I have seen and searched for this method but I can not understand, what exactly does it do? I think you update the view in an adapter, here an example
mSelectPosition = getAdapterPosition();
if (!objection.isChecked()) {
if (!ifExist(objection)) {
} else {
After the adapter has loaded your data and is showing it already, if you change the values of objects being used to by the adapter and want the interface to show the new values, you need to call notifyItemChanged to ensure the UI is updated to the new values, otherwise it may or may not update.
I have been working with RecyclerView for a while. I am following lazy loading, so I am showing 10 data on the view each time. If user scroll to the bottom, the page re-load from the TOP! however, I want to stay where it was previously! So, I have tried to use
However, this breaks the UI flow!
My second try is using onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle state); However, that does not work! My page is re-loads to the top!
Parcelable state = layoutManager.onSaveInstanceState();
I have tried every other methods, apparently none is working for me!
Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Note : Make sure that you are not initialising or calling setAdapter() method each time after updating your dataset. If not, then
You have to update your data list and call notifyDataSetChanged() which will update your adapter from existing position.
Let's say you have stored your data into ArrayList mData;
Your getItemCount() would be
public int getItemCount() {
if (mData != null && mData.length() > 0)
return mData.size();
return 0;
Now create one more method in your adapter which you will called each time whenever you will get new data from server. This method will simply override your dataset and will update your adapter
private void updateDataSet(ArrayList<String> mData){
this.mData = mData;
I have done this functionality before 2 days ago
I share my idea with you
Listview lv; //Assume Find view by Id
List<Model> models = new ArrayList();
Now Make an Adapter and assign blank models
CustomAdapter adapter = new CustomeAdapter(context,models);
Now when you have new data to load with lazylodaing
do this
models.addAll(newModels); //new ModelList
Thats it.
This is the default behaviour Recycler View to recycle/resuse views. As in official docs:
If you are having any view related issues then save your view state in your List<Object> like setting visible item or not per position. And in your onBindViewHolder method as per position show/hide your view.
I have a model with a rank and name parameters.
The use can choose to sort by rank or by name, so what I did was put a flag inside the SortedList's compare method, like this:
if (sortByRank) {
return o1.getRank() > o2.getRank() ? LESS_THAN :
(o1.getRank() == o2.getRank() ? EQUALS : GREATER_THAN);
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
And then in my adapter I have a method to set the sort parameter:
public void sortByRank(boolean sort) {
if (sort) {
sortByRank = true;
} else {
sortByRank = false;
I thought notifyDatasetChanged would prompt the compare method, but it doesn't. Any ideas on how to update all at once?
SortedList sorts elements when you add any. So if you write your compare function like that, you will sort your last element by rank or by name. So overall sorting wont make any sense to you.
There is no method for "do sorting again" in SortedList. You change the data adapter for making dynamic sorting happen.
recyclerView.swapAdapter(newAdapter, false);`
And if you have stable id's in your adapter, you will get a nice animation. Because swapAdapter() helps RecyclerView to re-use view holders.
I have two listview, like listview_1 and listview_2. I wanna refresh the listview_2 while listview_1 is refreshed.
My code like this:
public void updateTwoListView() {
But it don't work, listview_1 can refresh but the listview_2 can't.
And at that moment what I found is that listview_1 was on focus.
And then I tried to set focus to other views before ran the method, both of them didn't refresh. It likes to refresh a listview only if the listview has focus.
What's more I found that when I called the method to refresh, listview_2 didn't, and then I set focus to listview_2, refreshed itself!
So, What all I want to ask is:
How to refresh two listview at one moment in Android?
What's more code:
//init two listview there
public void init() {
listview_1 = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listView1);
listview_2 = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listView2);
adapter1 = new MyListViewAdapter(mContext);
adapter2 = new MyListViewAdapter(mContext); //I have tried use different adapter, that also didn't work.
the real code of upside snippet is:
public void updateTwoListView(int currentPosition) {
and in MyListViewAdapter.java:
public void updateCurPos(int currentPosition) {
mCurrentPos = currentPosition;
And I will call method like listViewManager.updateTwoListView(1) outside to refresh.
Any reply is appreciated.
You have called listview_1 twice. Just change one of them to listview_2 as below:
public void updateTwoListView() {
It seems the problem of your code is that you call getAdapter().
Sets the data behind this ListView. The adapter passed to this method may be wrapped by a WrapperListAdapter, depending on the ListView features currently in use. For instance, adding headers and/or footers will cause the adapter to be wrapped.
Source: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ListView.html#setAdapter(android.widget.ListAdapter)
The solution is save your Adapter as member variable in your activity and call the notifyDataSetChanged()from there.
See more on this question's answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31893525/2742759
I want to implement search functionality for my RecyclerView. On text changed i want to change the data that are displayed with this widget. Maybe this question has been asked before or is simple, but I don't know how the change the data that is to be shown...
My RecyclerView is defined as follows:
// 1. get a reference to recyclerView
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView)findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
// 2. set layoutManger
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
// 3. create an adapter
mAdapter = new ItemsAdapter(itemsData);
// 4. set adapter
And the data that I am showing is something like:
ItemData itemsData[] = { new ItemData("Mary Richards"),
new ItemData("Tom Brown"),
new ItemData("Lucy London")
So when when I want to give the adapter another set of data, another array (with one item for example), what should I do?
If you have stable ids in your adapter, you can get pretty good results (animations) if you create a new array containing the filtered items and call
recyclerView.swapAdapter(newAdapter, false);
Using swapAdapter hints RecyclerView that it can re-use view holders. (vs in setAdapter, it has to recycle all views and re-create because it does not know that the new adapter has the same ViewHolder set with the old adapter).
A better approach would be finding which items are removed and calling notifyItemRemoved(index). Don't forget to actually remove the item. This will let RecyclerView run predictive animations. Assuming you have an Adapter that internally uses an ArrayList, implementation would look like this:
// adapter code
final List<ItemData> mItems = new ArrayList(); //contains your items
public void filterOut(String filter) {
final int size = mItems.size();
for(int i = size - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
if (mItems.get(i).test(filter) == false) {
It would perform even better if you can batch notifyItemRemoved calls and use notifyItemRangeRemoved instead. It would look sth like: (not tested)
public void filterOut(String filter) {
final int size = mItems.size();
int batchCount = 0; // continuous # of items that are being removed
for(int i = size - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
if (mItems.get(i).test(filter) == false) {
batchCount ++;
} else if (batchCount != 0) { // dispatch batch
notifyItemRangeRemoved(i + 1, batchCount);
batchCount = 0;
// notify for remaining
if (batchCount != 0) { // dispatch remaining
notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, batchCount);
You need to extend this code to add items that were previously filtered out but now should be visible (e.g. user deletes the filter query) but I think this one should give the basic idea.
Keep in mind that, each notify item call affects the ones after it (which is why I'm traversing the list from end to avoid it). Traversing from end also helps ArrayList's remove method performance (less items to shift).
For example, if you were traversing the list from the beginning and remove the first two items.
You should either call
notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, 2); // 2 items starting from index 0
or if you dispatch them one by one
notifyItemRemoved(0);//because after the previous one is removed, this item is at position 0
This is my answer - thanks to Ivan Skoric from his site: http://blog.lovelyhq.com/creating-lists-with-recyclerview-in-android/
I created an extra method inside my adapter class:
public void updateList(List<Data> data) {
mData = data;
Then each time your data changes, you just call this method passing in your new data and your view should change to reflect it.
Just re-initialize your adapter:
mAdapter = new ItemsAdapter(newItemsData);
or if you only need to remove add a few specific items rather than a whole list:
If you want to change the complete Adapter in the recycler view. you can just simply set by recycler.setAdapter(myAdapter);
It will automatically remove the old adapter from recycler view and replace it with your new adapter.
As ygit answered, swapAdapter is interesting when you have to change the whole content.
But, in my FlexibleAdapter, you can update the items with updateDataSet. You can even configure the adapter to call notifyDataSetChanged or having synchronization animations (enabled by default). That, because notifyDataSetChanged kills all the animations, but it's good to have for big lists.
Please have a look at the description, demoApp and Wiki pages: https://github.com/davideas/FlexibleAdapter
I'm having a strange issue with a custom implementation of Android's ArrayAdapter. To give some background, I'm trying update a ListView's contents while preserving the current scroll position.
I have a service which executes a thread to update data that's displayed in the ListView. That data is stored in an ArrayList and that ArrayList is used to generate some custom ArrayAdapters for the ListView. The adapters are also updated when an item in the ListView is pressed (either adding or removing an item). I used to just create new adapters each time there was any type of change and then set this new adapter to the ListView. This worked, but caused the ListView to scroll to the top each time. Given the nature of my application this was undesirable. The current scrolled position in the ListView must be maintained between updates.
Instead of creating new adapters I began clearing the adapter that I needed to update using the adapter's clear() method, then rebuild the adapter's items by using the adapter's add() method. Both of these methods are being called on the adapter. The adapters are all set to notifyDataOnChange in their constructors so I don't have to manually call notiftyDatasetChanged() each time (although given my issue I've tried calling it manually as well to no avail).
Here's what my custom adapter looks like:
public class RealmAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Realm>
Context c;
public RealmAdapter(Context context, int resource, int textViewResourceId)
super(context, resource, textViewResourceId);
c = context;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
Long story short, here's my issue. When I call clear() on the adapter, the adapter is not being cleared.
Here's a snippet from my onPostExecute in my thread that does updating. I'm being sure to put it here so it's updating on the UI thread. I also have this exact code copied in a private method in my UI activity. This code does not work in either place:
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "COUNT: " + appState.favoriteAdapter.getCount());
for(Realm r : appState.favorites) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "COUNT: " + appState.favoriteAdapter.getCount());
As an example, if the above adapter had 3 items in it, calling a getCount() right after the clear() is returning 3 instead of 0. Likewise, if the appState.favorites ArrayList only has 2 items in it, the getCount() after the loop is still returning 3, not 2. Because the adapter is not responding to any of these calls it makes it impossible to update in any fashion. I can post a Logcat later if that will be helpful, but there are no exceptions or anything useful being displayed.
After busting my head for hours, the issue I appear to be having is that the adapter is not responding to calls to any methods that alter it. I've tried passing an empty ArrayList into the adapter's super() call, this does not help. Am I missing something or using the ArrayAdapter incorrectly? I've searched all over and I've already checked a lot of the common problems such as modifying the underlying array and expecting it to update, not calling (or in my casing setting to the adapter) notifyDatasetChanged(), and using an unsupported operation on the underlying collection.
The declaration of the favoriteAdapter is very simple and is contained in my Application class:
public RealmAdapter favoriteAdapter;
Here is the initialization of the favoriteAdapter from above:
if(appState.favoriteAdapter == null) {
appState.favoriteAdapter = new RealmAdapter(c, R.layout.list_item, R.layout.realm_entry, appState.favorites);
else {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "COUNT: " + appState.favoriteAdapter.getCount());
for(Realm r : appState.favorites) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "COUNT: " + appState.favoriteAdapter.getCount());
The above code is in both my UI thread and the thread that downloads the refreshed data.
Underneath the code above a filter is put in place:
if(appState.favoriteAdapter != null && RealmSelector.realmFilter != null) appState.favoriteAdapter.getFilter().filter(RealmSelector.realmFilter.getText().toString());
Would the filter affect clearing the list? Logic would dictate not...
I had filters being applied to the custom ArrayAdapter. Apparently this interferes with adding and removing items from the adapter itself? I added this code to my method and it is now working:
if(appState.favoriteAdapter != null && realmFilter != null) {
I'd love if anyone could explain why this matters. I thought filters were meant to select subsets of items in the adapter. In my testing I was leaving the text box that is used for the filter empty, thus no actual filter text should have been applied. Again, if someone knows what's going on and could explain to me why this fixes the problem I'd love to know.