IBM MobileFirst SDK How to check if user authentication Android Native app - android

I am developing Android native application integrated with IBM MobileFirst backend.
I have issue with some operations that required custom authentication with predefined realm for example ("testAuthRealm")
and when I call any operation that requires authentication and user is not authentication it is returning a response with some details:
WL version: 7.1
Anyway, I can detect from the response that the user is not authenticated
but I think this is not a good way to check authentication.
my inquiry:
is there any supported method from the MF SDK to check user authorization for realm?
is that good to check authorization from the response?
advise please

If you request a protected resource, the server response will contain the authorization status required ( based on your custom authenticator implementation). This server response would kick off the challenge handling procedure in your client application. This is by design. Refer to Custom Authentication documentation. This way you need not separately check for the authorization status yourselves and then try to login.
Is there any supported method from the MF SDK to check user authorization for realm?
You can consider one of the following APIs in the client SDK:
a) isAuthorizationRequired
b) getUserIdentity
c) getLoginName
d) getUserName
Is that good to check authorization from the response?
Challenge handling at the client will depend on the status of authorization(from the server response). Based on this status, you either handle the challenge or allow access. So, you need to check and verify the server response to complete the authentication flow.


OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow for React Native

I need to implement the hybrid code auth flow in a React Native application to authenticate with an OpenID Connect Identity Provider. Specifically, the IdP expects code id_token as the response type.
I used react-native-app-auth and the underlying OpenID AppAuth-Android libraries but they do not currently support this flow - see issues #75 and #218. They only support a single response type such as "code" or "token". Due to this, I am getting an error from the IdP saying Unauthorized Client. I am sending the proper scopes.
Steps I have taken so far:
Modify react-native-app-auth source code for Android to set response type - tried giving space separated values (code id_token), url encoded string (code%20id_token), and stringified JSON array ("['code', 'id_token']"). This did not work.
Use a webview to login - I could not extract the final tokens from the web page - they are stored in the session storage and I need to take them out into the app. The process is also a bit complex with my use-case as I need to watch multiple flows after authentication and need some parameters returned in the auth response.
As a final step, I am modifying the official Android library for OpenID Connect clients - OpenID AppAuth Android. Will try to give that as the dependency for react-native-app-auth.
How can I implement the hybrid code flow in a React Native app? Any help is highly appreciated.

How to use django authentication(django.contrib.auth) with my Android app

I am using Django as my backend for my android app. I have been handling post request using #csrf-exempt annotation with my views as I wasn't able to deal with csrf verification while sending post request from android(VOLLEY LIBRARY).
Now, I have to use django.contrib.auth login and logout methods but sessions aren't working when I am sending post request from android.
I had tried enabling cookies with my request in android but that also didn't work(enabling cookies also did not solve the csrf verification failed issue).Also I tried taking csrf token from a GET request to django( django.middleware.csrf - get_token) and then passing that csrf token in headers(X-CSRF-TOKEN)in my post requests, that also didn't work.
Code that I used to enable cookies in android:
CookieManager manager = new CookieManager();
1. I don't know how to use django scripts without using #csrf-exempt from android.
2. and how to use django login with android
Here is a generic response on using django as a backend: Is it possible to develop the back-end of a native mobile app using the python powered framework Django?
More specifically this is normally done with a JWT - json web token:
I'm sure other rest/ api frameworks exist but I normally use DRF.
Here is an example with a tutorial: Authentication with android app in a django server

How to implement server side sessions in node.js with express for an android app?

Hello all i am making an android app in whiich i have multiple account login at a time now my question is that i for multiple logins i should use sessions to verify every account user that is logged in. Now i am using express on the server side i have read a lot of documentation on storing sessions in node.js
Express-session (Though it is only good for development but not for production but not for my app)
I have also heard about json web tokens where i can generate unique tokens and then i can pass the tokens to the client using res.json({user_id:"user1", token: "generated_token here"})
I have also heard about passport but dont know how it is going to do this also as in passport i use express-session by default will it be good for production or not ??
Now my first question is i have read all of there docs and nowhere it is mentioned where i am creating unique tokens for every user that is signing up.
Second question as i am using my server for android app there will be no use of cookie i will be sending user token as in parameter req.body.token now how to cmpare this with current user_id.
Actually i dont get the flow of control i mean how everything is going on in session in node.js. Also what is this secret is this thing generating unique tokens or what. Also i mean about 100000 of users are registered for my app now please tell me accordingly which way should i use for my app.
I have asked this question previously but there i did not mention that as i am not making a website how to do this(As in my case there will be no use of tokens)
I know this question i am asking is very vague but please bear with me i just want to understand how sessions are used in node.js
Thanks Anways
I'll try to answer this, but it is vague (as you pointed out). I'm going to make an assumption that your Android app is a native Android app and is going to be connecting to some sort of NodeJS backend in the cloud that is based on ExpressJS. If that's not the case, please clarify your thoughts in an update to your question.
The best idea for this specific scenario is to look to the cloud provide. Azure App Service Mobile Apps, for example, allows you to implement authentication - it eventually returns a JSON Web Token ( to authenticate each request.
If you don't want to be beholden to a cloud provider, but want to run it yourself, you are going to have to implement the token generation and checking yourself. This generally follows the form:
Set up a WebAPI endpoint (maybe /signin) which takes whatever token the identity provider gives you, verifies the information and returns a JWT - there is an NPM module (jsonwebtoken) for producing the JWT. Ensure the JWT includes the identity of your user. I tend to use email address for the identity.
Your Android application will do a WebAPI request to your backend with an Authorization header, the value of which is "Bearer "
Your NodeJS API will use JWT authorization to validate the JWT and extract the user identity so you can use it in your API logic.
The important thing to note in this specific scenario is that your backend code is implementing a WebAPI - there are no cookies nor sessions in the API. The only thing that is linking the user from the client code to the backend code is the JWT.
As a short piece of code, here is how you verify a JWT:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var jwt = require('express-jwt');
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: new Buffer('your-jwt-secret', 'base64'),
audience: 'your-jwt-audience'
app.get('/api/protected', jwtCheck, (req, res) => {
// Your code here
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);

Google+ login redirect_uri_mismatch error

I'm trying to implement one-time code sign in flow in my system.
Application contains of two parts:
1)Android application which requests Google+ for one-time authorization code
2)Rails server that receives one-time code from android application in request header and tries to exchange code for access_token and id_token from Google+
The problem is that everything works well if I get one-time code using JavaScript sign-in button in browser, but doesn't work when one-time code is obtained by Android application and then sent to my server.
I'm getting always
"error" : "redirect_uri_mismatch"
My server settings are following:
{ "web":
"client_secret": "MY_CLIENT_SECRET",
"redirect_uris": ["postmessage"],
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": ""
Now, how I'm requesting one-time code from Android app:
I use the same MY_REGISTERED_WEB_APP_CLIENT_ID as on my server for requesting one-time code. I don't know, maybe I have to use on Android another client id, that corresponds to my Android application? But all found documentation and articles are pointing to registered
Web app client_id.
Or maybe my rails server should be configured not for web, but for installed type of registered in Google Console apps?
Now regarding redirect_uris.
I've tried to set several redirect_uris in Google Console:
empty field
Web origins in Google console are set to
- http://my.deployment.url
- http://localhost:5000
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Actually I don't understand why I need to set this redirect_uris values, since I don't want to have callbacks from Google, I just want to get access_token and use it for accessing Google+.
This is happening because the redirect_uri your android app is using to create the initial login flow is different from the redirect_uri the server is using when it tries to excange the code for an access_token. The redirect_uri the user returns to and the redirect_uri used in the token exchange must match.
The proper redirect_uri in this case is "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"

What is the proper way to validate google granted OAuth tokens in a node.js server?

I'm trying to authenticate a mobile application for the Android platform to a custom node.js server api. I would like to use Google OAuth2 tokens for this rather than roll my own authentication, since Android devices with Google Play installed make this available to app developers. I'm using the GoogleAuthUtil.getToken call from the Google Play Services library, documented here. I'm trying to follow the advice outlinedin this android developers blogpost
The getToken method is returning in my case a long 857 byte string. If I try to pass this token to Google's TokenInfo endpoint, it returns:
{'error': 'invalid_token', 'error_description': 'Invalid Value'}
What am I doing wrong here? In the 'scope' of the getToken call, I am sending:
audience:server:client_id:**i_put_my_clientid_here**. I have a clientid generated for "installed applications". Using this client id, the call to getToken doesn't work at all. When I generated a client id for a "service account", the call succeeds, but I get an 857 byte token that fails when passed to the TokenInfo endpoint as described above.
I also created a client id for "web applications", as it appears that is the right client id to use when calling getToken. But the behavior is the same, I get back an 857 byte token that doesn't validate when calling Google's endpoint.
How can I properly get a valid auth token using Google Play services on Android? Once I have the right token, what is the right node.js library to validate it server side? Can I use passport-google-oauth ?
Hm, this is really a comment rather than an answer, but I can’t put newlines in those:
it has to be the web-side Clent ID that goes in the put_my_clientid_here spot
if GoogleAuthUtil.getToken() gives you a String withou throwing an Exception, it really ought to be valid. When you hit tokeninfo, did you use ...tokeninfo?id_token=<857-byte-value-here>
if you’re a rubyist, grab the google-id-token gem and see if it can validate your 857-byte token.
If you just want to read the contents of the data returned by GoogleAuthUtil.getToken then the process is very simple. The returned data is simply a JWT. So all you'd have to do is split the data by the . character, and then base64 (url) decode each piece.
It gets slightly more complicated if you want you want to verify the message's authenticity. Simply use your favorite crypto library to do the verification. The 3rd component of the JWT is the signature of the data and the Google certs are publicly available; that's all you need to verify the message.
For a week I have been looking into how to validate GoogleAuthUtil tokens received in Android Client application at Node.js server using passport.js
Finally I came across passport-google-token passport strategy which perfectly performs the task.
More details are present in the above link.
The official node SDK lets you do that now.
Here's the link:
I'm not too familiar with the details of how Android works with respect to handing a token from the device to the server. My general impression, however, is that you don't go through the typical web-based OAuth dance. Instead, you directly call the "user info" endpoint, which will return the info corresponding to the user who holds the token, or reject the request if the token is invalid. There's some discussion on this related question:
validating Android's authToken on third party server
In effect, the token becomes a secret that is shared between both the device and your server, so its important to protect it.
There are a couple strategies for Facebook and Twitter that were developed to do similar things using tokens from iOS devices:
You can take some inspiration from them and tweak it to talk to Google's endpoints. Let me know how this turns out. I'd love to see a similar "passport-google-token" strategy, so if you implement one, let me know and I'll link to it!

