I use FirestoreRecyclerAdapter in which i want change selected item color. because in firestoreAdapter it comes to onBindViewHolder() only item data change.for single item replace it ,but i want to change all item text color to which except selected item.
how can i do ?
Reverse your logic then. Declare a list that keeps the clicked item (store the index, id or whatever you prefer), then in your onBindViewHolder(), do nothing if the clicked item is in that list, else change whatever you want.
Of course, you must update this list if you allow insertion/removal/change in your list.
To answer your questions in your comments, first you must design the logic to change the color accordingly in onBindViewHolder(). Then, set onClickListener to the responding view. Lastly, to refresh your displaying list, call notifyDataSetChanged() or similar methods.
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
// declaration and setup here
final index = position;
// Define the logic to change the color if clicked item is/not in the list
if (yourClickedItemList.contain(position)) {
// Change what you want
else {
// Change what you want if the item is not in the list
// Then set the click listener
viewHolder.yourItemLayout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (!yourClickedItemList.contain(index)) {
else {
// the list already contain that item
// do whatever you want here, like toggle off selection and remove from the list
// call to refresh your view
notifyDataSetChanged(); // or use notifyItemChanged() etc
I have a RecyclerView to list a set of data. And on clicking each item , I have validation to check previous item is entered or not. If that item is not entered I want to enable an inline error (which is hidden in normal case) message in the previous row. I have done the scenario as shown below but error is showing only in the current row. Anyone suggest how I can enable/update previous row or a specific row.
public boolean _validateListItems(int itemIndex)
int previousItemIndex = itemIndex - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= previousItemIndex; i++)
if ((listRecyclerItem.get(i).getEnable()==0))
return false;
return true;
holder.expand_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
mExpandedPosition = isExpanded ? -1:position;
holder.error.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.error_red));
First of all RecyclerView is something that recycle view. View is generated is based on Data Model.
So, lets store the user button/checkbox click/checked action) to the respective Model/Item. To run the validation, get the items from the Adapter and check your conditions in Activity/Fragment [Looping is an expensive operation, use Coroutine or RxJava]. Execute your validation and if Validation is true for an item, just update the Item from the list and finally update the Adapter. You can pass the Error message in the item and render it to the View. And finally, must use DiffUtil to update the items in adapter.
Declare an interface for your adapter that has callback to your viewModel and when each item changed you can return the call back ito viewmodel and store it in an object or array
for example :
interface Callback { void onDataChanged(int itemPosition); }
call that method in onBindViewHolder when your item text changed
and in view model add the returned item into a list
when you clicked on a button, you can check the items if your necessary item didn't exist you can return error
I am making a list with RecyclerView, let's call it VariationList.
VariationList will contains items (VariationsItem).
VariationsItems will contain a title, and a RecyclerView (VariationsItemsList).
If I click on an item of VariationsItemsList, I want the following VariationsItem to refresh, and eventually add or delete some of their items.
Is there any solution to refresh a specific item from the Adapter ?
Or do I need to delete all items, then add them after modification ?
I know it is pretty confusing, so here is an example of my model :
In red, this is the list of green items.
Each green item contains a title, and a blue list.
For example, if I click on "Petit", I want to refresh the "Test" list.
If I click on "Vert", I want to refresh the "Taille" list and the "Test" list, to eventually add some items, or delete some.
you can do it in onBindView holder in recycle view adapter
`` #Override
public void onBindViewHolder(Viewholder holder, final int position) {
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//code what ever you want to change use position
or you can use https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus for change any item from outside of activity
I got a RecyclerView and want to change the appearance of any clicked row. For that I have a callbackFunction in my Activity which I pass to the Adapter, which then is called inside the Adapter, as soon as I click on any row in the RecyclerView.
The clicked row is then changed, but it happens, that not only the clicked rows are changed but also other rows, that weren't clicked and were never clicked before. I checked the ArrayList that contains the data, but everything is fine there. Only the clicked elements contain the trigger to change the appearance of the row.
What is causing the other rows to change, although they have not been clicked?
Interface inside activity for callback
public interface onHeaderClickListener{
void onHeaderClicked(int index);
Inside RecyclerView Adapter
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
if (holder instanceof ViewHolderHeader){
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setText( Integer.toString(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).getDate()));
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Adapter initialisation inside activity
customAdapterRecyclerViewAddOffersTo = new customAdapterRecyclerViewAddOffers(offerArrayList,"dragTo", new onHeaderClickListener() {
public void onHeaderClicked(int index) {
if (offerArrayList.get(index) instanceof objClass_offerDateHeader){
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).isSelected()){
((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).setSelected(false);
else {
((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).setSelected(true);
In your onBindViewHolder method you have to set the background of the unselected cell, keep in mind the the cells are reused and you only set the background of selected cells so when it is reused the background is not returned to the normal color
So in code you will have to add an else condition
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
} else {
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")); // I assume you need it to be white you can change it to any other color
You need to add an else condition here:
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
Viewholders get recycled, so you cannot be sure of the current state when onBindViewHolder is called.
I have got a RecyclerView item looking like this
I want to achieve that when I click on item the ImageView will get overlay over it and TextView will become bold. I know how to use adapter and where to handle item clicks. I also know how to make overlay or bold text. I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above. Because I found only tutorials to change background of item when clicked.
Based on this
I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above.
So basically you need a way to tell the ViewHolder that the current item is selected, such that in onBindViewHolder() the items are rendered as per need.
I can think of this: Make a model of the item youre adding to the RecyclerView. Add a key as boolean isSelected = false in it.
And inside your onBindViewHolder where youre implementing the onClick()interface. do this:
... new OnClickListener({
... onClick(){
// take the item and set the isSelected flag
// alternatively you can also toggle this flag.
and while loading inside onBindViewHolder to this:
if (list.get(position).isSelected()) {
// highlight aka set overlay and bold text to view
} else {
// as per recyclerview doc, reset the views.
All you need is having a variable to hold the selected index. Then decorating the selected item in onBindViewHolder() method.
int selectedIndex = 0;
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
if (selectedIndex == position) {
// Do things you want
I have a list view with multiple items, where i need to select and deselect the list items, and also delete the selected items.
So i have looked into the example in the below link but its for android:minSdkVersion="11"
but i am working on minSdkVersion="10".
Link : http://www.androidbegin.com/tutorial/android-delete-multiple-selected-items-listview-tutorial/
And yes we can do with checked text view, check box and radio button, but the requirement is like that i cannot use that.
Is there any other way that we can acheive this?
Make custom list adapter and get the click of that each view and maintain flag in adapter. If flag is true that means item selected otherwise item deselected, according to that you can change item view like disable that particular item or show some check box.
What I did was created an ArrayList that stores all the position of selected items, and toggle the background colors on clicks.
In my Adapter I define:
public ArrayList<Integer> selectedIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
With the following method :
public void toggleSelected(Integer position)
which addes\removes items from the ArrayList
In my getView method :
if (selectedIds.contains(position)) {
This checks if the position is storred in the ArrayList. if it does, paint it as selected. if not, the opposite.
all is left is the OnItemClick listener, i added :
((YourAdapter)list.getAdapter()).toggleSelected(new Integer(position));
When YourAdapter is the adapter of your ListView
Hope this helps anyone, as it's a generic answer :)
Thanks to eric.itzhak here : How to change background color of selected items in ListView?