I am trying to start two work request, one worker sends a request to the server for generating excel file and obtains URL for download. Another work starts after previous and must to download that file. First work starts and returns Result.SUCCESS.
Problem is another WorkRequest just not execute. LoadInvoiceFileWorker do nothing.
What I need to do or what I do wrong?
Here is my code:
class InvoiceDetailsViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val mWorkManager: WorkManager = WorkManager.getInstance()
fun generateAndLoadExcel(invoiceId: Int, invoiceName: String, enterpriseId: Int) {
val genInvoiceWorkerBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(GenerateExcelWorker::class.java)
genInvoiceWorkerBuilder.setInputData(createInputDataForGenerateExcel(invoiceId, invoiceName, enterpriseId))
val constraintBuilder = Constraints.Builder()
val continuation = mWorkManager.beginWith(
val loadFileWorkerBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(LoadInvoiceFileWorker::class.java)
private fun createInputDataForGenerateExcel(invoiceId: Int, invoiceName: String, enterpriseId: Int): Data {
val builder = Data.Builder()
builder.putInt(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_ID, invoiceId)
builder.putString(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_NAME, invoiceName)
builder.putInt(WorkerConstants.ENTERPRISE_ID, enterpriseId)
return builder.build()
class GenerateExcelWorker : Worker() {
companion object {
private val TAG = GenerateExcelWorker::class.java.simpleName
override fun doWork(): Result {
val appCont = applicationContext
val tokenType = PreferenceUtil.getString(TOKEN_TYPE, appCont, R.string.shared_pref_name)
val accessToken = PreferenceUtil.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN, appCont, R.string.shared_pref_name)
val enterpriseId = inputData.getInt(WorkerConstants.ENTERPRISE_ID, 0)
val invoiceId = inputData.getInt(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_ID, 0)
val invoiceName = inputData.getString(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_NAME)
makeStatusNotification(applicationContext, invoiceId, invoiceName
?: ("Invoice ${invoiceId.str()}"))
try {
val rd = RequestData()
rd.putValue("authorization", "$tokenType $accessToken", RequestData.TYPE_HEADER)
rd.putValue(FTUrls.SendingParameters.ENTERPRISE_ID, enterpriseId, RequestData.TYPE_PATH)
rd.putValue(FTUrls.SendingParameters.INVOICE_ID, invoiceId, RequestData.TYPE_PATH)
val excelUrl = InvoiceManager().generateIncomeInvoiceExcel(rd)
outputData = Data.Builder().putString(WorkerConstants.FILE_URL, excelUrl).build()
return Result.SUCCESS
} catch (t: Throwable) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error generating excel file for invoice $invoiceName ($invoiceId)", t)
if (t is UnauthenticatedException) {
outputData = Data.Builder().putBoolean(WorkerConstants.FILE_URL, true).build()
} else {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, t.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
return Result.FAILURE
private fun makeStatusNotification(context: Context, invoiceId: Int, invoiceTitle: String) {
// Make a channel if necessary
// Create the NotificationChannel, but only on API 26+ because
// the NotificationChannel class is new and not in the support library
val name = WorkerConstants.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME
val description = WorkerConstants.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION
val importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH
val channel = NotificationChannel(WorkerConstants.CHANNEL_ID, name, importance)
channel.description = description
// Add the channel
val notificationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, WorkerConstants.CHANNEL_ID)
.setContentText(String.format(WorkerConstants.NOTIFICATION_TEXT, invoiceTitle))
NotificationManagerCompat.from(context).notify(invoiceId, builder.build())
class LoadInvoiceFileWorker : Worker() {
companion object {
private val TAG = LoadInvoiceFileWorker::class.java.simpleName
override fun doWork(): Result {
try {
val fileUrl = inputData.getString(WorkerConstants.FILE_URL)
val invoiceId = inputData.getInt(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_ID, 0)
val invoiceName = inputData.getString(WorkerConstants.INVOICE_NAME)
val r = DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(fileUrl))
// This put the download in the same Download dir the browser uses
r.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, invoiceName
?: ("Invoice ${invoiceId.str()}"))
// Notify user when download is completed
// Start download
val dm = applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE) as DownloadManager?
if (dm != null) {
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Download manager not exists for load invoice excel file")
ToastError(applicationContext, R.string.download_manager_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(fileUrl))
try {
} catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error open browser for view invoice excel file", e)
ToastError(applicationContext, R.string.browser_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
return Result.SUCCESS
} catch (t: Throwable) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error loading excel generated file", t)
ToastError(applicationContext, R.string.error_during_loading_file, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
return Result.FAILURE
private fun clearGenerateFileNotification(invoiceId: Int) {
val notificationManager = applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
object WorkerConstants {
const val ENTERPRISE_ID = "enterprise_id"
const val INVOICE_ID = "invoice_id"
const val INVOICE_NAME = "invoice_name"
const val FILE_URL = "file_url"
const val UNIQUE_WORK_NAME_FOR_INVOICE = "generate_and_load_excel_for_invoice"
const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME = "GenerateExcelWorker Notifications"
const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = "Shows notifications whenever work starts"
const val NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Генерація ексель файла"
const val NOTIFICATION_TEXT = "Генерація ексель файла накладної %s"
Ok, I found my mistake. Instead of this:
I need make this:
continuation = continuation.then(loadFileWorkerBuilder.build())
I was apllying enqueue() for first continuation of one request. Method WorkContinuation.then() returns new object which contains old continuation with new added request.
I need to view NFT-image with all metadata. I decide to call tokenURI() function like it, but it's ain't working
private fun getNFTMetadata() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
//tokenURI -- by token ID
val web3j: Web3j = createWeb3j() ?: return#launch
var ids = listOf<Uint256>(Uint256.DEFAULT)
val function: org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function = org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function(
val encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function)
val response: EthCall = web3j.ethCall(
Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(WALLET_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, encodedFunction),
if (response.value != null){
state.value = response.value
} else {
state.value = "NAN"
private fun createWeb3j(): Web3j? {
val webSocketService = WebSocketService(WEB_SOCKET_URL, true)
try {
} catch (e: ConnectException) {
return Web3j.build(webSocketService)
I really don't know how to call that function rightly. Help me please!)
I found my mistake. I had change received parameters.
private fun getNFTMetadata() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
//tokenURI -- by token ID
val web3j: Web3j = createWeb3j() ?: return#launch
val big: Uint256 = Uint256(1)
val function: org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function = org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function(
listOf(object : TypeReference<Utf8String>() {})
val encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function)
val response: EthCall = web3j.ethCall(
Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(WALLET_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, encodedFunction),
if (response.value != null){
state.value = response.value
} else {
state.value = "NAN"
I am trying to display data on two different fragments from viewmodels: Recent Races and Upcoming Races. i wrote a filter function to filter the races that are yet to start and the ones that finished. Upcoming races works perfectly, when there is a change in api endpoint it removes the race from upcoming races list. but the problem is that it wont add it to recent races.
here is my code in RecentRacesViewModel
private fun getDetails() {
getRaceDetailsUseCase().onEach { result ->
when (result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
val filteredList = result.data.filter {
val time = Calendar.getInstance().time
val formatterCurrentTime = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val formatterNow = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
val currentTime = formatterCurrentTime.format(time)
val dateNow = LocalDate.parse(currentTime, formatterNow)
val dateFromModel = it.date
val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
val date = LocalDate.parse(dateFromModel, formatter)
dateNow >= date
_state1.value = Resource.Success(filteredList)
is Resource.Error -> {
_state1.value = Resource.Error("woops!")
is Resource.Loading -> {
_state1.value = Resource.Loading(true)
thanks for help
Edit: adding the UseCase:
class RaceDetailsUseCase #Inject constructor(
private val repository: RaceResultsRepository
) {
operator fun invoke(): Flow<Resource<List<RaceDomain>>> = flow {
try {
val raceData = repository.GetRaceResultsRepository()
} catch (e: HttpException) {
Log.d("tag", "error")
} catch (e: IOException) {
Log.d("tag", "io error")
I'm using coroutines and Set the Internet Permissions in manifest Everything But cant display my data on app when INTERNET is OFF, I'm caching my API response and successfully stored it in the database but cant retrive it when the internet is off
My Code In Repository
class HomeActivityRepository(
private val photoDatabase: PhotoDatabase,
private val applicationContext: Context
) {
private var photoLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<Photos>>()
val errorMessage = MutableLiveData<String>()
var job: Job? = null
val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable ->
onError("Exception handled: ${throwable.localizedMessage}")
fun getServicesAPICall(): MutableLiveData<List<Photos>> {
job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + exceptionHandler).launch {
val response = RetrofitClient.getInstance().create(ApiInterface::class.java)
val res = response.getServicesAPICall()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (NetworkUtils.isInternetAvailable(applicationContext)) {
if (res.isSuccessful) {
} else {
onError("Error : ${res.message()}")
} else {
val photos = photoDatabase.photoDao().getPhotos()
return photoLiveData
private fun onError(message: String) {
I am testing this code and I got success in the success response code but I am not able to reach the onError code
internal class MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler {
fun getMaintenanceResponse (voiceAiServices: VoiceAiServices, header: String): MaintenanceStatus {
val maintenanceStatus = MaintenanceStatus()
.subscribe { response: MaintenanceStatus.Content, error: Throwable? ->
error.let {
if (error != null) {
maintenanceStatus.error = error
response.let {
maintenanceStatus.content = response
return maintenanceStatus
repository class
class RetrofitRepository() {
val TAG = RetrofitRepository::class.java.canonicalName
fun getRetrofit(baseUrl: String?): VoiceAiServices {
val voiceAiServices: VoiceAiServices = Retrofit.Builder()
return voiceAiServices
interface VoiceAiServices {
fun getMaintenanceStatus(#Header("Authorization")header: String): Single<MaintenanceStatus.Content>
Pojo class
data class MaintenanceStatus(
var error: Throwable? = null,
var content: Content? = null
) {
data class Content(
val enabled: Boolean,
val maintenanceMsg: String
Below test code for Success response which is working fine
fun mockedObservableErrorSuccess(): Single<MaintenanceStatus.Content> {
return Single.create { e ->
e.onSuccess(MaintenanceStatus.Content(true, "Under error maintenance"))
e.onError(Throwable("Error message"))
fun testMaintenanceSuccessResponse() {
val voiceAiService: VoiceAiServices = mock(VoiceAiServices::class.java)
val maintenanceStatusHandler = MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler()
val content = MaintenanceStatus.Content(true, "Under maintenance")
val testObserver: TestObserver<MaintenanceStatus.Content> = TestObserver.create()
val observer = mockedObservableErrorSuccess()
maintenanceStatusHandler.getMaintenanceResponse(voiceAiService, "header")
Below is code that is not able to reach to Error method and for this code I need help
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
#Test(expected = java.lang.Exception::class)
fun testMaintenanceErrorResponse() {
val voiceAiService: VoiceAiServices = mock(VoiceAiServices::class.java)
val maintenanceStatusHandler = MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler()
`when`(voiceAiService.getMaintenanceStatus(Utilities.getHeader(voiceAIConfig))).thenReturn(error(Throwable("Error message")))
val testObserver: TestObserver<MaintenanceStatus.Content> = TestObserver.create()
val observer = mockedObservableErrorSuccess()
maintenanceStatusHandler.getMaintenanceResponse(voiceAiService, Utilities.getHeader(voiceAIConfig))
// testObserver.onError(Throwable()) //Also tried this method
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: No errors (latch = 0, values = 1, errors = 0, completions = 1)
I have a token like this:
hide it:
alg: "HS256",
typ: "JWT"
operador: {
id: 20,
nome: "JOAO",
usuario: "JOAO"
iat: 1629812405
Question is how do I get on android kotlin only user id to use in certain tasks?
You could use this,
Assuming the iat value is the user id,
var claim: Claim = jwt.getClaim("iat")
//or as a string
var claim: String = jwt.getClaim("iat").asString()
I just fix the issue thanks to this:
private fun decodeToken(jwt: String): String {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return "Requires SDK 26"
val parts = jwt.split(".")
return try {
val charset = charset("UTF-8")
val header = String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(parts[0].toByteArray(charset)), charset)
val payload = String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(parts[1].toByteArray(charset)), charset)
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Error parsing JWT: $e"
Then :
val mDecode = decodeToken(mToken)
val test = JSONObject(mDecode).getString("operador")
val mDecodeTokenOk = JSONObject(test).getString("id")
Log.e("------------------>", mDecodeTokenOk.toString());
You don't have to install any libraries. You can try something like this.
Class(s) reflecting your JWT payload
data class JwtPayload(
val iat: Int,
val operador: Operador
data class Operador(
val id: Int,
val nome: String,
val usuario: String
You can use this class as a wrapper for your token
class Jwt(private val token: String) {
private val userData: JsonObject by lazy {
val userData = String(Base64.decode(token.split(".")[1], Base64.DEFAULT), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
fun getUserData(): JwtPayload{
gson.toJson(userData, Jwt::class.java)
return gson.fromJson(userData, JwtPayload::class.java)
fun isExpired(): Boolean {
return userData.asJsonObject.get("exp").asLong < (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
companion object {
private val gson = Gson()
val token = Jwt("YOUR_TOKEN")
val operatorID = token.operator.id