android sdk error when import some projects - android

I have SDK version 25, when i import a project in android studio this error occurs.
"Install missing platform(s) and sync project".
If I click this link, I get another error, which says:
"The following packages are not available: - Package id
sdk error
my SDK version

You need to change the gradle version manually. For example if you are using Android Studio here is how:
Change the project view to Android if it's needed.
Go to the app folder.
Open the build.gradle (Module:app).
Change wherever you see the current SDK version (here, 23) to your desired version (here, 25).
5. Sync the project again.
And it's done.
Note that if you forgot anything needed the change, Android Studio will display a message and change it automatically.

Your sdk platforms are missing. It must be from version 2.1 to 8.0. Try to reinstall your Studio and Sdk Manager.

Note: This only works if you are getting sdk issue in a particular project and other project works fine
One of the simplest fix I can suggest that worked for me
create a new android project and see if it works fine
If yes the Click File-->Export Settings(make sure to check all options) --->choose any location to save settings.
Go back to your project click File-->Import Settings from the saved location (make sure you select all options)
let the IDE Restart
Hope this fixes the issue


Cannot run my app, asking to select Android SDK

Today I've installed Android Studio Canary 1
Now I cannot run my app. This following dialog appears.
I've already set the right SDK location through File-> Project Structure-> Android SDK location.
Expecting your help to solve this problem.
Warning Dialog image:
Go to project structure settings and set Source Compatibility and Target Compatibility to your current java development kit version:
Just you need to sync your project file with your gradle file.
File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files
I tried every answer in this post but my problem only got resolved when I made these steps:
File -> Close project -> Remove project -> Open existing project (same
Maybe this will save a morning to another person with the same bug.
This happened to me a lot on a MacBook. After I posted this answer it just kept happening so what I did was:
uninstall the Android Studio version I had from the App Store;
download the desktop stable version from Android Studio website;
start using the desktop version of Android Studio.
Never happened again.
Sometimes the SDK path will be incorrectly configured. You would need to fix it.
To Settings/Preferences( command + , on mac).
Search for SDK
Under Android SDK, click on edit and point it the root of sdk directory on your file system. (If ther is no SDk installed then install in from the below list).
i suggest you go to build.gradle and sync again.
Or Tools -> Android -> Sync Project with Gradle Files (Android 3+)
You need to insall SDK api 19 check this out.
Go to sdk manager and install sdk according to your device and check your device api. Example if your device is jellybean then install api 19 sdk.
Go to Tools> Android > SDK Manager and make sure you have selected default Setting under System Setting. In this image I have selected Android 7.1.1 as default SDK
Just click on the button ..."Sync Project with gradle file"
Error will be remove
I had the same problem and what it worked for me was just sync with gradle.
I just did what I've found in this similar question:
How do I "select Android SDK" in Android Studio?
The original answer:
go to build.gradle and click sync now. Then it worked.
Update :
File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files (Android Studio 3.1.1)
Tools -> Android -> Sync Project with Gradle Files (Android Studio
3.0.1) Or You can click on the icon from the toolbar.
Sync Project Icon
This answer may not help works for later version as Android studio Team work on making the tool more better, the way to sync may be
different in the next version of Android Studio.
COMMON WAY that may helps is try to sync project and then Invalidate
Caches and Restart Android Studio.
Solution for Android Studio 3.1.2
Before that, by the way, I had invalidated cache and restarted too, but it didn't work.
Please, try and let us know.
I had this problem after I imported a project from Git, just in case someone would like to replicate.

Not able to find the Rebuild option in Android Studio under Build Option

I am using Android Studio 1.5.1 on windows 7 .I am not able to find the rebuild or clean option under the "Build" option?Is there any command to force rebuild or do it form the Android GUI?
The project was built in Eclipse and I have imported it in Android Studio.Earlier I was getting some error from google Play services which I have resolved by commenting the below line in the
target is android-23
Maybe there is something that you need to update before continuing to develop your project. Check on Help -> Check for Updates...
You should always keep Android Support Repository, Google Play Services, Google Repository, Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-Tools updated.
I also encountered this problem and my Android studio was also latest version. As a workaround for this problem what I did was to open the module settings and changed values and reverted back to old values and click ok. After that those missing menu items appeared.

Android Application Configuration Missing and Android Studio SDK Manager does not exist

After downloading Android Studio and opening an existing project, when I went to edit configuration (after trying to run an existing project) but when I attempted to configure it as an Android Application, I did not find the android application option, which when I compared to my other computer, is required to run the program.
Furthermore, I am missing the Android SDK Manager, both in the IDE and on the startup screen. I don't have SDKs installed on this computer, and I think they are needed to run my project, so I kind of want the SDK Manager.
I have also re-installed Android Studio 8 times, including several older versions. I also installed the packages, which do come with SDK tools, and I made sure everything was selected on installation.
In my case it helps: just File -> invalidate caches/Restart
hope it also can be usefull to someone ;-)
check the sdk manager present in the location "C:\Users\"user-name"\AppData\Local\Android\sdk"
launch the SDK manager install the package that you needed
paste the link
[Android Studio>configure>Settings>Android SDK ]
Maybe try deleting everything of Android Studio and then installing the latest version. It might be because of the leftovers of the previous versions that caused this problem to occur. The best way is to try restoring your PC to the time you hadn't have Android Studio.
Click on File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files

Cannot create new AVD Device

i am using android studio version 0.8.2,
i am trying to create an avd, but the OK button cannot be pressed.
didn't find anything relevant to my version online.
You have to setup everything properly, if the cpu is not able to choose, you need to install the corresponding package in SDK manager
check my answer here:
Do you install gradle? Make sure your Android Studio installs the gradle when you first start and create a project.
Also make sure File -> Project Structure -> SDKs list your Android SDK and you have given the right PATH there.
Also check:
I can't see AVD manager window in android studio 0.4.0
AVD not working correctly in android studio

unable to get system library for the project on eclipse ide

I was working on an android tutorial and it wanted me to import the library from another project .The import worked and the project works correctly. But I noticed that doing that messed up several of my other projects (the ones that use Android 2.1) by apparently messing with the build path. Now instead of seeing "Google APIs [Android 2.1]" under the gen folder I see "Unable to get system library for project".
I verified the following:
I right-clicked the project and went to Properties I see that the correct Project Build Target is checked(Google APIs [Android 2.1]), but "Unable to get system library for project" is still shown above the assets folder and below gen and Android Dependencies. Cleaning all projects doesn't help.
How can I fix this problem?
is there a way to fix this issue globally or do I have to do it one by one?
I had the same problem. Try
Right click on your project
Go to properties
Click the Android section
Select a different target api (assuming one is already selected, as mine was - otherwise, select the one you want and jump to step 9)
Click OK
Do steps 1-3 again
Select your original target api
Click OK
Clean and build your project
Worked for me, anyway.
Derived the solution from:
"Unable to get system library for project" after I upgraded to Android SDK 2.3 and ADT 8.0
Error in .classpath on your project. It not connect to android sdk. Fix it and clean project. :-)
This happens when you are targetting an API version that for some reason is not mapped on your buildpath.
See which is the version of the SDK you are pointing to at the file.
Go to the SDK Manager at Window->Android SDK Manager
Check the Android API item that matches the version you want to use, OR, click on the latest one and then update your file.
Make sure your project build configuration is Project->"Build Automatically"
Retsart Eclipse (claning and rebuilding may not refresh all the project properties)
Borrowing from #Erhannis answer :
Right click on your project
Go to properties
Click the Android section
When I view the build target everything looked fine :
So I checked another build target , hit apply, and then re checked my original build target (Android 4.4.2) and re-hit apply. My project then compiled.
For me the file was missing (it was code from a repo I checked out). So I just created one with this line:
After that, Erhannis' solution worked for me.
Just for completing Erhannis answer: If you fixed the problem but it appears again when you restart Eclipse, then just go to the file on your workspace folder and verify that the location of the Android SDK there is correct.
At times, when only single Android SDK version is installed on your system, and if it gets changed either by un-installing / re-installing Eclipse, or otherwise (directly through SDK Manager), then this issue might crop up.
This is accompanied by the message like this on Eclipse console:
YourApp] Unable to resolve target 'android-22'
A simple workaround to this issue is:
Open AndroidManifests.xml of the project, and in the:
android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
change the targetSdkVersion to the one currently installed on your system
Next, open the file and update
to your current SDK version
Finally, clean and re-build the project
Right Click on Project-> Select Android tools -> Select Fix Project Properties
This did the trick for me.
You need to click on the menu icon with the Android sitting in the grey box with a white arrow pointing down "Opens the Android SDK Manager".
or, from the command line, run:
%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\android sdk

