I am testing this code and I got success in the success response code but I am not able to reach the onError code
internal class MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler {
fun getMaintenanceResponse (voiceAiServices: VoiceAiServices, header: String): MaintenanceStatus {
val maintenanceStatus = MaintenanceStatus()
.subscribe { response: MaintenanceStatus.Content, error: Throwable? ->
error.let {
if (error != null) {
maintenanceStatus.error = error
response.let {
maintenanceStatus.content = response
return maintenanceStatus
repository class
class RetrofitRepository() {
val TAG = RetrofitRepository::class.java.canonicalName
fun getRetrofit(baseUrl: String?): VoiceAiServices {
val voiceAiServices: VoiceAiServices = Retrofit.Builder()
return voiceAiServices
interface VoiceAiServices {
fun getMaintenanceStatus(#Header("Authorization")header: String): Single<MaintenanceStatus.Content>
Pojo class
data class MaintenanceStatus(
var error: Throwable? = null,
var content: Content? = null
) {
data class Content(
val enabled: Boolean,
val maintenanceMsg: String
Below test code for Success response which is working fine
fun mockedObservableErrorSuccess(): Single<MaintenanceStatus.Content> {
return Single.create { e ->
e.onSuccess(MaintenanceStatus.Content(true, "Under error maintenance"))
e.onError(Throwable("Error message"))
fun testMaintenanceSuccessResponse() {
val voiceAiService: VoiceAiServices = mock(VoiceAiServices::class.java)
val maintenanceStatusHandler = MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler()
val content = MaintenanceStatus.Content(true, "Under maintenance")
val testObserver: TestObserver<MaintenanceStatus.Content> = TestObserver.create()
val observer = mockedObservableErrorSuccess()
maintenanceStatusHandler.getMaintenanceResponse(voiceAiService, "header")
Below is code that is not able to reach to Error method and for this code I need help
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
#Test(expected = java.lang.Exception::class)
fun testMaintenanceErrorResponse() {
val voiceAiService: VoiceAiServices = mock(VoiceAiServices::class.java)
val maintenanceStatusHandler = MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler()
`when`(voiceAiService.getMaintenanceStatus(Utilities.getHeader(voiceAIConfig))).thenReturn(error(Throwable("Error message")))
val testObserver: TestObserver<MaintenanceStatus.Content> = TestObserver.create()
val observer = mockedObservableErrorSuccess()
maintenanceStatusHandler.getMaintenanceResponse(voiceAiService, Utilities.getHeader(voiceAIConfig))
// testObserver.onError(Throwable()) //Also tried this method
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: No errors (latch = 0, values = 1, errors = 0, completions = 1)
I need to view NFT-image with all metadata. I decide to call tokenURI() function like it, but it's ain't working
private fun getNFTMetadata() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
//tokenURI -- by token ID
val web3j: Web3j = createWeb3j() ?: return#launch
var ids = listOf<Uint256>(Uint256.DEFAULT)
val function: org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function = org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function(
val encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function)
val response: EthCall = web3j.ethCall(
Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(WALLET_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, encodedFunction),
if (response.value != null){
state.value = response.value
} else {
state.value = "NAN"
private fun createWeb3j(): Web3j? {
val webSocketService = WebSocketService(WEB_SOCKET_URL, true)
try {
} catch (e: ConnectException) {
return Web3j.build(webSocketService)
I really don't know how to call that function rightly. Help me please!)
I found my mistake. I had change received parameters.
private fun getNFTMetadata() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
//tokenURI -- by token ID
val web3j: Web3j = createWeb3j() ?: return#launch
val big: Uint256 = Uint256(1)
val function: org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function = org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function(
listOf(object : TypeReference<Utf8String>() {})
val encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function)
val response: EthCall = web3j.ethCall(
Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(WALLET_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, encodedFunction),
if (response.value != null){
state.value = response.value
} else {
state.value = "NAN"
I am currently facing a problem with the endpoint argument in the #GET Annotation in Android Studio.
Here are the list of endpoints
NewsApi Endpoints
Defining the get function with the following endpoint v2/top-headlines works completely fine
interface APIDirectory{
suspend fun getArticles(
countryCode: String = "Singapore",
pageNumber: Int = 1,
sortBy:String = "publishedAt",
apiKey: String = API_KEY
However, changing the endpoint to /v2/everything will result in an error
2022-12-03 02:47:11.887 10220-10220/com.example.thenewsapplication E/Tech: An error occured
This error is located in the Tech Fragment, the error occurs in the is Resource.Error portion of the code.
viewModel.searchNews.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer{ response ->
Log.e("Tech", "in the technology fragment")
when (response){
is Resource.Success -> {
response.data?.let {newsResponse ->
//Submits the data to the recyclerview
val totalPages = newsResponse.totalResults / Constants.QUERY_PAGE_SIZE + 2
isLastPage = viewModel.searchNewsPage == totalPages
is Resource.Error -> {
response.message?.let {
Log.e("Tech","An error occured $it")
is Resource.Loading -> {
I concluded that the error must be due to the response argument in the when statement, which refers to the searchNews variable in the viewmodel
val searchNews: MutableLiveData<Resource<ArticleList>> = MutableLiveData()
fun getsearchNews(countryCode: String) = viewModelScope.launch {
Log.e("viewmodel", "in the viewmodel getsearchNews")
Log.e("viewmodel", "getting data")
val response = newsRepository.getSearchNews(countryCode, breakingNewsPage)
private fun handleSearchNewsResponse(response: Response<ArticleList>): Resource<ArticleList> {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
response.body()?.let { resultResponse ->
if (searchNewsResponse == null) {
searchNewsResponse = resultResponse
} else {
val olArticles = searchNewsResponse?.articles
val newArticles = resultResponse.articles
return Resource.Success(searchNewsResponse ?: resultResponse)
return Resource.Error(response.message())
From the handleSearchNewsResponse above, the Response from the ArticleList is a failure, the ArticleList class is just a kotlin class that represents the Response from the WebService
data class ArticleList(
val articles: MutableList<Article>,
val status: String,
val totalResults: Int
I'm trying to map a network object to a domain object with a .map in the response, but compiler says me that .map is an unresolved reference. What is wrong?
suspend fun getAllPlayersFromNetwork(): PlayersDomainModel {
val response: PlayersNetworkModel = api.getAllPlayers()
**return response.**map** { it.toDomain() }**
This is the data class of the network part
data class PlayersNetworkModel(
#SerializedName("data") var data: MutableList<DataNetworkModel> = mutableListOf(),
#SerializedName("meta") var meta: MetaNetworkModel? = MetaNetworkModel()
constructor() : this(mutableListOf(), MetaNetworkModel())
This is the object of the domain
data class PlayersDomainModel(
var data: MutableList<DataDomainModel> = mutableListOf(),
var meta: MetaDomainModel? = MetaDomainModel()
and this is the transform method to map
fun PlayersNetworkModel.toDomain(): PlayersDomainModel {
val mapMeta : MetaDomainModel
meta.let {
mapMeta = MetaDomainModel(meta?.totalPages, meta?.currentPage, meta?.nextPage, meta?.perPage, meta?.totalCount)
val mapData : MutableList<DataDomainModel> = mutableListOf()
data.let {
for(item in data){
val mapTeam : TeamDomainModel = TeamDomainModel(item.team?.id, item.team?.abbreviation, item.team?.city, item.team?.conference, item.team?.division, item.team?.fullName, item.team?.name)
mapData.add(DataDomainModel(item.id, item.firstName, item.heightFeet, item.heightInches, item.lastName, item.position, mapTeam, item.weightPounds))
return PlayersDomainModel(mapData, mapMeta)
I'm not sure why simple data class suppose to have a map method.
Instead of mapping:
return response.map { it.toDomain() }
just use toDomain() on the response:
return response.toDomain()
I am new to test cases and I am trying to write test cases for the below code but I did not get success after trying several method. My main target is to cover code coverage of MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler.kt class. I am using mockito to write the test cases. I am already implemented jococo for code coverage but I am facing some issue to write a test cases. Please help me to write test cases of MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler class
Thanks in advance
internal class MaintenanceStatusResponseHandler {
public fun getMaintenanceResponse(voiceAiConfig : VoiceAiConfig):MaintenanceStatus{
val maintenanceStatus = MaintenanceStatus()
val retrofitRepository = RetrofitRepository()
val maintenanceUrl : String
val jwtToken : String
when (voiceAiConfig.server) {
jwtToken = BuildConfig.JWT_TOKEN_PRODUCTION
maintenanceUrl = BuildConfig.MAINTENANCE_PROD_URL
jwtToken = BuildConfig.JWT_TOKEN_STAGING
maintenanceUrl = BuildConfig.MAINTENANCE_SANDBOX_URL
else -> {
jwtToken = BuildConfig.JWT_TOKEN_SANDBOX
maintenanceUrl = BuildConfig.MAINTENANCE_SANDBOX_URL
val header = "${VoiceAISDKConstant.JWT_TOKEN_PREFIX} $jwtToken"
.subscribe { response: MaintenanceStatus.Content, error: Throwable? ->
error.let {
if (error != null) {
maintenanceStatus.error = error
response.let {
maintenanceStatus.content = response
return maintenanceStatus
repository class
class RetrofitRepository() {
val TAG = RetrofitRepository::class.java.canonicalName
fun getRetrofit(baseUrl: String?): VoiceAiServices {
val voiceAiServices: VoiceAiServices = Retrofit.Builder()
return voiceAiServices
interface VoiceAiServices {
fun getMaintenanceStatus(#Header("Authorization")header: String): Single<MaintenanceStatus.Content>
Pojo class
data class MaintenanceStatus(
var error: Throwable? = null,
var content: Content? = null
) {
data class Content(
val enabled: Boolean,
val maintenanceMsg: String
I am using Single.zip() and Function 5 to consolidate 5 API calls into one Single:
private fun loadProfileAndBalances() {
Single.zip<AvailableFundsResult, IncomingFundsResult, TotalEarnedResult, TotalDonatedResult, ProfileResult, Unit>(
.map<AvailableFundsResult> {
Timber.d("Available Result [${it.amount}]") <------ DollarAmount object with null amount
AvailableFundsResult.Amount(it) }
.onErrorReturn { AvailableFundsResult.Error(it) }
.map<IncomingFundsResult> { IncomingFundsResult.Amount(it) }
.onErrorReturn { IncomingFundsResult.Error(it) }
.map<TotalEarnedResult> { TotalEarnedResult.Amount(it) }
.onErrorReturn { TotalEarnedResult.Error(it) }
.map<TotalDonatedResult> { TotalDonatedResult.Amount(it) }
.onErrorReturn { TotalDonatedResult.Error(it) }
.map<ProfileResult> { ProfileResult.Profile(it) }
.onErrorReturn { ProfileResult.Error(it) }
Function5 { availableFunds: AvailableFundsResult, incomingFunds: IncomingFundsResult, totalEarned: TotalEarnedResult, totalDonated: TotalDonatedResult, profileResult: ProfileResult ->
availableTotal = when (availableFunds) {
is AvailableFundsResult.Amount ->
is AvailableFundsResult.Error -> {
Timber.w(availableFunds.throwable, "Error while fetching sponsorships")
incomingTotal = when (incomingFunds) {
is IncomingFundsResult.Amount -> incomingFunds.result.amount
is IncomingFundsResult.Error -> {
Toast.makeText(activity, getString(R.string.payout_main_error_loading_totals), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
earnedTotal = when (totalEarned) {
is TotalEarnedResult.Amount -> totalEarned.result.amount
is TotalEarnedResult.Error -> {
Toast.makeText(activity, getString(R.string.payout_main_error_loading_totals), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
donatedTotal = when (totalDonated) {
is TotalDonatedResult.Amount -> totalDonated.result.amount
is TotalDonatedResult.Error -> {
Toast.makeText(activity, getString(R.string.payout_main_error_loading_totals), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
onboardingComplete = when (profileResult) {
is ProfileResult.Profile ->
is ProfileResult.Error -> {
Timber.e(profileResult.throwable, "Error fetching profile")
.subscribe(::updateViews) {
availableTotal = ""
incomingTotal = ""
earnedTotal = ""
donatedTotal = ""
onboardingComplete= false
vWalletRefresher.isRefreshing = false
Each of these API calls is succeeding with code 200. The call made with Interactors.api.paymentsApiClient.getAvailableFunds() is returning {"amount":264.69}, which is parsed into an object of this class:
internal data class DollarAmount(#SerializedName("amount") val amount: String)
The paymentsApiClient repeatedly referenced is built like this:
private fun createNewPaymentsClient(authRefreshClient: AuthRefreshClient,
preferencesInteractor: PreferencesInteractor): PaymentsApiClient {
val loggingInterceptor = run {
val httpLoggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
httpLoggingInterceptor.apply {
httpLoggingInterceptor.level = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY else HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.NONE
val okHttpClient = createHttpClientBuilder()
.authenticator(RefreshUserAuthenticator(authRefreshClient, preferencesInteractor,
UnauthorizedNavigator(SDKInternal.appContext, Interactors.preferences)))
val gson = GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().setLenient().create()
return Retrofit.Builder()
Despite the API call being successful, the log statement that is printed in Single.zip for a successful retrieval of a DollarAmount via Interactors.api.paymentsApiClient.getAvailableFunds() the is showing its amount as being null, rather than 264.69. What is wrong with my parsing that is making this null?
Edit: As someone noticed, I am wrapping the results in another set of classes:
private sealed class AvailableFundsResult {
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : AvailableFundsResult()
data class Amount(val result: DollarAmount) : AvailableFundsResult()
private sealed class IncomingFundsResult {
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : IncomingFundsResult()
data class Amount(val result: DollarAmount) : IncomingFundsResult()
private sealed class TotalEarnedResult {
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : TotalEarnedResult()
data class Amount(val result: DollarAmount) : TotalEarnedResult()
private sealed class TotalDonatedResult {
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : TotalDonatedResult()
data class Amount(val result: DollarAmount) : TotalDonatedResult()
private sealed class ProfileResult {
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : ProfileResult()
data class Profile(val result: InfluencerProfileDto) : ProfileResult()
I don't think this is relevant though because it the amount is coming back null before I even spit out an instance of these wrapper classes.
Edit 2: Class that gets returned from 5th API call:
#JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
internal data class InfluencerProfileDto(
#Json(name = "id") val id: String,
#Json(name = "emailAddress") val email: String?,
#Json(name = "phoneNumber") val phoneNumber: PhoneNumberDto?,
#Json(name = "isPhoneNumberVerified") val isPhoneNumberVerified: Boolean,
#Json(name = "isEmailVerified") val isEmailVerified: Boolean,
#Json(name = "notificationTimePreference") val notificationTimePreference: String,
#Json(name = "isInstagramConnected") val isInstagramConnected: Boolean,
#Json(name = "isFacebookConnected") val isFacebookConnected: Boolean,
#Json(name = "isTwitterConnected") val isTwitterConnected: Boolean,
#Json(name = "currencyIsoSymbol") val currencyIsoSymbol: String,
#Json(name = "currencySymbol") val currency: String,
#Json(name = "birthDate") val birthDate: Date?,
#Json(name = "name") val name: String?,
#Json(name = "profilePictureUri") val avatarUrl: String?,
#Json(name = "gender") val gender: Gender?)
val isOnboardingCompleted: Boolean
get() = gender!= Gender.UNKNOWN && birthDate!= null && !!notificationTimePreference.isNullOrEmpty() && isPhoneNumberVerified && !email.isNullOrEmpty()
my approach is in java
first of all we need two libraries that you might not be using in your project ie.
gson => for pasing objects from string and vice versa
volley => for string http requests
please google their official github pages and install the latest versions
then we ll be creating a common result object to bear results
class Result {
boolean error; // this field can be used by the api to tell if there was some error while processing the request
String message; // here api can give you some extra message if there was some error
String result; // here you get the result. you can make it a map as well if you want to receive an object and later parse to a unique object class
this is a function you can use for HTTP requets
public static Single<Result> getHttpResult(String api, Map<Stirng, String> params){
return Single.create(emitter -> {
StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, api, response -> {
Log.i("RESPONSE :", response);
try {
Result result = new Gson().fromJson(response, Result.java);
} catch (JSONException e) {
}, emitter::onError) {
protected Map<String, String> getParams() {
return params;
stringRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(0, 0, 0));
RequestQueue requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
this is how you can get multiple results at once and i recommend you also check the internet connectivity if user has enough internet then only make parallel requests else it wont produce good UX
List<Single<Result>> tasks = new ArrayList();
tasks.add(getHttpResult("https://..."), /**here you can add a map with params that your api might require for auth and other purposes**/);
Single.zip(tasks, objects -> {
List<Result> results = new ArrayList();
for(Object object : objects){
return results;
}).subscribe(results -> {
// this result object have all the results of http requests
// for distinguising results from each other you can create a field on the result object
hope my approach is helpful to you ;)