RecyclerView changes multiple rows although only one row was targeted - android

I got a RecyclerView and want to change the appearance of any clicked row. For that I have a callbackFunction in my Activity which I pass to the Adapter, which then is called inside the Adapter, as soon as I click on any row in the RecyclerView.
The clicked row is then changed, but it happens, that not only the clicked rows are changed but also other rows, that weren't clicked and were never clicked before. I checked the ArrayList that contains the data, but everything is fine there. Only the clicked elements contain the trigger to change the appearance of the row.
What is causing the other rows to change, although they have not been clicked?
Interface inside activity for callback
public interface onHeaderClickListener{
void onHeaderClicked(int index);
Inside RecyclerView Adapter
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
if (holder instanceof ViewHolderHeader){
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setText( Integer.toString(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).getDate()));
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Adapter initialisation inside activity
customAdapterRecyclerViewAddOffersTo = new customAdapterRecyclerViewAddOffers(offerArrayList,"dragTo", new onHeaderClickListener() {
public void onHeaderClicked(int index) {
if (offerArrayList.get(index) instanceof objClass_offerDateHeader){
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).isSelected()){
((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).setSelected(false);
else {
((objClass_offerDateHeader) offerArrayList.get(index)).setSelected(true);

In your onBindViewHolder method you have to set the background of the unselected cell, keep in mind the the cells are reused and you only set the background of selected cells so when it is reused the background is not returned to the normal color
So in code you will have to add an else condition
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
} else {
((ViewHolderHeader)holder).dateHeaderTextView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")); // I assume you need it to be white you can change it to any other color

You need to add an else condition here:
if(((objClass_offerDateHeader) arrayList.get(position)).isSelected()){
Viewholders get recycled, so you cannot be sure of the current state when onBindViewHolder is called.


How to update the view of a particular position of a recycler view which is not currently in focus on the screen?

I am actually making some visibility changes to items that are clicked of the recycler view. But when the user clicks on one object and then clicks on the other object then the previous object should come to its initial state.
The manager.findViewByPosition(position) is working fine if the view is in focus of the screen but I am not able to get the view if the element is not in current focus.
For example:- the user clicks on 1st(position) item then clicks on the last position then the findViewByPosition returns a null.
Please help and let me know if there is some other way of doing it.
The expected result should be the view of the last item to be refreshed but it's not happening for the views that are not in the current focus of the screen.
Below is my code snippet. Updated with what you suggested.
public class BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView extends
//variables defined.
int selectedPosition = -1;
static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
//All the view items declared here.
ViewHolder(View view) {
//All the views are defined here.
public BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView(List<BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel> bodyPartsList, Context context){
//array list initialization and shared preference variables initialization
public BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
//Creating a new view.
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull final BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, #SuppressLint("RecyclerView") final int position) {
BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel bodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel = bodyPartsList.get(position);
if(selectedPosition!=position && selectedPosition!=-1){
//updated the elements view to default view. Like made the visibility and other changes here.
//some click listeners on the sub-elements of the items. Like textviews, spinner, etc
holder.iv_bodypart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
/*here what I was doing is whenever the user clicks on an item I check weather a previous item is clicked or not then if yes then I send the position to a function that makes it to default but the issue was that if the item is not in the focus of the screen the findViewByPosition returns null.*/
selectedPosition = position;
bodypartSelected = holder.tv_body_part_name.getText().toString();
//and other listeners below
public int getItemCount() {
return bodyPartsList==null?0:bodyPartsList.size();
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return position;
VisibilityChanged function
public void visibilityChanged(int position, int clicked){
View view = manager.findViewByPosition(position);
if(view!=null) {
Log.i("inside","visibility change");
ImageView imageView = view.findViewById(;
//other elements and changing the visibility of elemets to default.
I have updated my code based on the snippet you updated. Please don't change the visibility condition if-else I have added with any different logic which I saw in your code snippet. As you did, it will not update both selected and default view as RecyclerView reuse the view layout. So if the condition is not proper, you may see multiple items as selected or some other types of unwated behaviour.
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull final BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, #SuppressLint("RecyclerView") final int position) {
BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel bodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel = bodyPartsList.get(position);
if(selectedPosition == position){
//updated the elements view to SELECTED VIEW. Like made the visibility and other changes here.
} else {
//updated the elements view to default view. Like made the visibility and other changes here.
//some click listeners on the sub-elements of the items. Like textviews, spinner, etc
holder.iv_bodypart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
/Comment by Hari: Don't try to change the visibility of default as it will be done automatically after calling notifyDataSetChanged(). */
/*here what I was doing is whenever the user clicks on an item I check weather a previous item is clicked or not then if yes then I send the position to a function that makes it to default but the issue was that if the item is not in the focus of the screen the findViewByPosition returns null.*/
/*Comment by Hari: This snippet is valuable which is missing as you are getting null issue here.
However Don't try to change the visibility of default as it will be done automatically after calling notifyDataSetChanged(). */
selectedPosition = position;
bodypartSelected = holder.tv_body_part_name.getText().toString();
//Keep this as last statement in onClick
//and other listeners below
Let me know your further response.
Based on #Hari N Jha's Answer.
Call notifyDataSetChanged() when you update anything. E.g
int selectedPosition = -1;
public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
if(position == selectedPosition) {
//Add background color change of your layout or as you want for selected item.
} else {
//Add background color change of your layout or as you want for default item.
notifyDataSetChanged(); //Call notifyDataSetChanged() here after done all the stufs

how to hide an item in list by clicking another item of the same list in recycler view?

I have a list of elements in recycler view, my need is to hide some elements by clicking a specific element of the same list. For instance, my list contains 10 elements and I want to hide all the elements from position 6 by clicking the element in the 5th position. how can I do that?
You have to remove that element from dataset and call notifyOnDataSetChanged Method, otherwise you can create a model class with boolean/hide show flag and then on item click listener you can set flag accordingly to remove/hide element.
Recyclerview react to notifyDatasetChanged method to redraw each visible row.
try to change behind model of recycler view then notifyDatasetChanged
bindViewHolder(VH holder, int position){
view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
// Do you business to change data model in other position which
//identified whether the view must be visible or not
Just try this...
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder viewHolder,
final int position) {
viewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// set your logic like this..
list.remove(6); // here list will be your data list.

change FirestoreRecyclerAdapter clicked item color

I use FirestoreRecyclerAdapter in which i want change selected item color. because in firestoreAdapter it comes to onBindViewHolder() only item data change.for single item replace it ,but i want to change all item text color to which except selected item.
how can i do ?
Reverse your logic then. Declare a list that keeps the clicked item (store the index, id or whatever you prefer), then in your onBindViewHolder(), do nothing if the clicked item is in that list, else change whatever you want.
Of course, you must update this list if you allow insertion/removal/change in your list.
To answer your questions in your comments, first you must design the logic to change the color accordingly in onBindViewHolder(). Then, set onClickListener to the responding view. Lastly, to refresh your displaying list, call notifyDataSetChanged() or similar methods.
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
// declaration and setup here
final index = position;
// Define the logic to change the color if clicked item is/not in the list
if (yourClickedItemList.contain(position)) {
// Change what you want
else {
// Change what you want if the item is not in the list
// Then set the click listener
viewHolder.yourItemLayout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (!yourClickedItemList.contain(index)) {
else {
// the list already contain that item
// do whatever you want here, like toggle off selection and remove from the list
// call to refresh your view
notifyDataSetChanged(); // or use notifyItemChanged() etc

RecyclerView scroll makes findViewHolderForAdapterPosition return null

I have a RecyclerView with a Horizontal LinerLayout. It displays numbers from 10 to 1, that is used to rate something.
When I select 10 and scroll back to 1 and select 1. I have to update the UI to remove selection on 10 and update selection on 1. But, when I use findViewHolderForAdapterPosition() to remove the selection on 10 it gives me a NullPointerException
I am getting the position in the ViewHolder with getAdapterPosition().
Then, I use that position to get the ViewHolder by calling findViewHolderForAdapterPosition() on my recycler view object and update the UI to remove the selection from 10.
vh = (RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder)
With some tests, I found out when I try to do the same thing without scrolling it works fine. However, only when I am scrolling it gives me a NullPointerException
How do I fix this?
As requested here is some important code from Adapter class.
public void onBindViewHolder(RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
String itemText = itemList.get(position);
public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
TextView textRating;
public ViewHolder(View itemView) {
textRating = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;
private final View.OnClickListener ratingClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
int position = getAdapterPosition();
if (callback != null) {
callback.onClickRating(v, position);
Activity Class
public void onClickRating(View view, int position) {
RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder vh;
int color;
int previousPosition = mAdapter.getSelectedPosition(); //Get previously clicked postion if any.
if (previousPosition == Constants.NO_ITEM_SELECTED) {
// An item was selected first time
vh = (RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder)
mAdapter.setSelectedPosition(position); // Save new item selected position.
color = Utility.getItemColor(mAdapter.getSelectedRating());
mAdapter.setSelectedRatingResource(vh, color);
if (position == previousPosition) // Same item was selected
vh = (RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder)
color = Utility.getItemColor(mAdapter.getSelectedRating());
mAdapter.setUnselectedRatingResource(vh, color); // Remove the previous selected item drawables.
vh = (RatingRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder)
mAdapter.setSelectedPosition(position); // Save new item selected position.
color = Utility.getItemColor(mAdapter.getSelectedRating());
mAdapter.setSelectedRatingResource(vh, color); // Set the new selected item drawables. Setting some background to indicate selection.
As Sevastyan has written in the comment, the RecyclerView immediately recycles the view as soon as the item is out of the screen. So if we call findViewHolderForAdapterPosition() for a view which is outside the screen we get a null value. (I am not confirming this is the actual case. But, this is what it seems to me.)
So I created a class that stores all the data about an item in the RecyclerView and stored all the colours and value of that item in the class. And when we are populating the view, set the all the colours based on data stored in that class.
PS: I THANK Sevastyan for not giving me the answer directly. But, only giving me the reason for getting that Exception.
If your view is out of the screen, it can be recycled OR cached.
In case it's recycled, you can handle in onViewRecycled() method or setup the view again inside onBind() when the view becomes visible (you can save the state on the object of your list if needed).
In case it's not recycled (onViewRecycled method not called for that position), it's probably cached. You can set the cache size to zero to prevent this state from happening.

How to reset recyclerView position item views to original state after refreshing adapter

I have a RecyclerView with rows that have views that when clicked will be disabled for that row position.
The problem is after I update the adapter like this:
After refreshing the data, the disabled views at the previous recycler position still remain disabled even though the data is refreshed.
How can I reset the views to the original state after refreshing adapter data.
Use below code.
When you call notifyDataSetChanged(), the onBindViewHolder() method of every view is called. So you could add something like this in the onBindViewHolder() of your Adapter method:
public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) {
if (refreshedAdapterData.get(position).isInDefaultState()) {
//set Default View Values
} else {
//the code you already have
I have resolved this by putting a conditional statement inside onBindViewHolder method instructing all positions to reset the disabled views if data meets the required conditions for a refreshed data.
#Christoph Mayr, thanks for your comments. It helped point me in the right direction.
I cleared the data then notify change but the selected checkbox doesn't reset but just moves up one position. Let say I selected item #1 , move out of the RecyclerView, came back and it will auto select item #0.
So, I created new adapter again at onResume(), i worked for me but i don't know if it's the right way to handle this situation.
public void onResume() {
if(selectedItems != null && selectedItems.size() > 0){
selectedItems.clear(); // if no selected items before then no need to reset anything
if(adapter != null && recyclerView != null){
// to remove the checked box
adapter = null;
adapter = new MyAdapter(items, new MyAdapter.MyAdapterListener() {
public void onSelected(int pos) {
public void onUnSelected(int pos) {

