I'm working on a phonegap project. I initialized OneSignal in my app.js file according to the documentation. But when I start my app, it gives Uncaught ReferenceError: OneSignal is not defined. I'm not so much familiar with phoegap and onesignal. If you need further explanation, please comment.
Thank you
For PhoneGap the OneSignal code should be added to your first page. Most of the time this index.js. Adding it to the app.js file is for Intel XDK and Ionic. 2. Add required code.
It is possible the OneSignal plugin did not get fully added, check the logcat (Android) or the Xcode device log (iOS) for errors before the one you noted above.
Lastly you can try a Clean Build.
I found my uBlockOrigin chrome extension was blocking it. Not sure what to do to fix it but yeah. Give that a check.
Hey so I have recently started developing an app using flutter and I have already coma across a few issues. I'll quickly resume my situation :
My app uses firebase auth and I uses the android studio refactor feature for androidX.
This managed to get me a working application with a login form but no way to fill in the login form because the android API 28 has a bug in that it does not show the keyboard after you higlight the textinput. But for fire auth you need the API level 28 ...
I managed to get around this by using the flutter channel dev.
Now so far everything works login in and registering users with the firebase auth.
Next I want to implement the facebook login and this is where I encountered even more trouble.
I used the https://github.com/roughike/flutter_facebook_login package and followed all the steps and went through the whole configuration on the firebase page and the facebook developer page.
Add the res/strings.xml
Add permission the manifest
Add and the two under the application key in the android manifest
Add "implementation 'com.facebook.android:facebook-login:4.40.0'" under the app level gradle dependencies
Checked the jcenter() in the project level grable repositories
The actual dart code seems fine and the project builds and runs correctly on IOS
I do not get any errors even running flutter in verbose mode. The logcat is also completly empty.
I am at a complete loss it's really starting to feel like flutter is not really stable after all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: This issue seems to be androidX related and should be fixed as soon as this pull request :
is merged.
Ok I got it working by copying the repository locally and adding the changes in the aforementioned pull request.
Then in my pubspec file I used the path: key to set the dependency to my local file instead of the official git.
you can also use
url: (url to your fork with the fixes in place)
I had to run flutter clean before rebuilding the app and now everything works.
EDIT A comment has just been added on the pull request thread :
As we are not sure when this will be merged, you can adjust your pubspec.yaml in the meantime:
url: https://github.com/yudaprama/flutter_facebook_login
ref: android-x
I'm struggling for some days to do that. Without success.
I've found two ways that I think reasonably to follow:
1: Plugin cordova-sftp-plugin.
I see that it is writted to deal with 'secure ftp', but why wouldn't work in an ordinary non secure ftp? Nothing was metioned about it.
I've tried so, applying the 'Use Example' from the official page, the code fells in the success callback function, but when I list the local directory, nothing was changed! It gives me no clue about what goes wrong! In true, the software does not detect nothing wrong.
Before the previous steps, I did not forget to precautionally install and enable the 'cordova-plugin-file', 'cordova-plugin-file-transfer' and 'cordova-plugin-network-information' and to add the <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> in the AndroidManifest.xml. Tryied to save files in cordova.file.externalRootDirectory and cordova.file.externalRootDirectory + "/Downloads/. Nothing worked.
2. The macdonst FtpClient plugin.
Searching for my issue, one of the first pages that appears is How to ftp a file over to a server from PhoneGap/webapp?, and beyond some further search I've found another one in a relatively old post mentioned the successful use this plugin in a Cordova application. So I can consider this plugin as a stable choice.
The problem with this method comes earlier: I coundn't even build the application after a manual installation proccess. May it is a problem in the manual installation proccess.
The official plugin documentation teachs to install it in a PhoneGap application, and not a Cordova. The steps was not replicable to Cordova, due to some differences in paths and configuration, and some others links also supports the plugin installation solely in Phonegap, not Cordova.
I also tryied follow the steps in the http://antonylees.blogspot.com.br/2015/01/how-to-manually-add-cordova-plugins-to.html and Manually install Device plugin (and others) into cordova 3.0 to manually add the plugin. The steps in the first link also was not well replicable, and although the second one are more straitfoward, also does not solved the issue.
Building it gives me a java error compilation. The first error output (what uses to cause all the following errors are):
error: package org.apache.cordova.api does not exist
import org.apache.cordova.api.CallbackContext;
Very strange. May I have to search for the org.apache.cordova.api jar file and put in the lib folder? Also, I did not forget to put the commons-net-2.2.jar in the project libs folder.
Can anyone have some suggestion to succeed this? I just want to download a file through ftp protocol and save locally and so, if there's an alternative method to succeed, it will be appreciated too.
Thanks in advance.
In my phonegap application for android, in app.js, I am trying to execute
in app.js but I am getting cordova.plugins as undefined. Now in my index.html I have included cordova.js file. But which file I need to include to make plugins available to cordova global variable? I am not able to understand how to make cordova.plugins available. window.plugins is available but backgroundMode is undefined then. Please help me out here. It seems I am missing out some conceptual part.
Ok...I dont know how but I solved my issue by creating a new project again. There might be some mistake from my side while creating the previous app.
I'm trying to integrate twitter's sdk with my app. I'm following this guide.
Unfortunately, when I try to build my project, I keep receiving this error:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug'.
Crashlytics Developer Tools error.
Unfortunately because I don't have 10 reputation, I can't post my build.gradle file because it has links in it. Just trust the fact that it looks just like the build.gradle example in the top link provided.
Is there something that I'm missing that I may have overlooked?
Your problem should be caused due to that you did not create a “crashlytics.properties” file which is required to contain API Key and Build Secret in your app directory.
The solution is quite simple that you don't even have to manually setup anything on your original project. Just following this link:
It will lead you to the Fabric official website, which helps you to download and install Fabric plugins into your IDE (Android Studio, IntelliJ or Eclipse). This might be a new magical method to integrate twitter's SDK within your app, it will automatically configure your project. You will see the magic when you get there.
Hope it helps.
The fix I found is that I did not place the meta-data tag with the API Key INSIDE the application tag in the androidmanifest.xml.
I'm using cordova with the latest Netbeans build 7.4, which has the cordova integration included.
I added the following line to nbproject/plugins.propteries and can clearly see, that the plugin is fetched:
Calling plugman.fetch on plugin
"https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-facebook-plugin.git" Fetching
plugin "https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-facebook-plugin.git" via
git clone
After that, the build crashes, due to missing info:
Error: Variable(s) missing: APP_ID, APP_NAME
Where can I add the missing info, which is the correct file and syntax?
I have found a good tutorial here, which has solved my problem.