Characters UTF-16LE not showing on my Android Nougat - android

I am developing an Android Application and I need to display on a TextView special UTF-16LE characters like æ or Œ, or the one in the picture I posted.
I can't understand why everything is displayed correctly on Nougat Emulator and also on an Lollipop and Marshmallow Smartphone while on my Personal Android Nougat I can't see those characters, I can only see ": :" characters instead of the right ones.
(Careful, In the left picture, that ' character is not a normal accent and that I is not a normal I)
Why can't I display those special characters on my Smartphone? How should I proceed with that?
I debugged my application and characters are properly set on my TextView; but still, I can't read them correctly.
It seems that my Smartphone (OnePlus3 on latest Software Updates) can't read UTF-16LE characters, but still, It's really strange for me to face something like that.
Any help would be very appreciated,
Have a nice day.
UPDATE: I downloaded on my Smartphone and it seems that I don't have many of those unicode characters on my Smartphone, is there a way to fix it? Do I just need to install a better font?

I solved my issue, that's what I did. (As usual, thanks also to #Claffolo, my teammate)
I imported a free copyrighted font like Gentium in my android assets.
On my project, I imported the new font and init a variable like that
Typeface plain = Typeface.createFromAsset(getActivity().getAssets(), "fonts/GentiumPlus-I.ttf");
final TextView text_view = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
text_view.setText("[String with special characters]");
When I loaded my ArrayList with all the special characters, let's say my wordlist.
I did it in the following way:
//Loading my Wordlist
BufferedReader line_reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(activity.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.ipautf16le), Charset.forName("UTF-16LE")));
String line;
try {
while ((line = line_reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
That's all.


Possible to auto fill code statements in android studio

I'm currently creating a soundboard app. I have about 100+ sound files to import.
I have code lines (android:onClick="song1") and (MediaPlayer mysound1).
Just wondering if there is a way to copy+paste these lines and have android studio auto change the line to "song2" and "song3" all the way to "song100"? Same goes for the "mysound1" all the way to "mysound100". I hope I do not have to do it manually :(
Thank you!
The approach you're using seems like a brute force method. There are much more elegant ways to approach this. For one, I would recommend creating dynamic Android components programmatically instead of in XML. Then you could hold all of your elements in a List or a Map, and you could tie them to a generic onClick listener. I'd recommend taking a look around online to figure out how to do some of these things.
But, if you would like to stick with you original method, I don't believe that Android has a way to auto number your click events. You could, however, write code to write your code. Here's a simple example using Java - since you're writing an Android app (utilizing the Eclipse console to print out to):
public class WriteMyCode {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
sb.append("<Button android:id=\"#+id/mybutton\"\n");
sb.append(" android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n");
sb.append(" android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n");
sb.append(" android:text=\"Click me!\"\n");
sb.append(" android:onClick=\"" + "song" + i + "\" />\n\n");
You can then copy the output from the Eclipse console and paste it into your Android XML resource file.
I went to use Microsoft Excel to auto fill the numbers all the way to 100. Then CONCATENATE the ; to the end of "Mediaplayer mysound1".

Displaying Unicode string in Users control in Xamarin (Android)

Basically, i have a list of Nepali Unicode strings something like {"युनिकोड १ ","युनिकोड २","युनिकोड ३"}.
Now, Firstly, I have a text view in Xamarin (Android) and tried to set the text property using couple of methods:
UnicodeTextView.Text="युनिकोड १"; //direct method
var font = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(_activity.Assets, "kantiput.TTF");//kantiput.TTF Is a Nepali font.
UnicodeTextView.Typeface = font;
var font = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(_activity.Assets, "kantiput.TTF");
UnicodeTextView.SetTypeface(font, TypefaceStyle.BoldItalic);
and none of them worked.
When using the first option nothing was displayed, and on working with last two
and there were some BOX character visible.
For first case when i directly tried to set the value:
Before setting value:
After setting value:
Samething with the ListAdapter.
Can anyone suggest me how can we display unicode sentences in TextView, EditText, Toast ?
I want result something like this :
with TextView :
and here is the weird behavior :
and i tried all those code that are in comment too. Still didn't find any luck.
I am working in android.
In toast I checked like the following:
Toast.makeText (this, "\u0c05 \u0c06", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).Show();
For first two letters of Telugu alphabet s. It worked.
If you have the font file you can obtain unicode codes for the various glyphs in the online software available at
Under page glyph inspector.
I tested your code, the first direct method UnicodeTextView.Text="युनिकोड १"; works fine by my side both with single TextView or TextView in ListView.
Or you may try this code:
if (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
UnicodeTextView.Text = Android.Text.Html.FromHtml("युनिकोड १", Android.Text.FromHtmlOptions.ModeLegacy).ToString();
UnicodeTextView.Text = Android.Text.Html.FromHtml("युनिकोड १").ToString();

Adobe Air Android / Arabic text issue

i'm using Adobe Flash Air for IOS & Android problem now is the Arabic RTL i can't write arabic.
Input Text is Classic not " TLF Text "
The TLF problem is the keyboard not showing up in android..
1) Did you try doing some research? I googled as3 "android" keyboard not showing.
What's wrong with solutions suggested on first page results of the above link?
2) Consider using Stage text and there's an introduction article about it.
3) Try something like below (untested) as a starting point. Hard to fix your code since none shown.
Also read this guide first. Might be useful.
var testInput : TextField = new TextField();
testInput.needsSoftKeyboard = true;
testInput.type = "input";
testInput.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusText);
function onFocusText( e:FocusEvent ):void

Android - Shortname to Unicode from Emojione doesn't work

First of all, I don't know whether I should ask this here or in the repo, but as I saw other questions for other libraries like.. Picasso, so here goes :
I'm trying to implement Emojione into my Android app. I've downloaded a small static class to convert all short name to unicode from Emojione Github Repo.
The problem is, when I try to use it to convert :smile: to unicode..
Emojione.shortnameToUnicode(postMessageText, true); // postMessageText is ":smile:"
It always return.. A square, as if it failed to convert. I tried other short names too like :smiley:, :grinning:, but they also failed. :(something): is really a short name right?
The answer is actually in front of my eyes all the time. It really did convert to unicode but, I might be wrong here, in a font unsupported by Android. So I tried using SpannableStringBuilder to span the emoji part to use emojione-android.ttf
Here's how :
int firstEq = sb.length();
Typeface font = FontCache.getTypeface("emojione-android.ttf", context);
String convertPart = Emojione.shortnameToUnicode(part, true);
sb.append(convertPart + " ");
int lastEq = sb.length();
sb.setSpan(new CustomTypefaceSpan("", font), firstEq, lastEq, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
And that's how I got the TextView to show emojis.. Just use the font!

Typing Urdu/Arabic in TextEdit/TextView in Android

I want to create a database in which i can add and retrieve the Urdu words. for this purpose i installed Inpage 2009 professional and copied its fonts (.ttf) into assets folder but it gave an error i.e
I also installed UrduFonts.exe and copied its font JameelNooriNastaleeq.ttf but it also gave the same error. i need the Urdu font that is compatible to the android , the font that can add and retrieve Urdu to and from the database using android.
this is how i coded foa a Lcd2Mono.ttf and i am having the true experience of that font but i am unsuccessful. here is my piece of code..
private EditText txt,start,urdu;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
urdu=(EditText) findViewById(;
urdu.setText("ur text");
catch(Exception ex)
i did some with Inpage Fonts and got Exception that Native Font.....
i think JameelNooriNastaleeq.ttf font is very huge, more than 10M (maybe somehow connected to your problem), i recommend to try something much more smaller like:
but still issue with connecting the urdu characters, like in this question:
how to add language support to android
what exception you got?

