manager" view.
For example: ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/avdmanager create avd -d pixel_4a -k 'system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64' -n 'Pixel_4a_API_23'
If you had Android Studio running while doing all of that, you'd need to stop and restart it. If you want to copy the created files to another machine, you'd need to copy your entire Android SDK installation directory (or possibly only the "system-images" folder inside the SDK installation directory) and also the content of the Android SDK AVD configuration directory - if you created any AVDs - this would be ~/.android/avd under Linux.
Go to the AVD Manager in Android Studio (it is in the toolbar and looks like a tablet with an Android on it), then click on "Create Virtual Device" once a window called "Android Virtual Device Manager" pops up. Next, choose the device you want to pick, and then click "Next". You will then be able to download a system image.
I tried downloading and installing eclipse because I want to explore android programming. I tried downloading and installing all the tools in the android device manager without thinking about how much space it can use. The downloads used 14 gb in my disk and I'm already regretting it. I tried deleting all my eclipse file but it still uses the same amount on my disk. Is there anything I can do to completely remove all eclipse files in my computer?
normally eclipse works like a portable software. You can only install Plugins inside it, which will be saved in the plugin folder. So in my opinion you have to search manually where it is on your space and after this you better download right here: https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
normally it must be done if you just delete the eclipse folder ...
You have to remove the android installation with all its packages : documentations, sdk, ecc... you can find them into the android folder,
C:\Program Files\Android in Windows
or open the Android SDK manager and remove every installed package.
I have been trying to download a system image for AVD in android studio. in the sdk manager. But it is painfully slow for some reason. It shows in log that it is downloading from a specific link, so I went ahead and downloaded that via some other tool.
Now my question is, now that I have downloaded the zip. How do I make it so that the SDK manager will look up a local resource instead of the remote image?
Moving the extracted folder into ANDROID_SDK_HOME\system-image\android-25\ does the trick.
I am working on Android application which needs to play audio present in cal folder i.e sfdk folder. My doubt is wehere can I find SDK folder in File/Explorer option of
ddms.I find data and system folders in File/Explorer, but didnot find SDK folder.Can I be helped to sove this issue .
Thanks N Regards
Did you mean the Android APIs which are available with the sdk?
It is present in the project folder in Eclipse.(Couldnt post picture because of low reputation :-))
If you want to see the system files inside the emulator, go the command prompt and type
host $>adb shell
You can see all the system files.
If you want to see the Android sdk, you should download the source code from the Android site.http://source.android.com/source/download.html
DDMS displays the content of your phone's internal disk space. There should be a folder named /sdcard that represents the sdcard, if you have one mounted on your phone or emulator.
If by "SDK folder" you mean the SDK that you installed on your PC, it's not going to be shown my DDMS. Feel free to clarify your question.