Quickest, least hassle way to get Android SDK - android

I want to target Android from Unity. I'll be teaching a class so want a fast and easy deployment of the SDK without messing with 30 students' different laptop setups.
Is it possible to download just the Android SDK for a given OS without going via intermediaries (SDKManager, Studio etc)? Where can it be found and are any installation steps required?
EDIT: Thanks to a comment on this question and a close look at what Studio was doing when it installed suggests this link works for Windows:
Is there somewhere I can find a definitive list of such links? And is it sufficient just to grab and unzip this archive? Unfortunately I've installed Studio now so my environment is a bit hosed from a testing perspective...
UPDATE: I've now discovered that the Android SDK itself seems to require a full JDK installation (not just JRE). For that rather tangential reason it seems unlikely I can use this in my specific context.
I'd still be interested to know whether there's a place to grab the latest SDK as a direct download, in case I decide to try to repack these dependencies for my students.


Android development setup on Windows

I have php and .net programming experience.
I want to set up a development system on a windows 7 64 bit PC. I could do with database usage at a later date. I want to do it as hard coding not use software that you just drag and drop objects to play games.
I have already downloaded and installed jdk-8u20-windows-x64.exe
What do I need to do next and in what if any order.
Get your Android SDK and Eclipse IDE here
As this is not a programming question please use Google Search or a source specific to your problem next time.
It's quite simple really. I would suggest using Android Studio, which can be found here :
Download Android Studio
It says it's a beta version but I have (and I'm not the only one) been using it for production without issues for months now. It's really a question of preference but as far as I'm concerned, I found my productivity to be much higher on Android Studio than it was using Eclipse.
Once it is installed, find the SDK manager and download the latest SDK version, build tools and other things you may need (such as the USB driver for debugging, the support library, ...) :
I highly recommend you go through the training on the official documentation page to start getting used to your new toys :-)

Android build environment

I have been working with standard android for some time. Recently I have been building android sdk for windows and find some interesting things in Android build env. There is a command called lunch which can be used to list all available targets to build. However, it does not list sdk and its variants,even though they are valid options.
Does anyone know why is that the case?
Also can I build any specific module in Android sdk without building the whole sdk. (It could be a great help as I dont wanna build the whole sdk, if I gonna do a small change in one component.)
Under the hood, lunch uses make, so if some pieces of SDK do not change, they won't be rebuilt.
My speculation about your first question: rebuilding SDK was never considered a major task of lunch. It is most often used to port or mod the system and produce an installable system image, and receive the ADK as by-product. Later, people realized that often (with root access to the device) you can iterate over one component without need to reinstall the whole system image.

Use Sublime Text 2 to develop Phonegap applications for Android

I've been using eclipse to develop Android apps with phonegap until, a few weeks ago, I decided to try Sublime Text 2. I found it to be so much better than the eclipse editor so I would like to keep using it. Only thing I'm missing is a quick way to test the app on the device inside Sublime.
Luckily, someone else also had the same idea and developed a plugin for this:
Sadly, I cannot get it to work, I installed ant and pointed the plugin to adb but then nothing happens when I try to create a new project (and there is no error message in the console).
I also found this other plugin:
But I have no idea on how to install and run it.
Did someone else found a way to do this?
A quick update into 2014.
As of PhoneGap Cordova 3.0, it is no longer required to develop Android apps via eclipse. You are free to use any code editor or IDE you wish as app building is done independently from eclipse via a simple command line.
cordova run android to package the .apk and install on any active devices detected by adb or
cordova build android to package the .apk only.
In your case, you can keep using Sublime and pop in the cordova run android command whenever you ready to go on a test run.
While I agree with Insane Coder that you should stick with supported IDEs to develop for Android, according to this link and existing Sublime Text 2 Ant support, you could build and develop your android project with this IDE (It will just take some time to set it all up... as opposed to using a supported IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse).
Using PackageControl, look for "Ant". That will install syntax highlighting for Ant. Another plugin that enables the build command (ctrl+b) to work for Ant files, "Super Ant". You should be able to code for android in sublime text 2 with those installed.
On another note... Do you use windows? The Andrew project you link to, seems to have Windows compatibility issues. Apparently related to locating the "SDK" (he says sdk in Andrew's github page but, probably he means JDK?) in your hard drive. Which is probably a hassle because Windows typically installs stuff to "Program Files" and in code, that turns into "Progra~1" because of the space. In the link I give you there is another approach to it, so when you install the JDK set a folder that has no spaces in its name, like c:\java\jdk1.6.0_02 or something else that strikes your fancy. The problem you could be having with Andrew is that it isn't finding the jdk in your hard disk.

eclipse not related with android safe uninstallable software

I have a fairly old computer, and to speed up and reduce the eclipse ram used, I would remove all the software and Pugin who do not serve the development of Android applications from eclipse
Right now I have installed
Equinox p2 (core function, CPR management, more ...)
Eclipse csv (client, resource)
Eclipse Help (dev resource, system)
Eclipse PDE Plugin developer resource
Eclipse RCP
EMF (code, common, UI)
Marketplace client
Tracer for opengl es
And of course, Eclipse and Android related software. Which of these can I safely remove?
You can remove the EMF(Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF)) because is a modeling entity framework and is not necessary for android development.
You can find more info here : EMF
Can't say exactly, Unfortunately, if android plugin depends on one element of other plugins. It may require to download lots of things. Even if you won`t use these things from the ADT plugin.
That said, there are couple of ways to reduce your eclipse installation. You can try to install a barebone bundle of eclipse with only minimal things. Then install the ADT plugin. It will take care of installing required plugins.
Or here's the risky way. Remove everything you want. I'm not so sure about that but I'm pretty sure that eclipse will tell you to remove every plugins that depend on the thing you want to delete. Anyway this method isn't perfect because you may delete things that are needed and unrelated to eclipse.
Keep in mind that in the packages you listed there should be sub packages and not all of them may be required or installed. And that eclipse by itself is kind of a BEAFY IDE

Setting Up Eclipse for Android SDK?

I'm having trouble setting up the Android SDK. I've set up Eclipse before but it didn't work, so I uninstalled it, but I'm trying again.
Does Eclipse need to be extracted to a particular folder for it to work? Where should I extract to?
I'm using Eclipse 3.5 on Win7 Ultimate x64
Eclipse should be one of the most straightforward installs you have ever done. Make sure you have a Java SDK installed prior to extracting Eclipse. Otherwise it should work out of the box. Be sure not to move the eclipse executable out of the directory that you extract it to (make a shortcut to move instead).
The Android SDK should also be largely painless. Use the tool provided with the SDK download to setup the versions you want. The documentation is pretty good for this. (see Brian's link)
It can be much trickier to get the drivers for specific handsets working though, so you have that to look forward to down the road. They will come from the individual manufacturers developer websites.
Also is this for Win, Linux, or Mac? I will link you a walk through for the one you need.
Video tutorial for installing Android SDK on Win7 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeWH6Bj1DYw&feature=related
Installing Eclipse on Win 7 64bit:
How can I install eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit?
JVM - http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/moreinfo/jre.php
No, Eclipse can be extracted anywhere. Make sure you follow the steps detailed in the guide "Installing the SDK".
Ignore the last link to the JRE provided in Andrew's answer, you need the Sun JDK (5 or 6) instead of just the JRE (The Java Development Kit can contain multiple Java Runtime Environments). The official documentation Android provides makes this distinction quite clear. You need the JDK. --> http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html#Preparing
Also, the ADT plugin for eclipse sometimes doesn't update correctly. In that case, try to manually remove the 's' from the 'https://' and if that doesn't work, click on one of the tabs of the dialog and look for the checkbox which forces the use of secure mode, and then of course, make sure there is an 's' in the 'https://'.
Also make sure you've updated your system environment variable called 'path' to make sure the tools inside the tools/ folder from your android sdk folder are accessible from anywhere your command line/Eclipse might decide to call them from.

