DLNA/UPNP - Get all non-media files - android

I am new in working with UpNp and DLNA. I am using cling library and DLNA code from here. In this code, everything working perfectly but my need is something else. It is giving me all media folders(Videos, Audio and Images) from selected device in network. But what I want is non media files from selected device on the network i.e., .docx, .srt, .txt etc.
Here is some code portion:
new ContentBrowseActionCallback(ContentActivity.this,
service, createRootContainer(service), mContentList,
Root Container:
protected Container createRootContainer(Service service) {
Container rootContainer = new Container();
rootContainer.setTitle("Content Directory on "
+ service.getDevice().getDisplayString());
Log.e("createRootContainer", "service.getDevice().getDisplayString() : " + service.getDevice().getDisplayString());
return rootContainer;
public class ContentBrowseActionCallback extends Browse {
private static Logger log = Logger
private Service service;
private Container container;
private ArrayList<ContentItem> list;
private Activity activity;
private Handler handler;
public ContentBrowseActionCallback(Activity activity, Service service,
Container container, ArrayList<ContentItem> list, Handler handler) {
super(service, container.getId(), BrowseFlag.DIRECT_CHILDREN, "*", 0,
null, new SortCriterion(true, "dc:title"));
this.activity = activity;
this.service = service;
this.container = container;
this.list = list;
this.handler = handler;
public void received(final ActionInvocation actionInvocation,
final DIDLContent didl) {
log.fine("Received browse action DIDL descriptor, creating tree nodes");
activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// Containers first
for (Container childContainer : didl.getContainers()) {
Log.e("Item", "childContainer : " + childContainer.getTitle());
log.fine("add child container "
+ childContainer.getTitle());
list.add(new ContentItem(childContainer, service));
// Now items
for (Item childItem : didl.getItems()) {
Log.e("Item", "childItem : " + childItem.getTitle());
log.fine("add child item" + childItem.getTitle());
list.add(new ContentItem(childItem, service));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.fine("Creating DIDL tree nodes failed: " + ex);
actionInvocation.setFailure(new ActionException(
"Can't create list childs: " + ex, ex));
failure(actionInvocation, null);
Iterator iterator = didl.getItems().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Item item = (Item) iterator.next();
Log.e("received", "item.getTitle() : " + item.getTitle());
ContentItem contentItem = new ContentItem(item,
if ((contentItem.getItem().getTitle().toString() != null)
&& (contentItem.getItem().getResources() != null)) {
List list = contentItem.getItem().getResources();
if ((list.size() != 0)
&& (((Res) list.get(0)).getProtocolInfo() != null)
&& (((Res) list.get(0)).getProtocolInfo()
.getContentFormat() != null)) {
Log.e("received", "list.get(0).getProtocolInfo() : " + ((Res) list.get(0)).getProtocolInfo());
Log.e("received", "list.get(0).getProtocolInfo().getContentFormat() : " + ((Res) list.get(0)).getProtocolInfo().getContentFormat());
Log.e("received", "list.get(0).getProtocolInfo().getContentFormat().substring() : " + ((Res) list.get(0)).getProtocolInfo().getContentFormat().substring(0,
((Res) list.get(0))
if (((Res) list.get(0))
((Res) list.get(0))
.equals("image")) {
.add(new ContentItem(
} else if (((Res) list.get(0))
((Res) list.get(0))
.equals("audio")) {
.add(new ContentItem(
} else {
Log.e("received", "item : " + item.getTitle());
.add(new ContentItem(
public void updateStatus(final Status status) {
public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation,
final String defaultMsg) {
I googled a lot about this point but nothing in hand. I got few ideas about container id and how it works.
Please let me know how to achieve this scenario. I also don't have much idea about how DLNA and UPNP works. Please also help me to understand DLNA and UPNP better.
Thank You!

Ok, After diving into code from more than a week, I got basic idea how DLNA and UPNP works. How callbacks are made and how it fetches media files from device. So, now I am able to answer my own question.
Whenever discovery service found your own device, it will prepare media server which will fetch all media from your device. First it creates a Node for specific type of media.e.g., Videos, Photos, Audios etc. Here is the code:
ContentNode rootNode = ContentTree.getRootNode();
// Video Container
Container videoContainer = new Container();
videoContainer.setClazz(new DIDLObject.Class("object.container"));
videoContainer.setTitle("My Folder Name");
rootNode.getContainer().getChildCount() + 1);
ContentTree.addNode(ContentTree.MY_FOLDER_ID, new ContentNode(
ContentTree.MY_FOLDER_ID, videoContainer));
This way you can add your own folder.
To fetch files you need to use Cursor to get files from your device. Something like this:
String selection = MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + "="
+ MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_NONE;
Uri externalUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external");
String[] filePathColumn = {MediaStore.Files.FileColumns._ID,
Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(externalUri, filePathColumn,
selection, null, null);
do {
String id =
String path =
String serverPath = "http://" + mediaServer.getAddress() + "/"
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
Thus, serverPath will become your file path and you can access your file from another device. You can filter your files using file extension.
I must say this is huge project which I am using, so there are many changes I did to achieve my requirement. But, this answer justify my question.
Thank You!


Optimizing Retrofit Request To Prevent Lagging

I do a huge polling when user login into my app. At the moment, we don't have much payload. But, the payloads are growing by the 100s daily at the moment. Which makes us have around 300 records per-user. And this, is the first week. So, we started optimizing for the next thousands. API has been well modified, but the Android app is shaky.
I have a request where a user have max of Two Territories for now, and I need to fetch all the Items in each Territory. So, I did this:
* This is to get all user territories and for each and every territory, fetch all items there;
private Observable<ItemListResponse> getAlltemIByTerritory() {
List<String> territories = PrefUtils.getUserTerritories(context);
return Observable.from(territories).flatMap(territory -> fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(territory, 1));
* This is to fetch all items in a passed territory. There's a per_page of 21.
private Observable<ItemListResponse> fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(String territory, int page) {
Log.e(TAG, "Each territory page: " + page);
return itemAPI.getIems("Bearer " + PrefUtils.getToken(context), page, 21, territory)
.flatMap(itemListResponse -> {
Meta meta = itemListResponse.getBakeResponse().getMeta();
Observable<ItemListResponse> thisPage = Observable.just(itemListResponse);
if (meta.getPage() != meta.getPageCount() && meta.getPageCount() > 0) {
Observable<ItemListResponse> nextPage = fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(territory, page + 1);
return thisPage.concatWith(nextPage);
} else {
return thisPage;
Utilizing the Observable
public void getAlltemIByTerritory(APIRequestListener apiRequestListener) {
realm.executeTransaction(realm1 -> realm1.where(RealmItem.class).findAll().deleteAllFromRealm());
.subscribe(new Subscriber<ItemListResponse>() {
public void onCompleted() {
Log.e(TAG, "Completed Item");
public void onError(Throwable e) {
handleError(e, apiRequestListener, WhichSync.ITEM);
public void onNext(ItemListResponse itemListResponse) {
Log.e(TAG, "In the handler next " + itemListResponse.toString());
realm.executeTransaction(realm1 -> {
for (Item itemData : itemListResponse.getItemResponse().getData()) {
RealmItem realmItem = realm1.where(RealmItem.class).equalTo("id", itemData.getId()).findFirst();
if (realmItem != null)
apiRequestListener.onProgress(itemListResponse.getItemResponse().getMeta(), itemListResponse.getItemResponse().getData().size(), WhichSync.ITEM);
Log.e(TAG, "Each territory page: " + page); This line and this line Log.e(TAG, "In the handler next " + itemListResponse.toString()); reads to 23 for a 1780 record. With 21 records per_page. And then, the second line stop showing. Then, the view has hang. And then, when the first one is done, I then see the second spitting out logs afterwards.
This works fine, just that when the record is over 700 (The first try was with a 1780 record), there's a huge lag on the UI. And on mostly pre-lollipops it crashes with NoClassDefined Exception and sometimes it works. But, the lag is still always there.
Any help with optimizing the code, thanks.
Tail Recursion here:
* This is to fetch all items in a passed territory. There's a per_page of 21.
private Observable<ItemListResponse> fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(String territory, int page) {
Log.e(TAG, "Each territory page: " + page);
return itemAPI.getIems("Bearer " + PrefUtils.getToken(context), page, 21, territory)
.flatMap(itemListResponse -> {
Meta meta = itemListResponse.getItemResponse().getMeta();
Observable<ItemListResponse> thisPage = Observable.just(itemListResponse);
if (meta.getPage() != meta.getPageCount() && meta.getPageCount() > 0) {
Observable<ItemListResponse> nextPage = fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(territory, page + 1);
return thisPage.concatWith(nextPage);
} else {
return thisPage;
is the one causing the problem. Luckily, Rx provides us with BehaviorSubject.
So, I did something like this instead
private Observable<ItemListResponse> fetchAllTerritoryItemPaged(String territory, int page) {
BehaviorSubject<Integer> pageControl = BehaviorSubject.create(page);
Observable<ItemListResponse> ret = pageControl.asObservable().concatMap(integer -> {
if (integer > 0) {
return itemAPI.getIems("Bearer " + PrefUtils.getToken(context), integer, 21, territory)
.doOnNext(itemListResponse -> {
Meta meta = itemListResponse.getItemResponse().getMeta();
if (meta.getPage() != meta.getPageCount() && meta.getPageCount() > 0) {
pageControl.onNext(integer + 1);
} else {
} else {
return Observable.<ItemListResponse>empty().doOnCompleted(pageControl::onCompleted);
return Observable.defer(() -> ret);
Which not only remove the lag, but also request comes in pretty fast

Android AllJoyn: Connection with second machine gives error of BusAttachement

I have developed application for two different sensors. They are working fine separately but when I try to use them togather and create two diffent buses than Alljoyn gives this exception.
org.alljoyn.services.common.BusAlreadyExistException: The object has
been set previously with a BusAttachment.
Below is my source code for connection. Can anyone tell me why I'm having this issue.
private void connect()
{ org.alljoyn.bus.alljoyn.DaemonInit.PrepareDaemon(getApplicationContext());
bus = new BusAttachment("ControlPanelBrowser", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);
bus.registerBusListener(new BusListener());
Status status = bus.registerBusObject(mControlPanelSignalInterface, Constants.SERVICE_PATH);
if (status != Status.OK) {
Log.d(TAG, "Problem while registering bus object");
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
SrpAnonymousKeyListener authListener = new SrpAnonymousKeyListener(this, logger, AUTH_MECHANISMS);
Status authStatus = bus.registerAuthListener(authListener.getAuthMechanismsAsString(),
authListener, getKeyStoreFileName());
if ( authStatus != Status.OK ) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to register AuthListener");
status = bus.connect();
if (Status.OK == status){
String daemonName = Constants.DAEMON_NAME_PREFIX + ".ControlPanelBrowser.G" +
Status reqStatus = bus.requestName(daemonName, flag);
if (reqStatus == Status.OK) {
Status adStatus = bus.advertiseName(Constants.DAEMON_QUIET_PREFIX +
daemonName, SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY);
if (adStatus != Status.OK){
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to advertise daemon name: '" + daemonName + "', Error: '" + status + "'");
Log.d(TAG, "Succefully advertised daemon name: '" + daemonName + "'");
else {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to request daemon name: '" + daemonName + "', Error: '" + status + "'");
status = bus.registerSignalHandlers(mControlPanelSignalInterface);
if (status != Status.OK) {
Log.d(TAG, "Problem while registering signal handlers");
// Initialize AboutService
aboutClient = AboutServiceImpl.getInstance();
try {
for (String iface : ANNOUNCE_IFACES) {
aboutClient.addAnnouncementHandler(this, new String[] {iface});
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(TAG, "Unable to start AboutService, Error: " + e.getMessage());
use registerBusObject twince and then you can make one signle bus attachment
why dont you create two Interfaces, one interface for one sensor respectively. then add these two interfaces in a class which implements these two interfaces and the busObject and register an implemntation of this class as a BusObject.
For example
Sensor1_interface.java and Sensor2_interface.java //are my two interface classes
create a new class Sensor_InterfaceList which inplements the two interfaces and the BusObject
class Sensor_InterfaceList implements Sensor1_interface,Sensor2_interface,BusObject
// implment your interfaces here
private Sensor_InterfaceList mySensor_InterfaceList;
mySensor_InterfaceList = new Sensor_InterfaceList();
This should solve your problem :)

Unable to send MMS using SmsManager

I am trying to make an app that would send a MMS without using the native Android messaging app. I followed the example here. My log statements seem to be correctly printing, but I can't figure out why the MMS is not being sent.
Also on a different note, I am a bit confused about where in the example the attachment (like an image) is being selected to send as MMS. I tried to import the demo into Android Studio but I ran into issues.
My function for sending MMS is below:
public void sendMMS() {
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS()");
Random random = new Random();
final String fileName = "send." + String.valueOf(Math.abs(random.nextLong())) + ".dat";
final File mSendFile = new File(mContext.getCacheDir(), fileName);
// Making RPC call in non-UI thread
AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final byte[] pdu = buildPdu();
Uri writerUri = (new Uri.Builder())
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS(): Uri: " + writerUri.toString());
FileOutputStream writer = null;
Uri contentUri = null;
try {
writer = new FileOutputStream(mSendFile);
contentUri = writerUri;
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS(): just wrote file");
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS(): FAILED: couldn't write file");
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (contentUri != null) {
SmsManager.getDefault().sendMultimediaMessage(mContext, contentUri, null, null, null);
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS(): just sent");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "sendMMS(): FAILED: couldn't write file so didn't send");
Helper functions
private byte[] buildPdu() {
final SendReq req = new SendReq();
// from
final String lineNumber = getSimNumber();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(lineNumber)) {
req.setFrom(new EncodedStringValue(lineNumber));
// to
String[] destsArray = mDestList.toArray(new String[mDestList.size()]);
EncodedStringValue[] encodedNumbers = EncodedStringValue.encodeStrings(destsArray);
if (encodedNumbers != null) {
// date
req.setDate(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
// body
PduBody body = new PduBody();
// message text
final int size = addMessagePart(body, true/* add text smil */);
// message size
// message class
// expiry
try {
// priority
// delivery report
// read report
} catch (InvalidHeaderValueException e) {}
return new PduComposer(mContext, req).make();
private String getSimNumber() {
TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
return telephonyManager.getLine1Number();
private int addMessagePart(PduBody pb, boolean addTextSmil) {
PduPart part = new PduPart();
int index = TEXT_PART_FILENAME.lastIndexOf(".");
String contentId = (index == -1) ? TEXT_PART_FILENAME : TEXT_PART_FILENAME.substring(0, index);
if (addTextSmil) {
String smil = String.format(sSmilText, TEXT_PART_FILENAME);
addSmilPart(pb, smil);
return part.getData().length;
private void addSmilPart(PduBody pb, String smil) {
PduPart smilPart = new PduPart();
pb.addPart(0, smilPart);
Relevant parts of my manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
Relevant instance variables
private final long DEFAULT_EXPIRY_TIME = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
private final String TEXT_PART_FILENAME = "text_0.txt";
private final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = PduHeaders.PRIORITY_NORMAL;
private String mMessage;
private ArrayList<String> mDestList;
private Context mContext;
private static final String sSmilText =
"<smil>" +
"<head>" +
"<layout>" +
"<root-layout/>" +
"<region height=\"100%%\" id=\"Text\" left=\"0%%\" top=\"0%%\" width=\"100%%\"/>" +
"</layout>" +
"</head>" +
"<body>" +
"<par dur=\"8000ms\">" +
"<text src=\"%s\" region=\"Text\"/>" +
"</par>" +
"</body>" +
I already do input checks, so by the time sendMMS() is called, my message and destList are not null.
The flow should be as such:
Create the Mms send-request - new SendReq() and config its date, body, to, etc.
Create the Mms body - new PduBody().
Create Parts via new PduPart() for each attachment, and add to the body: body.addPart(pdu)
Add the body to the request - req.setBody(body)
Convert the send-request to a byte[] ready to be sent by calling new PduComposer(context, mySendReq).make() - note that you'll need to copy lots of code from Android's source code to get the PduComposer class.
Now's the interesting part - you save the byte[] to a local file accessible to your app only, and add ContentProvider class that allows other apps to request access to your file, this is MmsFileProvider class in the sample app, don't forget to declare your provider in your manifest file.
Now, when you call the SmsManager.sendMultimediaMessage api, your file provider will wake up to serve the file containing the pdu bytes to the system SmsManager that will read it and send it on the wire.
Having that said, this API is only working for me on some devices (e.g. Nexuses), but not on some others (e.g. HTC One).
See my SO question here:
SmsManager MMS APIs on HTC/LG

Creating a folder inside a folder in google drive android

I want to integrate Google drive with my app I have registered my app in Google Developers Console. I got a sample from https://github.com/googledrive/android-demos .By this i am able to create a file,folder in Google drive's root folder but the problem is I couldn't create a file or folder inside an existing folder. In such case i got a toast "Cannot find DriveId. Are you authorized to view this file?" ie I cannot get the driveID
public class CreateFolderInFolderActivity extends BaseDemoActivity {
public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
Drive.DriveApi.fetchDriveId(getGoogleApiClient(), EXISTING_FOLDER_ID)
final ResultCallback<DriveIdResult> idCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveIdResult>() {
public void onResult(DriveIdResult result) {
if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
showMessage("Cannot find DriveId. Are you authorized to view this file?");
DriveFolder folder = Drive.DriveApi
.getFolder(getGoogleApiClient(), result.getDriveId());
MetadataChangeSet changeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder()
folder.createFolder(getGoogleApiClient(), changeSet)
final ResultCallback<DriveFolderResult> createFolderCallback = new
ResultCallback<DriveFolderResult>() {
public void onResult(DriveFolderResult result) {
if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
showMessage("Problem while trying to create a folder");
showMessage("Folder successfully created");
I cannot find any proper documentation for this.
Plz help me where i am going wrong or Whether I Have to include any other permissions
You can take a peek here: in the 'createTree()' method, there is a creation of folder within a folder.
There are 3 different drive ID entities in the new Google Drive Android API (GDAA)
the object of type DriveID - the one you get from methods and use in your code
a string you get from encodeToString() and pass to decodeFromString() - used to save within the app (caching for instance)
a string you get from getResourceId() and pass to fetchDriveId() - the one you see in the html address of a file.
Both 2 and 3 identifiers are strings, so they may be confused. Identifier 2 is faster when retrieving Drive ID (via decodeFromString()). Identifier 3 is slower to retrieve (via fetchDriveId()), but usefull if you need to take your ID elsewhere (Apps Script, for instance).
Please see also: SO 21800257
What is EXISTING_FOLDER_ID? If you are trying to just run the sample straight out without having made any changes, this won't work.
You need to change EXISTING_FOLDER_ID to the resource id of a folder that your app has access to. This could be a folder that your app created in the root.
first create folder using creatreeTree()
then run a search query to get id of create public static ArrayList<ContentValues> search(String prnId, String titl, String mime) {
ArrayList<ContentValues> gfs = new ArrayList<>();
if (mGOOSvc != null && mConnected) try {
// add query conditions, build query
String qryClause = "'me' in owners and ";
if (prnId != null) qryClause += "'" + prnId + "' in parents and ";
if (titl != null) qryClause += "title = '" + titl + "' and ";
if (mime != null) qryClause += "mimeType = '" + mime + "' and ";
qryClause = qryClause.substring(0, qryClause.length() - " and ".length());
Drive.Files.List qry = mGOOSvc.files().list().setQ(qryClause)
String npTok = null;
if (qry != null) do {
FileList gLst = qry.execute();
if (gLst != null) {
for (File gFl : gLst.getItems()) {
if (gFl.getLabels().getTrashed()) continue;
gfs.add( UT.newCVs(gFl.getTitle(), gFl.getId(), gFl.getMimeType()));
} //else UT.lg("failed " + gFl.getTitle());
npTok = gLst.getNextPageToken();
} while (npTok != null && npTok.length() > 0); //UT.lg("found " + vlss.size());
} catch (Exception e) { UT.le(e); }
return gfs;
when you get folder id use this code to create folder in folder ` public static ParentReference insertFileIntoFolder(Drive service, String folderId,
String folderName) throws IOException {
// Log.e("founddd",id);
File fileMetadata = new File();
fileMetadata.setParents(Collections.singletonList(new ParentReference().setId(folderId == null ? "root" : folderId)));
File file = mGOOSvc.files().insert(fileMetadata).execute();
System.out.println("Folder ID: " + file.getId());
strChildFolder = file.getId();
return null;

Mounting an encrypted obb apk expansion file in Android

I have created an encrypted .obb file using the jobb tool. I use the following code to mount the obb file:
public void mountExpansion() {
final StorageManager storageManager = (StorageManager) getContext()
String packageName = "name.of.the.package";
String filePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
+ "/Android/obb/" + packageName + "/" + "main."
+ version + "." + packageName + ".obb";
final File mainFile = new File(filePath);
if (mainFile.exists()) {
Log.d("STORAGE", "FILE: " + filePath + " Exists");
} else {
Log.d("STORAGE", "FILE: " + filePath + " DOESNT EXIST");
String key = "thisIsMyPassword";
if (!storageManager.isObbMounted(mainFile.getAbsolutePath())) {
if (mainFile.exists()) {
if(storageManager.mountObb(mainFile.getAbsolutePath(), key,
new OnObbStateChangeListener() {
public void onObbStateChange(String path, int state) {
super.onObbStateChange(path, state);
Log.d("PATH = ",path);
Log.d("STATE = ", state+"");
expansionFilePath = storageManager.getMountedObbPath(path);
if (state == OnObbStateChangeListener.MOUNTED) {
expansionFilePath = storageManager
else {
Log.d("##", "Path: " + path + "; state: " + state);
} else {
Log.d("STORAGE", "Patch file not found");
I am getting the following output:
FILE: filePath Exists
But nothing inside onObbStateChangeListener is getting called. I am calling this function from a custom view and testing this on Nexus 4/ KitKat.
What could be the reason for this behaviour?
I know this question is old but this may help someone else.
The StorageManager stores the listener in a weak reference which means that, given your example code (an anonymous instance created in the method call), it is gone almost as soon as you create it and usually well before the mount completes. You must maintain a reference to the listener object in your own code until it is no longer needed.
Something like this should work:
public class MyClass {
private OnObbStateChangeListener mListener =
new OnObbStateChangeListener() {
public void onObbStateChange(String path, int state) {
// your code here
public void mountExpansion() {
if (storageManager.mountObb(mainFile.getAbsolutePath(), key, mListener)
This particular quirk of obb mounting has existed since at least honeycomb to my knowledge.
There seems to be a bug with OBB mounting that was introduced with KitKat. Currently no workarounds are known however it should be fixed with the next incremental update.

