I have one app in which I want to display multiple ads in same screen.
App has one recycler view & which is scrollable more than 200 items. After in each 6 items, I have planed display the ads from admob. Are we able to do this using admob.?
I have tried with single ad unit id, with this all displaying ads are same.
How to get different ads in same screen with more secure way & without violating policies ?
Please help!!
You can have more than one ad in the same Activity, but only one should be on the screen at any given time. If you're using a RecyclerView and mixing ads with content, just make sure you have enough space between ads that they don't share the screen.
Because display sizes vary so much from device to device (especially from phone to tablet), you should check the device dimensions and use them to decide how far apart to space your ads.
I'm using Admob to display smart banner ads in my Android puzzle game and I've received some user complaints that the banner animations are distracting (they're mostly simple text animations, not full video). I've noticed other puzzle games that seem to display only static, non-animating banners (often exact copies of my own ads, apart from being static).
So, is there some way to ask Admob to only serve static banners, or is there some other ad network with this option?
My app runs a full interstitial on open of our app, which is powered by the Facebook Audience Network, we have a very high request to filled ration (90%) but we have a very low filled to impressions (30%).
How is this possible since it is a full screen interstitial, shouldn't it be 1:1 since the whole ad will be viewable?
Every time I test the app the ads work fine with test tokens.
The ratio between filled and impression can often not be 1:1 for several reasons. Interstitials are first requested, and then shown. If there is a drop off between these two steps then it can lead to you having a higher number of filled requests than impressions.
For example, if you request an interstitial at the start of a level in a game, and show it after the game over screen, then any drop off of users before this screen will cause a difference in the filled to impression metrics.
I have the fill rate close to 100% always and I see the ads displaying on my app all the time. I want to know if Google analytic calculates different from admob? I always see the analytic having more screen views than the number of impression on admob.
They are almost certainly going to be different.
You get one screen view each time someone navigates to a page.
You get one ad impression each time an ad is shown. Typically this will be multiple times per screen view.
Actually, they are different for me too, but they shouldn't. If you display a banner on a search results (100% of the time), your number should be matching since the ad is displayed everytime the screen is viewed (we have no specific conditions). The only way I could see this problem is if the banner is really slow to display and therefore a new search would be done before the impression is counted.. but that would I guess be reflected by the "Fill rates". If the init of the banner is done but the impression is never counted it would be reflected.
In my case I have less than the half of the Impressions in AdMob compared to the Screen Views in GA.
Let's hope these additional informations helps someone figure out the reason behind it.
I've been implementing ads in an android application, but I wanted to make one that was 200x100px. All I could find were banner ads and none of them could be a custom size, or at least close to the desired size. Are there any mobile ad networks that would provide this? Thanks.
Check out
But I am not sure if we can have small adds for high density screens. Which means it is compulsory to keep add width and height to wrap content and the content automatically either takes complete width or is not shown
I've put some ads into one of my android apps and I'm just testing it out on my device.
When I load up my app, it can take around 5-10 seconds for the ad to display. Realistically, the user would have moved onto another screen by then so would never see them.
Is there any way I can have the ad show instantly? If not, how can I ever get ads to display in time for the user to see them (and potentially click)?
I could add some thread delaying on the buttons to stop them doing anything until the ad shows, but that's incredibly dirty...
Add a splash screen on the application (ImageView over the layout of your main screen), and make it disappear when you receive an add (there's an ad listener on AdMob and most ad providers) or if there's no ad to show. As for the other screens, there's not much you can do other than showing a ProgressDialog until the ad shows, but your users won't like it.