Delete unnecessary files from Android Studio - android

Android Studio is taking up more than 16GB of space.
I would like to delete some files.
I use my cell phone to compile the code.
So I would like to delete all files that are related to AVD.
System-Images take up nearly 12GB.
I believe system-images are used for rendering AVDs.
So can I just delete them?
Is there a particular method by which they have to be deleted?
I am not programming for either Android Wear or TV.
I also don't have an Intel processor (I have AMD).
So what files & folders can I delete?

Obviously delete anything that says Intel since you can't run it with AMD. You only need one system image and SDK for each API you need to test against. Delete everything else. ... Or, just delete everything. Start from scratch. Try to run things, then install the bare minimum of what you think you need as the errors occur.
Also, your phone runs the code, not compiles... Anyways, if that is the case, delete all system images. Leave the APIs that you need. If you are not developing offline, then delete the Documentation & Sources as well.
Use the SDK Manager for all this
I like to keep in minimal. Last time I checked, it was around 600 MB

For each API you want to build for, you should keep the SDK platform, Google APIs and Sources for Android SDK. Samples are nice but not necessary.
I wouldn't touch the first tools folder. Everything else you can uncheck and delete.
I have all those installed for API 17, 19, 21, 23 and my SDK folder comes to ~6.5 gbs

You probably shouldnt be manually deleting files from the /sdk folder (since you're talking about system images and intel).
Use the SDK Manager to uninstall the components you don't need. It should have the system images and other components you mentioned listed as installed.


Android SDKs eating up my hard drive; what can I safely delete?

My app targets Android 4.4 and up. But I have SDKs from like 14-25 installed via the Studio SDK Manager. I don't use the emulator except on rare occasions - but when I do its typically for 4.4 & 5x. But collectively Android Studio is taking up over 100Gb of storage on my system...I need to reduce its size (big time)
What can I delete that allows me to still target 4.4 and everything newer?
This question has been asked a multitude of times but everything I researched did not provide a clear answer.
If I delete 14-24, and build my app with just SDK 25, can my app still support Android 4.4? Or do I need to hold on to specific SDKs so that my app will still support all Android versions 4.4 and higher? Please be specific, too many vague answers out there.
My app is a cordova/ionic app - many plugins references specific versions of SDKs - typically based on when the plugin was last updated. But quite often these plugins are tested with SDK 22, or SDK 21 (mainly because the author has never bothered to update/maintain the plugin - but it still works) - will those plugins still work if SDKs 14-24 are deleted and only SDK 25 is installed?
As mentioned, I occasionally need the emulator for specific system-images; in lieu of question #1 - if I want to try spin up Android 4.4 emulator do I also need to keep specific SDKs to support those system-images.
Using the Android Studio SDK Manager - does removing specific SDKs via the manager also delete things from my hard drive? I would think it would, but I read some other blogs where people were manually having to delete things.
the Build procedure depends of BuildTools and Android SDK. If you set "minSdkVersion: 10" and "targetSdkVersion: 27" then YOU SHOULD manage all code differences between all versions. There are two possibilities: (A) older method/class is not more available on newer SDK: then the bulld procedure will fail because you cannot call/use them directly but only via Reflection (B) newer method/class is not present in the older SDK: then the build procedure ends fine but your App will crash when THAT method/class is used if you don't manage that specific case using "if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.xxxx)..."
it depends of what kind of plugin they are. Are they AAR file? Are they an editable project that you could join/add to yours? are them external libraries? AAR files and .SO libraries are already compiled so they doesn't need any other/external file or development tool.
Emulator runs using its own "System OS" files, so all the development stuff is unuseful for it. You can run an Emulator even without having never installed a development tool (Android Studio or other things)
Removing items from the Manager should remove even its files, but in some case there could be a bug and nothing (or just partially) is deleted. But you can check your drive storage free space if it is increased.

Quickest, least hassle way to get Android SDK

I want to target Android from Unity. I'll be teaching a class so want a fast and easy deployment of the SDK without messing with 30 students' different laptop setups.
Is it possible to download just the Android SDK for a given OS without going via intermediaries (SDKManager, Studio etc)? Where can it be found and are any installation steps required?
EDIT: Thanks to a comment on this question and a close look at what Studio was doing when it installed suggests this link works for Windows:
Is there somewhere I can find a definitive list of such links? And is it sufficient just to grab and unzip this archive? Unfortunately I've installed Studio now so my environment is a bit hosed from a testing perspective...
UPDATE: I've now discovered that the Android SDK itself seems to require a full JDK installation (not just JRE). For that rather tangential reason it seems unlikely I can use this in my specific context.
I'd still be interested to know whether there's a place to grab the latest SDK as a direct download, in case I decide to try to repack these dependencies for my students.

Things to do before updating Android SDK tools in Eclipse

I'm working on Android App on Eclipse, Now I see updates for Android SDK folders
Android 6.0 (API 23)
In my current App I used google-play-services_lib library copied in my workspace
Do I need to do anything before updating my SDK ? I don't want to take a risk of losing my setup because of update.
Thanks for the help.
IMHO you not need to do something special, appart to check this page
and check if something affect your proyect.
I strongly recomend you to move to Android Studio because Eclipse is deprecated now and will receive less and less features and upgrades. I know it's a little difficult right now but the pros are bigger than the cons.

Android build environment

I have been working with standard android for some time. Recently I have been building android sdk for windows and find some interesting things in Android build env. There is a command called lunch which can be used to list all available targets to build. However, it does not list sdk and its variants,even though they are valid options.
Does anyone know why is that the case?
Also can I build any specific module in Android sdk without building the whole sdk. (It could be a great help as I dont wanna build the whole sdk, if I gonna do a small change in one component.)
Under the hood, lunch uses make, so if some pieces of SDK do not change, they won't be rebuilt.
My speculation about your first question: rebuilding SDK was never considered a major task of lunch. It is most often used to port or mod the system and produce an installable system image, and receive the ADK as by-product. Later, people realized that often (with root access to the device) you can iterate over one component without need to reinstall the whole system image.

Setting Up Eclipse for Android SDK?

I'm having trouble setting up the Android SDK. I've set up Eclipse before but it didn't work, so I uninstalled it, but I'm trying again.
Does Eclipse need to be extracted to a particular folder for it to work? Where should I extract to?
I'm using Eclipse 3.5 on Win7 Ultimate x64
Eclipse should be one of the most straightforward installs you have ever done. Make sure you have a Java SDK installed prior to extracting Eclipse. Otherwise it should work out of the box. Be sure not to move the eclipse executable out of the directory that you extract it to (make a shortcut to move instead).
The Android SDK should also be largely painless. Use the tool provided with the SDK download to setup the versions you want. The documentation is pretty good for this. (see Brian's link)
It can be much trickier to get the drivers for specific handsets working though, so you have that to look forward to down the road. They will come from the individual manufacturers developer websites.
Also is this for Win, Linux, or Mac? I will link you a walk through for the one you need.
Video tutorial for installing Android SDK on Win7 -
Installing Eclipse on Win 7 64bit:
How can I install eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit?
No, Eclipse can be extracted anywhere. Make sure you follow the steps detailed in the guide "Installing the SDK".
Ignore the last link to the JRE provided in Andrew's answer, you need the Sun JDK (5 or 6) instead of just the JRE (The Java Development Kit can contain multiple Java Runtime Environments). The official documentation Android provides makes this distinction quite clear. You need the JDK. -->
Also, the ADT plugin for eclipse sometimes doesn't update correctly. In that case, try to manually remove the 's' from the 'https://' and if that doesn't work, click on one of the tabs of the dialog and look for the checkbox which forces the use of secure mode, and then of course, make sure there is an 's' in the 'https://'.
Also make sure you've updated your system environment variable called 'path' to make sure the tools inside the tools/ folder from your android sdk folder are accessible from anywhere your command line/Eclipse might decide to call them from.

