Issue with float.Parse in Unity Android App - android

I develop an Android app. If I call
in Editor or App on my Mac Book (Language Setting English), it works fine. After publishing to Android (Language Setting German) the result of the Parse operation is not "51.552058" anymore but "5,155211E+09". I understand that this might be related to the device's language but I still don't really understand what is happening and why.
I also tried following with no success:
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any)
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)
Did anyone stumble over this before?

float.Parse is culture dependent.
See e.g. from NumberFormatInfo
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (en-US)
// '1,034,562.91': FormatException (fr-FR)
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (Invariant)
Reason here is that in EU cultures the , is usually the decimal separator while the . is used as the group separator. So from the example above the correct format for fr-FR would be 1.034.562,91
You probably rather want to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture like
float.Parse("51.552058", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
or directly NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo
float.Parse("51.552058", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
which simply has defined
NumberDecimalSeparator .
NumberGroupSeparator ,


Phone numbers links not working on Android 9

I want to have my phone number to be clickable, right now my current solution:
final SpannableString msg = "Contact us: test#t.t or call: 5008 878 6578"
Linkify.addLinks(msg, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS);
This works fine for Android 8.1 and below but not for Android 9 (email is clickable so the problem is only with number phone)
I've tried already doing it with XML layouts or with
And the output is the same, phone number is not clickable.
How to fix it on Android 9?
The mask Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS seems correct, according to the documentation - but I would not recognize something alike 5008 878 6578 as a valid phone number - and I definitely could not dial it, if I would click it... so most likely the sPhoneNumberMatchFilter might be at fault.
Manually building the desired Spannable with the tel://50088786578 might be an easy solution; adjusting the sPhoneNumberMatchFilter might be the other option... also .addLinks() permits this, with argument matchFilter.
Are you certain that you are running with the same Locale on Android 9.0? This should be where the regex pattern to match for may come from, because those formats count towards localization.

How to take off a PX4 autopilot using mavlink message?

I follow the following link's sample code
and when I set API VehicleApi.getApi(this.drone).arm(true);
vehicleState.isFlying() automatically becomes true.
Can anybody tell me what this problem is?
What I need is:
1. take off, land
I read from some website that the dronekit-android does not support the mode changing. If so, how should I send the mavlink message to take off and land?
So far, I can sucessfully send the mavlink message to the PX4 board.
Thanks for replying.
Thank you for replying.
If you trace though some of the code in dronekit-android, you can see that isFlying is set here with the code below.
boolean isFlying = systemStatus == MAV_STATE.MAV_STATE_ACTIVE || ...;
MAV_STATE_ACTIVE, defined here states
System is active and might be already airborne. Motors are engaged.
So isFlying doesn't mean it's airborne but just that the motors are turned on. That occurs when you call VehicleApi.getApi(this.drone).arm(true); because you are literally arming the vehicle at that point.
For takeoff, you want to use the ControlApi. ControlApi.getApi(drone).takeOff(desired_altitude, listener) and for land you need to use VehicleApi.getApi(drone).setVehicleMode(VehicleMode.COPTER_LAND, listener)
The sample code you're looking at is very old. I suggest you follow the sample app from github.
I have not tried android-dronekit before and I noticed that the src folder have not been updated for more than two years on github.
I advice you to use python-dronekit because there is a powerful library called pymavlink in python and used in python-dronekit. You can build hyper application if you want but first try to takeoff and land in python.

Unable to set target temperature to Nest Thermostat from Android SDK

I am writing an Android application to control a Nest thermostat. I was able to connect to it just fine and I can read the correct target temperature (turning the nob on the thermostat updates my TextView).
However, when I try to write the target temperature like this, nothing happens:
String thermostatID = mThermostat.getDeviceId();
mNest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70);
I tried setting the HVAC mode first, in case I needed that, but this didn't work either:
String thermostatID = mThermostat.getDeviceId();
mNest.thermostats.setHVACMode(thermostatID, "cool");
mNest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70);
The Textview flashes 70 for a brief second, but then shoots back up to 77 which is the target temperature that was set by the actual thermostat. Is this an issue with the SDK code for setTargetTemperatureF, or am I missing something simple here?
The permissions for the Nest thermostat are set on the Nest website. Visit and sign in. You will be given a list of your products, all you need to do is select one and scroll down to permissions.
Note that after you change permissions, your mobile (or various platform) application will need to rerun authentication for this change to take place.
Try to modify your code as following, then you can set the target temperature.
mNest.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70L, null);

Taking Screenshots Using Qt C++ on Android

thanks for checking my question out!
I'm currently working on a project using Qt C++, which is designed to be multi-platform. I'm a bit of a newcoming to it, so I've been asked to set up the ability to take screenshots from within the menu structure, and I'm having issues with the Android version of the companion app.
As a quick overview, it's a bit of software that send the content of a host PC's screen to our app, and I've been able to take screenshots on the Windows version just fine, using QScreen and QPixmap, like so:
QPixmap screenSnapData = screenGrab->currentBackground();
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId() );
Unfortunately, Android seems to reject QScreen, and with most suggestions from past Google searches suggesting the now-deprecated QPixmap::grab(), I've gotten a little stuck.
What luck I have had is within the code for the menu itself, and QWidget, but that isn't without issue, of course!
QFile doubleCheckFile("/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Testing/checking.png");;
QPixmap checkingPixmap = QWidget::grab();;
This code does take a screenshot, but only of the button strip currently implemented, and not for the whole screen. I've also taken a 'screenshot' of just a white box with the screen's dimensions by using:
QDesktopWidget dw;
QWidget *screen=dw.screen();
QPixmap checkingPixmap = screen->grab();
Would anyone know of whether there was an alternative to using QScreen to take a screenshot in Android, or whether there's a specific way to get it working as compared to Windows? Or would QWidget be the right track? Any help's greatly appreciated!
as i can read in Qt doc : In your screenGrabber.cpp :
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId() );
replace with :
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( 0 ); // as 0 is the id of main screen
If you want to take a screenshot of your own widget, you can use the method QWidget::render (Qt Doc):
QPixmap pixmap(widget->size());
If you want to take a screenshot of another app/widget than your app, you should use the Android API...

Russian text is not working in Android game when ported from iOS using Apportable SDK

I have successfully ported our game to Android from iOS using Apportable starter SDK.
I have come across a issue in which the device is decoding Russian text of the game , i have included screen shots and where i have given such Russian texts in xcode.As you see from the i have typed the word "Test" in English which is displayed properly and whereas the Russian text is displayed in some form of code.
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"\n Test Разъезжая по сказочным землям и устраивая веселые дискотеки, я добрался до Пушляндии. Я много слышал о веселых и дружных жителях этой страны - Пушистиках. Узнав о моем появлении, они шумной толпой прибежали на мою вечеринку..."];
Stack overflow is not allowing me to add screenshots so i am adding links.The first screenshot shows the way i want the text to display in android adb second screenshot shows the current way its displayed.
I will provide more detailed description or code if required.
Screenshot iOS:
Screenshot Android:
Maybe i will be captain obviously it`s looking like file encoding error after port. Russian texts sometimes ussing cp-1251 encoding not utf. I hope i will help you to find solution.
P.s Sorry i dont have enought reputation to add comment so i post it like answer.

