Adobe Air Android / Arabic text issue - android

i'm using Adobe Flash Air for IOS & Android problem now is the Arabic RTL i can't write arabic.
Input Text is Classic not " TLF Text "
The TLF problem is the keyboard not showing up in android..

1) Did you try doing some research? I googled as3 "android" keyboard not showing.
What's wrong with solutions suggested on first page results of the above link?
2) Consider using Stage text and there's an introduction article about it.
3) Try something like below (untested) as a starting point. Hard to fix your code since none shown.
Also read this guide first. Might be useful.
var testInput : TextField = new TextField();
testInput.needsSoftKeyboard = true;
testInput.type = "input";
testInput.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusText);
function onFocusText( e:FocusEvent ):void


How to catch the key values from a custom keyboard on Android mobiles or tablets? How to make work an Android Keyboard & Barcode Scanner within Odoo?

I am trying to use Odoo with the application Barcode & QR code Keyboard, from Nikola Antonov (just an example, I do not know if there are better options), in order to read barcodes for the pickings.
The first problem I had to face was I had to show the keyboard in this picking view
So I needed to create an input field in order to click in it and show the Android Keyboard, or in this case the Nikola Antonov keyboard. Then, I had to assign the function handler to this input text field:
this.$('#input_text_barcodes').on('keyup', self.getParent().barcode_scanner.handler);
The function is only working as expected if I use the normal Android Keyboard (AOSP) and only with numbers. The letters of the Android Keyboard or whatever character of the Nikola Antonov Keyboard are not working (only the backspace)
this.handler = function(e){
self.$('#aux_label').text('>> CODE: ' + e.which)
self.$('#aux_label').text('>> KEY CODE: ' + e.keyCode)
self.$('#aux_label').text('>> KEY: ' + e.key)
// [...]
I tried switching the languages of the keyboard as well, but with the same result
Should I change the keyup event?
Is there other way to catch the characters?
Finally I have asked to the developer of the application directly and he solved the problem quite fast. He made it work with numeric keys, that is enough for what I wanted to achieve.

Animation in vb with wpf

I am working on vb project in visual studio 2015.I need to animate the text "Darkode" from left to right.
I tried the following code which i pulled from the internet,
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Window.Loaded">
<DoubleAnimation Duration="0:0:.8" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Left" From="1920" To="0" AccelerationRatio=".1"/>
But i didn't understand it Correctly? I need more clarification on the topic.
I had encountered a similar situation where i had to Animate my logo. After searching for hours in the internet i found a solution which was not very useful to me but given your situation (animate a text from left to right) ,it will be more useful to you.
Here is the code :
Private Sub trmText_Timer()
If lblCaption.Caption <> StrCap Then
lblCaption.Caption = Left(StrCap, Len(lblCaption.Caption) + 1)
lblCaption.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Here is the source for the code:
Here is the link for my qusetion :Animation of words in visual studio
Unlike the code you posted in your question which uses storyboard for animation the above code uses Timer control for animation.
In the above code StrCap contains your text darkode and
lblCaption.Caption is an empty string onto which you iterativly put you text charater by charater on each iteration.
Heres a link if you want to know more about timer control :Timer Control

Google Places Autocomplete plugin isnt working in Firefox android

We are using google's places-autocomplete plugin on our website.
Of late we have received several complaints from our website visitors that this plugin isn't working in the Android version of Firefox. It works fine in the desktop version of Firefox however.
The problem can be simply observed by
Going to the places-autocomplete example here
Trying to enter a zip code in the "Enter a location" search input
You will observe the following 2 issues -
Google Auto-complete should show suggestions as you start typing the
zip code. But it doesn't until one types a space or , after the 5 digit zip code.
When the suggestions do show up (after typing space or ,), you can't choose the first suggestion. As you tap on it, the cursor moves back to the search input. You can however choose the second or third suggestion correctly.
Problem #2 is extremely annoying and frustrating for the user. We've had received several complaints about this.
I have confirmed this on Firefox version 36.0.2 on a Samsung S4 running Android 4.4.2.
How can this be resolved?
A work around for the second issue is to give the first autocomplete suggestion a top margin so the user can click it. Its not pretty but its functional.
.FirefoxAndroid .pac-container .pac-item:first-child {
margin-top: 20px;
var is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
var is_android = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') > -1;
if(is_firefox && is_android){
I encountered the same issue today - the website I am working on is working perfectly on every web browser, the auto-complete as well except on FF mobile.
After trying 3-4 solutions the one that worked for me was to declare the var place at the top of my code.
I have something like that
var autocomplete;
var place;
var input = document.getElementById('location');
var options = {
componentRestrictions: {'country':'be'},
types: ['(regions)'] // (cities)
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input,options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {
place = autocomplete.getPlace();
It was not working only on FF mobile because I wasn't declaring place at the top.
Maybe it will help someone in the future who knows

masked input not working in android mobiles?

I am using the digitalbush masked input jQuery plugin. It is working fine in web browsers and the iPhone browser perfectly, but it is not working for Android mobile devices.
My issue :
mask is
in input field _ - _ - ___.
When I type numbers it will 12345685555___--
Any suggestions? How can I solve this?
I resolved this issue with three actions, which have fixed this for all Android 4.0+ phones:
Update masked-input to at least version 1.4
Add type="tel" to the input, to trigger the numeric keyboard
Remove the input's maxlength attribute or set it to a value certain not to interfere with the caret action, like 20.
I tried using the raw script that Jonathan Rowny mentioned, but I was still having the same problem on an S3 - Chrome browser. I think it has something to do with inputs type="tel" and/or type="number". I ended up having to use another plugin.
jquery-mask (not to be confused with jquery-masked-input) is very similar but the syntax was slightly different. Hope this helps anyone else with this issue.
jquery-masked-input syntax:
$("#phone").mask("(999) 999-9999");
jquery-mask syntax: ('#phone').mask('(000) 000-0000');
This was fixed awhile ago but for some reason the distribution posted on the website never took the changes. If you grab from the raw source, the fix works:
After trying different mask libraries (Inputmask, ui-mask, ngMask) I ended up using jQuery-Mask-Plugin which works pretty well and is also lightweight and well documented and has angularjs, react ,... samples.
I just ran into this problem and resolved it by removing the attribute type="number" from the asp textbox. After that masked input worked even on mobile devices.
The library used in the question is no longer being maintained. I switched my application to jQuery Mask Input as it works great, has a very similar base init call to the former library making for an extremely easy transition and, at the time of this post, jQuery Mask Input is regularly maintained at GitHub.
My issue was with the phone number masker moving the cursor back to the second position when 3 or 4 digits were entered. The cursor continued to act odd after that point. The problem was noticed using jQuery Masked Input v1.4.1 (old library) in android tablets using Chrome post major version 51.
To further enhance the accepted answer of Tony Brasunas, add following snippet in jquery.maskedinput.js for point number 3 to dynamically increase maxlength so it doesn't interfere with caret action.
Remove the input's maxlength attribute or set it to a value certain not to interfere with the caret action, like 20.
defs = $.mask.definitions;
tests = [];
partialPosition = len = mask.length;
firstNonMaskPos = null;
//insert snippet below
if (chrome && android) {
console.log("chrome && android");
var allAllowedRegExps = '';
jQuery.each(defs, function (key, value) {
allAllowedRegExps = allAllowedRegExps + key;
allAllowedRegExps = allAllowedRegExps.replace(/\[/g, '');
allAllowedRegExps = allAllowedRegExps.replace(/\]/g, '');
allAllowedRegExps = '[^' + allAllowedRegExps + ']';
var re = new RegExp(allAllowedRegExps, "g");
var actual = mask;
var replacedVal = actual.replace(re, "");
var actualValue = actual.length - replacedVal.length;
if ($(this).attr('maxlength') !== undefined) {
$(this).attr('maxlength', parseInt(this.attr('maxlength')) + parseInt(actualValue));
mask = String(mask);
This can be a quick fix:
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var isAndroid = /Android/i.test(ua);
var isChrome = /Chrome/i.test(ua);
// Fix masking on Chrome for mobile devices
if (isAndroid && isChrome) {
It worked for me by using 1.4.1 and setting the max length to one plus the number of chars in the mask. The mask limited the actual input and the max length +1 fixed the problem of not being able to type numbers in the field.

Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection

I've seen/heard all about disabling text selection with the variations of user-select, but none of those are working for the problem I'm having. On Android (and I presume on iPhone), if you tap-and-hold on text, it highlights it and brings up little flags to drag and select text. I need to disable those (see image):
I've tried -webkit-touch-callout to no avail, and even tried things like $('body').on('select',function(e){e.preventDefault();return;}); to no avail. And the cheap tricks like ::selection:rgba(0,0,0,0); won't work either, as hiding these won't help - selection still happens and it disrupts the UI. Plus I'm guessing those flags would still be there.
Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!
This will disable it for every browser going.
jsFiddle Demo with Plugin
The above jsFiddle Demo I made uses a Plugin to allow you to prevent any block of text from being selected in Android or iOS devices (along with desktop browsers too).
It's easy to use and here is the sample markup once the jQuery plugin is installed.
Sample HTML:
<p class="notSelectable">This text is not selectable</p>
<p> This text is selectable</p>
Sample jQuery:
Plugin code:
disableSelection: function() {
this.each(function() {
this.onselectstart = function() {
return false;
this.unselectable = "on";
$(this).css('-moz-user-select', 'none');
$(this).css('-webkit-user-select', 'none');
return this;
Per your message comment: I still need to be able to trigger events (notably, touchstart, touchmove, and touchend) on the elements.
I would simply would use a wrapper that is not affected by this plugin, yet it's text-contents are protected using this plugin.
To allow interaction with a link in a block of text, you can use span tags for all but the link and add class name .notSelected for those span tags only, thus preserving selection and interaction of the anchors link.
Status Update: This updated jsFiddle confirms you concern that perhaps other functions may not work when text-selection is disabled. Shown in this updated jsFiddle is jQuery Click Event listener that will fire a Browser Alert for when the Bold Text is clicked on, even if that Bold Text is not text-selectable.
-webkit-user-select:none; wasn't supported on Android until 4.1 (sorry).

