Getting sleep data from the Google fit API - android

I've been trying for the last few days to get Sleep information from the google fit API.
I've managed to get data from the history API and the session API for the time period, but the activity list doesn't seem to include any sleep data.
I've been capturing the data in "Sleep as Android" and I've also tried "Instant". But don't see anything in the data sets coming back.
I seem to remember with the older fit app I'd see the sleep activity shown, but there's no sign of the data in the journal section of the new app.
Should I be able to get the data from the history or session data?
At the moment I'm using
DataReadRequest readRequest = new DataReadRequest.Builder()
.setTimeRange(startTime, endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Fitness.getHistoryClient(this, GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(context))
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DataReadResponse>(){
public void onSuccess(DataReadResponse dataReadResponse) {
List<DataSet> dataSets = dataReadResponse.getDataSets();
for (DataSet dataSet : dataSets) {
for (DataPoint dp : dataSet.getDataPoints()) {
for (Field field : dp.getDataType().getFields()){
LogUtil.d("google fit Start: " + dateFormat.format(dp.getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + " " + timeFormat.format(dp.getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + " End: " + dateFormat.format(dp.getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + " " + timeFormat.format(dp.getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + " type: " + showDataType(dp.getValue(field)));
I'm not sure what I'm missing to get at the correct data. I see walking, still, running etc, but just no sleep!

You can try to send a session request that will read the dataType.TYPE_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT or used the Users.sessions methods to correctly record fitness data the sleep activities.
List of activities:
Sleeping 72
Light sleep 109
Deep sleep 110
REM sleep 111
Here is the sample code from Martin Stava that will show you on how to use Sleep as Anroid data from Google Fit. Hope it helps.


I'm trying to get а real traffic stats data. But, When i count `TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes()` for whole day its more than my data pack?

eg. I have a 1.5 GB data pack. It gives the total sum of 2.0 GB or more than that .
any idea about how to get correct speed every second.
TrafficStats.getTotalRxBytes() does not return your data pack value. It refers to the total received bytes (either wifi/mobile) since the last boot (turning ON phone). For mobile data, it will be TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes(). More importantly, these values get reset in every reboot of device.
I have a 1.5 GB data pack. It gives the total sum of 2.0 GB or more
than that .
The android system does not know anything about your data pack. You are adding it again and again. When you call TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() at a moment, it returns total mobile data received upto this moment since last boot. Following is an explanation. Hope this helps.
// Suppose, you have just rebooted your device, then received 400 bytes and transmitted 300 bytes of mobile data
// After reboot, so far 'totalReceiveCount' bytes have been received by your device over mobile data.
// After reboot, so far 'totalTransmitCount' bytes have been sent from your device over mobile data.
// Hence after reboot, so far 'totalDataUsed' bytes used actually.
long totalReceiveCount = TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes();
long totalTransmitCount = TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes();
long totalDataUsed = totalReceiveCount + totalTransmitCount;
Log.d("Data Used", "" + totalDataUsed + " bytes"); // This will log 700 bytes
// After sometime passed, another 200 bytes have been transmitted from your device over mobile data.
totalDataUsed = TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() + TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes();
Log.d("Data Used", "" + totalDataUsed + " bytes"); // Now this will log 900 bytes
any idea about how to get correct speed every second.
You cannot get actual speed this way. You can only calculate and show how much bytes have been received/transmitted in a second. All the speed meters in android do the same I think. Something like the following:
class SpeedMeter {
private long uptoNow = 0;
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
private ScheduledFuture futureHandle;
public void startMeter() {
final Runnable meter = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
long now = TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() + TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes();
System.out.println("Speed=" + (now - uptoNow)); // Prints value for current second
uptoNow = now;
uptoNow = TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() + TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes();
futureHandle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(meter, 1, 1, SECONDS);
public void stopMeter() {
And use like this:
SpeedMeter meter = new SpeedMeter();
Although this code is not perfect, however it will suit your needs.

Is HTML5 browser geolocation feature on mobile available while screen off/ suspend?

To substitute my usage of native apps that allow to keep track of my position, I wanted to generate a PWA using the HTML5 Goelocation API.
The result I have been able to achieve so far seems to point a inferior functionality of the HTML5 Goelocation API compared to native Android API.
Below is the code I have used and the issue is, that the PWA/ website application only receives infrequent updates. Additionally the app only receives position while the screen is not off.
This puts a huge obstacle into having a PWA being to track for instance my bike tour, since I cannot keep the screen and browser in the foreground, while ideed I wished the PWA would simply continues running even when the screen is off.
Now I am aware that in most cases a device user and privacy aware person would benefit from the useragent/browser to cut the waste of resources and limit privacy loss by disabling the very feature I search.
In essence however I have looked over the MDN documentation and besides the PositionOptions I was yet unable to find any clue about the guarantees of the API.
Find below the way I have sought to make it work as a code.
Does + Should HTML5 Goelocation API work when screen of on a mobile?
Is there a concrete information about if and how much geolocation information is returedn? like frequency/delay of update and like geofencing imprecision ?
Could for instance google maps navigation work in the browser itself?
My platform is Gecko on Android. If better results could be achieved in Chromium on Android I would be happy to hear about that too.
On Android I use firefox. In it I wanted to have my website provide a page that keeps track of my movements via the geolocation API, in order to replace my strave.
var a= document.createElement("div");
var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
if(confirm("reset data?")){
localStorage.clear() ;
var startInfo = Object.keys(localStorage).length+ " " " " + ( % 864000);
var lastTime=0,lastLat=0,lastLon=0,count=0,lastDistance=0;
var startTime =;
var distance = 0;
if('geolocation' in navigator) {
a.innerHTML="<h2>super wir haben geolocation!</h2>";
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {
// var a = document.createElement("div");
a.innerHTML="<h1>"+(((|0)+" "+((distance*100|0)/100)+"</h1><h3>"+startInfo+"</h3><h2>date="+(new Date()).toString()+"<br>lang="+position.coords.latitude+" long="+ position.coords.longitude+"</h2>";
var lat = ((position.coords.latitude * 10000000) | 0)
var lon = ((position.coords.longitude * 10000000) | 0)
var time =;
var deltaTime = time - lastTime;
var deltaLat = lat - lastLat;
var deltaLon = lon - lastLon;
if(Math.abs(deltaLat)>100000 || Math.abs(deltaLon) > 100000)
} else{
distance += Math.sqrt(deltaLat*deltaLat+deltaLon*deltaLon);
var deltaDistance = distance - lastDistance;
newline = (((|0) + " dist=" + distance + "("+deltaDistance+") lat=" + lat + "("+deltaLat+") lon=" + lon + "("+deltaLon+") ";
textarea.value = newline + "\n" + textarea.value;
localStorage.setItem("P"+(,deltaLat+" "+deltaLon+" "+deltaTime);
} else {
a.innerHTML="<h2> shit</h2>";

Google play game services Leaderboard with custom UI using Unity3d plugin of google

We want to display all leaderboard data into our custom created UI for the game. for that we want to access top scores info such as Profile Picture,Score and Name of the player.
All data will be shown in our custom created UI
we are using following unity3d plugin of google
Please let us know how to access all players data of our game leaderboard
The you link provided has the actual documentation on how to use the plugin. From Accessing Leaderboard data (where you could get the Score) to Getting Player names, where it is mentioned that you could
use Social.LoadUsers() to load the player profile
from there you could get an IUserProfile to get the image and username. Sample from the same link:
internal void LoadUsersAndDisplay(ILeaderboard lb)
// get the user ids
List<string> userIds = new List<string>();
foreach(IScore score in lb.scores) {
// load the profiles and display (or in this case, log)
Social.LoadUsers(userIds.ToArray(), (users) =>
string status = "Leaderboard loading: " + lb.title + " count = " +
foreach(IScore score in lb.scores) {
IUserProfile user = FindUser(users, score.userID);
status += "\n" + score.formattedValue + " by " +
(user != null) ? user.userName : "**unk_" + score.userID + "**");
With all that said, if you were hoping for a more detailed and precise sample, it'd be considered as too broad here in Stack Overflow and may be voted to be closed.

Not cheatable Google fit step counter

i have a question to Google Fit.
I am creating a step counter (oh wonder g). This i have already done so far and it not really hard.
But now we come to my problem. I am only reading the steps with the Sensor API. The issue is, i can add new data via for example the Google Fit app and it will be counted in my app too. This introduces cheating and i do not want this.
So i need to have a way to only read "device created" data and not manually added data. Is there a nice way to to this?
From the SDK documentation it is not really clear how to proceed here.
So i need to have a way to only read "device created" data and not
manually added data. Is there a nice way to to this?
You will want to use Private Custom Data Types to achieve that. Read about the different types of Fitness data you can upload to Google Fit here.
1. Public data types
Standard data types provided by the platform, like Any app can read and write data of
these types. For more information, see Public Data Types.
2. Private custom data types
Custom data types defined by an specific app. Only the app that defines the data type can read and write data
of this type. For more information, see Custom Data Types.
3. Shareable data types
Custom data types submitted to the platform by an app developer. Once approved, any app can read data of a
shareable type, but only whitelisted apps as specified by the
developer can write data of that shareable type. For more information,
see Shareable Data Types.
I was able to do this with the help of this alogrithm. But remember due to Android fragmentation this code still removes some of the user's data and count it as penalty
private String dumpDataSet(DataSet dataSet, int x) {
List<String> days = new ArrayList<>();
String day = days.get(Math.round(x / 24));
Log.d(TAG, "\tDay: " + day);
Log.i(TAG, "Data returned for Data type: " + dataSet.getDataType().getName());
DateFormat dateFormat = getTimeInstance();
String text = "";
try {
for (DataPoint dp : dataSet.getDataPoints()) {
Log.i(TAG, "\tStepCount getStreamName: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamName());
Log.i(TAG, "\tStepCount getStreamIdentifier: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamIdentifier());
Log.i(TAG, "\tStepCount App Type: " + dp.getDataType().getName());
Log.i(TAG, "\tStepCount Type: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getType());
for (Field field : dp.getDataType().getFields()) {
Log.i(TAG, "\tField: " + field.getName() + " Value: " + dp.getValue(field));
text += dp.getValue(field);
String si[] = dp.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamIdentifier().toLowerCase().split(":");
if ((((si[si.length - 1].contains("soft")) || (si[si.length - 1].contains("step"))) && si[si.length - 1].contains("counter"))) {
totalSteps += Integer.parseInt(dp.getValue(field).toString());
Log.d(TAG, "\tStepCount" + " Added Steps -> " + dp.getValue(field) + " steps");
text += "\n\n";
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY ---------------------------------------------------------------");
Log.e(TAG, "\tDay = " + day + " | Hour Number = " + x + " | StepCount" + " PENALTY DEDUCTED -> " + dp.getValue(field) + " steps");
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY getStreamIdentifier: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamIdentifier());
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY getStreamName: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamName());
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY App Type: " + dp.getDataType().getName());
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY Type: " + dp.getOriginalDataSource().getType());
Log.e(TAG, "\tStepCount PENALTY ---------------------------------------------------------------");
} catch (Exception ex) {
return text;
----- UPDATE -----
You can also call
to filter out smartwatches and other apps.
I tried as suggested by Ali Shah lakhani but
/*I also tried but could not achieve what I wanted*/
did not work at least for me while retrieving data. I ended up using readDailyTotalFromLocalDevice() as shown below in order to capture steps captured by device only.
Fitness.HistoryApi.readDailyTotalFromLocalDevice(mApiClient, DataType.TYPE_STEP_COUNT_DELTA).await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
I cross checked the same with some of the apps that avoids manual entries in their app and the count provided by the function above is exactly the same.
Note: If a user is having multiple devices and is using the app on all of them, readDailyTotalFromLocalDevice() will have different value for each and every device since the function is responsible for returning device specific data only.

Count query with large amount of objects

I am using to populate a listview in android. Each item in the list view has a textview that shows the like count and another one that shows the comment count.
Now, according to
"For classes with over 1000 objects, count operations are limited by timeouts. They may routinely yield timeout errors or return results that are only approximately correct. Thus, it is preferable to architect your application to avoid this sort of count operation."
what would be the recommended/ideal way of going about it then?
What I did is I created a column called commentCount, and a column called likeCount. Then in afterSave, I modified the appropriate cell.
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Activity", function(request) {
Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); //bypasses ACL requirements
//After commenting, increment commentCount
if(request.object.get("type") == "comment"){
query = new Parse.Query("Posts");
query.get(request.object.get("post").id, {
success: function(post) {
post.increment("commentCount", 1);;
error: function(error) {
console.error("Got an error " + error.code + " : " + error.message);

