Receive WhatsApp messages to external app before the notification appears - android

I want my app to receive WhatsApp messages, check the content (I'm planning to do some deep learning methods using the message content) and then push the notification and deside if to silence it or not.
Basically I'm building an application that silence non-urgent WhatsApp messages (using machine learning to deside whether it's urgent or not).
How can I receive WhatsApp messages to my app and mute some of them?

You can’t handle notifications of another application because their server sends a notification that only their application can handle.
This is how FCM works: Firebase Cloud Messaging.


Send request to an other android device in a app

I am currently trying to make a personal location application between 2 devices on Android.
The concept is simple: I install my application on my phone as well as on that of my wife and each can geolocate the other.
(This application is strictly personal)
To achieve this, I thought of using sending notifications by FCM.
Telephone A sends a request to telephone B which listens via a service for the reception of a message.
When phone B receives the request, it returns the GPS coordinates via FCM so that phone A displays them on a MAP.
(I also have the possibility to store the coordinates in a database instead of sending back an FCM message)
But FCM's documentation says:
"When your app is in the background, notification messages are displayed in the system tray, and onMessageReceived is not called. For notification messages with a data payload, the notification message is displayed in the system tray, and the data that was included with the notification message can be retrieved from the intent launched when the user taps on the notification."
Of course, this reduces the scope since it forces the user of the phone receiving the notification to click on it to activate the actions of the service.
Can FCM still meet my needs through another channel?
Are there other options to send a "request" to another phone?
(I know that this kind of application exists on the PlayStore, but I want to try to make mine :-))
The key word in that section from the documentation you quote is notification messages. Firebase Cloud Messaging supports two types of messages:
Notification messages, which are display by the system when the app is inactive - and delivered to your application code when the app is active.
Data messages, which are always delivered to your application code.
It sounds like you'll want to use data messages for this use-case

How whatsApp managed to always receive call notification in Android?

I am working on a VOIP calling app based on WebRTC. For the signalling I'm using websocket which is implemented on a background service. But most of the case the service get killed by the OS, so I implemented Firebase Cloud messaging (FCM) to send the Call offer notification which works on most of the device. But it has delay and chinese variant phone doesn't get FCM notification if it is removed from the recent app list. But I have tested WhatsApp on all of these phone and it can able to send call notification almost 100% of the time on any android device. So how whatsapp managed to send and receive those signalling call offer notifications in every case.

How does Slack create a phone ringing from a push notification? (iOS,Android)

I am familiar with sending push notification payloads to mobile apps where the user can open the notification, passing the payload to the app.
I am somewhat familiar with Android's ability to receive data only push notifications that do not show up on the OS menu.
What I do not understand is how call applications like Slack receive pushes and create a ringing screen and continuously call the user like a phone call.
Is this just a long sound file, or are they integrating with the iOS/Android OS telephony?

How Facebook messenger make mobile calls in background?

How does the Facebook messenger establish video calls when app is in background?
I'm making an android video call hybrid app using webrtc and, the video calls works fine with app open but I don't know the best way to contact a target user if he's not in the app, my idea is to send a push notification to wake up mobile and enter in the app and then start the video call, the problem is if target user don't allow notifications.
I've already tested calls in messenger with notifications disabled and with the app in background and the call works the same. I can't find any explanation how messenger can start a call when the device is not awake.
Is a notification or a service that allows that?
Check out Firebase Cloud Messaging, it's what most people and what Google recommends to use to push notifications. However, that doesn't mean it has to be used to send notifications and it won't be blocked even if notification is disabled. You are able to send data payloads with FCM and handle them on your client with onMessageReceived with FirebaseMessagingService. For more details, refer to the documentation.

How are Android GCM push notifications processed?

I am working on a Cordova Android app that handles push notifications using the PushPlugin. The app will correctly receive push notifications when the app is open. However no push notifications are received (or at least handled) if the app is not open.
This makes some sense given that the plugin has code that specifically handles receiving push notifications. What does not make much sense to me is why this code even exists at all. Before building this app, I assumed that the OS had some sort of queuing system that received any/all notifications.
Does a notification queue exists in Android that handles push notifications for all apps or does each app need to handle the notifications on their own.
Can Android apps process push notifications while closed?
Can Cordova Android apps process push notifications while closed?
In Google Cloud Messaging (which is the push notifications mechanism used by the PushPlugin) each application decides how to handle the notification. When a push notification arrives to the device, GCM triggers a BroadcastReceiver in the recipient application, and the application is responsible for handling the notification data.
Android apps can process push notifications when closed unless they are explicitly stopped by the user (in which case no notifications will reach the app until it is restarted again by the user). If they leave the foreground by the user switching to another app or going to the home screen, the can still receive and process notifications.
Yes. According to the PushPlugin you posted a link to, it seems that they can. When the app is not in the foreground, the notification is handled differently - a notification is added to the notification bar, and when it is tapped, it should open the app.
With PushPlugin, when sending push notifications to GCM (for GCM to send them to the device) one has to include a msgcnt key value pair after the message key value pair in the payload value in the JSON message, like this:
or else PushPlugin will not handle the notification when the app is in the background. It has to do with the way the file is written in the plugin.

