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Closed 2 years ago.
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A new version of Android Studio was released.
In the version 2.3 there are some news. One of those is the new ConstraintLayout.
Which are pros and cons of ConstraintLayout?
You can develop highly complex interface, using constraint layout.
It reduces the nesting, thus overall improving the performance of your app.
It helps to be seamless across wide range of screen.
Sometimes the result is not as expected as you want.It sometimes feel a little to track of all the all the constraint. It might get a little overwhelming for a new developer to understand the code.
Sometimes you might want to create another layout for landscape mode for adjusting the views and widgets as it may not be as you would want.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Google recently comes with another layout called ConstraintLayout However, I have few questions which is still very confusing.
I reviewed the talk related with this portion from google IO'16 and got an understanding that it would be really helpful as developer to create flat UI and performance would be better than any other layouts.
1. In which case, We should use constraint layout?
2. Does introduction of ContraintLayout means that we should not use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout..etc anymore?
3. What is the efficient way to use ContraintLayout?
You probably shouldn't have been so eager to jump on your question here since IO is still going on
I suggest you go watch the session called Android Layouts: a new world (currently not available at time of writing) where they go into detail about ConstraintLayout
ConstraintLayout appears to be an easier way to create layouts without dealing with xml. Constraints layout is based off of RelativeLayout and is not meant to kill off other layouts since they are still very useful.
This being said as #CommonsWare said this is very very new and has no official documentation so its very difficult to come to a real conclusion about it. I would say it is like other layouts where it is usage is going to be based on what you want your design to look like
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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is better for performance in Android application: add your View-elements using XML or Java code?
Difference in performance is not really observable, but for developing sake its better to keep it in XML. Then it's easier for You to develop adaptative UI supporting many screens. What's more it seperates code implementation from designing UI, what is always a nice thing and makes your code easier to read.
As long as you declare the XML layout properly there is no noticeable difference.
But i will suggest to use the XML because using that you can actually show what the layout is going to look like and it give you more clear idea about your UI.
One more advantage is that when you are giving the multiple resolution support for you application UI it will help you a lot.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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In the last few days, i was trying to study the android's new Material Design. In the official doc, they suggest new element and various interactions.
But, for example, why don't they provide some simple support to raised/floating action buttons? Same to many other things, seems like they just want to suggest you the way to do it without providing real support on how to do them.
This way i end using tons of third libraries to support many of the new elements style and feels a bad idea.
Sorry for my bad english but just want to understand why can't they supply some support to the design they suggest.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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i want to create mobile apps for cross-mobile platforms.
Two Frameworks are interesting for me.
Kendo UI vs Application Craft.
Important for me are supporting charts. I know, that both Frameworks are supporting this but which one is better?
Thanks & Greetings
I have tried both personally (not in professional projects) and I have find both very similar.
However, it was easier to find solutions to Kendo problems than to find the Application Craft. It seems like Kendo is more community supported in terms of forums.
With both I achieved the results I was looking for, but still it took me slightly more time to do it with application craft
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am aware of the different methods for switching back and forth between android screens. I was wondering wich method, if any, is the best practice for doing so. Switching activites seems to be the most popular, but how processor friendly is it?
This question seems too objective, so I guess I will modify it by asking if anyone knows what method is most processor friendly.
Yes, apps are typically separated by multiple activities. These days, the activities contain fragments to better support multiple devices, layouts, etc. They are popular for a reason!
It's all very friendly. ;)