Add a settings page looking like in native app - android

I would like to create settings page which would look like the settings on native platform (eg. PreferenceActivity/Fragment with xml on Android).
I am used to design the settings page by creating simple preference xml on Android which handles the basic settings flawlessly, however I am unable to find the similar mechanism in Xamarin.Forms which would do the same thing for all platforms natively (with the gui part). I just only found the SettingsPlugin which handles "Create and access settings from shared code across all of your apps!".
I would really appreciate any recommendation on designing the settings pages.

You can use a TableView, which is an original Xamarin Forms User interface (without any plugin).
If you set his Intent="Settings" , you can display a nice list of configuration settings like SwitchCell, EntryCell, or a CustomCell.
Displaying these elements depend on the operating system and on the version of it. So it looks and feels different on f.e. Android 4.4 and different on Android 8.
For example:
<TableView Intent="Settings">
<TableSection Title="My settings">
<EntryCell Label="Name:" Placeholder="Enter Your First Name Here"/>
<SwitchCell Text="Show my name" On="true"/>
<SwitchCell Text="Update app automatically"/>
Which will render something (not exactly that) like this: {source of img}


Issue with float.Parse in Unity Android App

I develop an Android app. If I call
in Editor or App on my Mac Book (Language Setting English), it works fine. After publishing to Android (Language Setting German) the result of the Parse operation is not "51.552058" anymore but "5,155211E+09". I understand that this might be related to the device's language but I still don't really understand what is happening and why.
I also tried following with no success:
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any)
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)
Did anyone stumble over this before?
float.Parse is culture dependent.
See e.g. from NumberFormatInfo
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (en-US)
// '1,034,562.91': FormatException (fr-FR)
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (Invariant)
Reason here is that in EU cultures the , is usually the decimal separator while the . is used as the group separator. So from the example above the correct format for fr-FR would be 1.034.562,91
You probably rather want to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture like
float.Parse("51.552058", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
or directly NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo
float.Parse("51.552058", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
which simply has defined
NumberDecimalSeparator .
NumberGroupSeparator ,

Cordova backspace cannot remove image in contenteditable div

I'm using Cordova 3.6.4 in Visual Studio 2013 Community Update 4 to build an apps with a "chat" functionality, the main reason that I use this technology is because I want to, hopefully, write once and can use it in all platforms such as Android phones, iPhones, all mobile phone browsers, all desktop browsers.
In order to let the users inputting the "message" to be sent, I create a [div] which is contenteditable="true" at the bottom left of the html, at the right hand side of this [div], I have two [image buttons], one is the [happy face] button, the other is the [send button]. (You know, just like Whatsapp, Line and WeChat!)
At any time the user can click the [happy face] button to select one of the many "face image" to insert into the cursor at the [div], then I'll add the html codes into the [div], e.g. div.innerHTML += '< img src="1.jpg">'
So, the innerHTML of this [div] can contain characters AND images, e.g.
12< img src="1.jpg" />34< img src="2.jpg" />
Of course, the actual display is:
12[1st Picture]34[2nd Picture]
If the cursor is at the end of this [div], and I clicked the [BACKSPACE], I expect the [2nd Picture] will be removed, if I clicked the [BACKSPACE] again, I expect the letter [4] will be removed from the [div], this is work at ALMOST every platform I mentioned including all mobile browsers in android and iphone/ipad, all desktop browsers. But it does not work when I build an Android app and run it in any Android phone.
Running it as a WebView in android phone, when I click the the [BACKSPACE], the letter [4] is removed instead of the [2nd Picture], when I click the [BACKSPACE] again, the letter[3] is removed. I can NEVER remove the 2 images no matter which IME I'm using.
To work around, I tried to add a keyup/keydown/keypress listener to the [BACKSPACE] but it never fires.
At last, to work around this [BUG], I need to add a third [X] image button and use JavaScript string.replace to remove the < img> tag when users click this [X] button, but it looks very stupid to the users!
It makes me crazy that ALL IMEs do not remove the image for me by pressing the [BACKSPACE], and if the key events are not fired, I cannot remove the images myself!
I tried ALMOST, I think, ALL the suggestions provided by stackoverflow but they don't work at all, either not applicable to CORDOVA, or with compilation error such as [command failed with exit code 8] in Visual Studio.
What should I do?

Generic mobile tests with appium

I'm new to mobile testing , and currently I research for an automation framework for mobile testing.
I've started to look into Appium, and created some tests for the demo app I've made (one for IOS and the other for Android).
I've managed to write a test for each of the platforms , but I was wondering , how difficult it might be to write a one generic test which will be executed on the both platforms with minimum adjustments ?
It is possible but you have to keep same labels for each component for all platforms, for example to click on a button, instead of locating through Xpath locate by its name.
WebElement button = driver.findElement("my button"));;
More info finding elements in Appium docs:
I built an automation framework from scratch which does exactly the same thing, i.e. have one code base and the tests run both on Android and iOS based on what device and app you give the test. This is how I went about doing it. (I used Java+Appium+Cucumber framework).
Following the Page Object pattern is a good practice for writing automation code.
That being said, you will have all the resource ids of Android and Accessibility ids of iOS in 2 separate files under a folder named say "ObjectRepository". These files usually have the extension of *.properties (It is called the properties file).
Say you have a Login button that you want to interact with on Android and iOS, you have will 2 files:
File 1) "" which has:
File 2) "" which has:
NOTE: In the key/value pair above, the key is the same "Login.LoginButton", the value is the resource id and the accessibility id of the Login Button in your Android and iOS application
In your code you would do the following:
} else {
In another file you would set what IS_ANDROID and IS_IOS means. You may do something like this:
public static DeviceConfig DEVICE_CONFIG;
private void setPlatform() {
if (DEVICE_CONFIG.platformName.equals("Android")) {
IS_ANDROID = true;
} else if (DEVICE_CONFIG.platformName.equals("iOS")) {
IS_IOS = true;
This way you can have one code base and run Android and iOS seamlessly.

Using Cordova, is there a way to reference native icons?

I'm using Cordova 3.5 to build an app which contains a menu with pretty standard items in the list (home, contacts, etc.), and I want to use the native menu icons whenever possible. I believe those icons are already on the device as part of the OS, but I don't know if Cordova gives me a way to reference them.
I suppose I'd need to write a Javascript function to choose the right file name based on the platform, e.g.:
// this is pseudocode
var icon = '';
if (platform === 'android') {
icon = 'some/path/home.png';
} else {
icon = 'other/path/icon.home.png';
// or maybe a function such as the following exists:
// icon = cordova.getNativeIcon('icon.home.png');
$('.selector').css('background-image', icon);
Alternatively, I may be able to make do by referencing the files in CSS, e.g.:
.android .home-icon {
background-image: url('some/path/home.png');
.ios .home-icon {
background-image: url('other/path/icon.home.png');
So, how do folks handle this sort of thing in Cordova? Is there a function I can use to access native icons? Are folks just copying them into their projects? What's the best practice?
If you're working with Cordova, then you'll be working inside a web view provided by the host OS and you won't have direct access to any artwork. I've found that using icon fonts and CSS "themes" to work well enough, but that approach will replicate artwork already provided. There's extra work involved with theming for iOS 6 vs iOS 7 or 8, for example, but it's not as bad as it sounds.
IBM does have an article on partitioning your view between native and web controls, but it sounds a bit cumbersome. More details here:

needsSoftKeyboard() method is NOT available

I have installed
Flash Builder Burrito
Sdk 4.5
Flash Player 10.2
Air 2.0
but there is not needsSoftKeyboard() method in my view
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" title="Home" xmlns:views="views.*"
destructionPolicy="none" xmlns:mx="library://" >
and this is NOT in
<s:TextInput x="194" y="212" />
I have read about this method and about SoftKeyboardEvent but i could not access softkeyboard method and SoftKeyboardEvent as well.
What is the reason?
May be i am missing something.
Please help me.
I am making a Flex Mobile Project in which user can add text at run time.
How can i open soft keyboard to add text at run time.
What control (not the View) are you trying to set this on? From the documentation, it is not a method, but a property on a control. It is not needed on TextInput because it comes up automatically (and can't be made to false):
For instance, NumericStepper might benefit from needsSoftKeyboard.
There are also three soft keyboard events on the controls:
softKeyboardActivate, softKeyboardActivating, softKeyboardDeactivate
More info here:

