Phone numbers links not working on Android 9 - android

I want to have my phone number to be clickable, right now my current solution:
final SpannableString msg = "Contact us: test#t.t or call: 5008 878 6578"
Linkify.addLinks(msg, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS);
This works fine for Android 8.1 and below but not for Android 9 (email is clickable so the problem is only with number phone)
I've tried already doing it with XML layouts or with
And the output is the same, phone number is not clickable.
How to fix it on Android 9?

The mask Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS seems correct, according to the documentation - but I would not recognize something alike 5008 878 6578 as a valid phone number - and I definitely could not dial it, if I would click it... so most likely the sPhoneNumberMatchFilter might be at fault.
Manually building the desired Spannable with the tel://50088786578 might be an easy solution; adjusting the sPhoneNumberMatchFilter might be the other option... also .addLinks() permits this, with argument matchFilter.
Are you certain that you are running with the same Locale on Android 9.0? This should be where the regex pattern to match for may come from, because those formats count towards localization.


Issue with float.Parse in Unity Android App

I develop an Android app. If I call
in Editor or App on my Mac Book (Language Setting English), it works fine. After publishing to Android (Language Setting German) the result of the Parse operation is not "51.552058" anymore but "5,155211E+09". I understand that this might be related to the device's language but I still don't really understand what is happening and why.
I also tried following with no success:
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any)
float.Parse("51.552058", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)
Did anyone stumble over this before?
float.Parse is culture dependent.
See e.g. from NumberFormatInfo
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (en-US)
// '1,034,562.91': FormatException (fr-FR)
// '1,034,562.91' --> 1034562.91 (Invariant)
Reason here is that in EU cultures the , is usually the decimal separator while the . is used as the group separator. So from the example above the correct format for fr-FR would be 1.034.562,91
You probably rather want to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture like
float.Parse("51.552058", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
or directly NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo
float.Parse("51.552058", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
which simply has defined
NumberDecimalSeparator .
NumberGroupSeparator ,

Unable to set target temperature to Nest Thermostat from Android SDK

I am writing an Android application to control a Nest thermostat. I was able to connect to it just fine and I can read the correct target temperature (turning the nob on the thermostat updates my TextView).
However, when I try to write the target temperature like this, nothing happens:
String thermostatID = mThermostat.getDeviceId();
mNest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70);
I tried setting the HVAC mode first, in case I needed that, but this didn't work either:
String thermostatID = mThermostat.getDeviceId();
mNest.thermostats.setHVACMode(thermostatID, "cool");
mNest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70);
The Textview flashes 70 for a brief second, but then shoots back up to 77 which is the target temperature that was set by the actual thermostat. Is this an issue with the SDK code for setTargetTemperatureF, or am I missing something simple here?
The permissions for the Nest thermostat are set on the Nest website. Visit and sign in. You will be given a list of your products, all you need to do is select one and scroll down to permissions.
Note that after you change permissions, your mobile (or various platform) application will need to rerun authentication for this change to take place.
Try to modify your code as following, then you can set the target temperature.
mNest.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatID, 70L, null);

Cordova backspace cannot remove image in contenteditable div

I'm using Cordova 3.6.4 in Visual Studio 2013 Community Update 4 to build an apps with a "chat" functionality, the main reason that I use this technology is because I want to, hopefully, write once and can use it in all platforms such as Android phones, iPhones, all mobile phone browsers, all desktop browsers.
In order to let the users inputting the "message" to be sent, I create a [div] which is contenteditable="true" at the bottom left of the html, at the right hand side of this [div], I have two [image buttons], one is the [happy face] button, the other is the [send button]. (You know, just like Whatsapp, Line and WeChat!)
At any time the user can click the [happy face] button to select one of the many "face image" to insert into the cursor at the [div], then I'll add the html codes into the [div], e.g. div.innerHTML += '< img src="1.jpg">'
So, the innerHTML of this [div] can contain characters AND images, e.g.
12< img src="1.jpg" />34< img src="2.jpg" />
Of course, the actual display is:
12[1st Picture]34[2nd Picture]
If the cursor is at the end of this [div], and I clicked the [BACKSPACE], I expect the [2nd Picture] will be removed, if I clicked the [BACKSPACE] again, I expect the letter [4] will be removed from the [div], this is work at ALMOST every platform I mentioned including all mobile browsers in android and iphone/ipad, all desktop browsers. But it does not work when I build an Android app and run it in any Android phone.
Running it as a WebView in android phone, when I click the the [BACKSPACE], the letter [4] is removed instead of the [2nd Picture], when I click the [BACKSPACE] again, the letter[3] is removed. I can NEVER remove the 2 images no matter which IME I'm using.
To work around, I tried to add a keyup/keydown/keypress listener to the [BACKSPACE] but it never fires.
At last, to work around this [BUG], I need to add a third [X] image button and use JavaScript string.replace to remove the < img> tag when users click this [X] button, but it looks very stupid to the users!
It makes me crazy that ALL IMEs do not remove the image for me by pressing the [BACKSPACE], and if the key events are not fired, I cannot remove the images myself!
I tried ALMOST, I think, ALL the suggestions provided by stackoverflow but they don't work at all, either not applicable to CORDOVA, or with compilation error such as [command failed with exit code 8] in Visual Studio.
What should I do?

Russian text is not working in Android game when ported from iOS using Apportable SDK

I have successfully ported our game to Android from iOS using Apportable starter SDK.
I have come across a issue in which the device is decoding Russian text of the game , i have included screen shots and where i have given such Russian texts in xcode.As you see from the i have typed the word "Test" in English which is displayed properly and whereas the Russian text is displayed in some form of code.
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"\n Test Разъезжая по сказочным землям и устраивая веселые дискотеки, я добрался до Пушляндии. Я много слышал о веселых и дружных жителях этой страны - Пушистиках. Узнав о моем появлении, они шумной толпой прибежали на мою вечеринку..."];
Stack overflow is not allowing me to add screenshots so i am adding links.The first screenshot shows the way i want the text to display in android adb second screenshot shows the current way its displayed.
I will provide more detailed description or code if required.
Screenshot iOS:
Screenshot Android:
Maybe i will be captain obviously it`s looking like file encoding error after port. Russian texts sometimes ussing cp-1251 encoding not utf. I hope i will help you to find solution.
P.s Sorry i dont have enought reputation to add comment so i post it like answer.

How to find a WebView element in Android using Calabash using TextContent

I have a webview in an ios app that basically has no id or class. (I know, right?)
But it does have a textContent field that I would like to use to select elements.
This is the element I want to find:
"textContent"=>"!!! I WANT TO FIND IT BY THIS !!!",
"center"=>{"X"=>307.5, "Y"=>178.5},
"<UIWebView: 0xe2e1400; frame = (0 0; 320 504); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H
"html"=>"<div class=\"arrow\"></div>"}
So I was able to find this using css pseudo-selectors alá
query("webView css:'el:first-child'")
I can find it by using the hashes in the results array alá
query("webView css:'li'").select {|element| element["textContent"] == "!!! I WANT TO FIND IT BY THIS !!!}
And I can refactor it a bit to use a regex alá
query("webView css:'li'").select {|element| element["textContent"] =~ /I WANT/}
But all this feels really dirty. Very un-Calabashy. Is there a better way to write this?
I have not tried your exact setup. But I do often use queries with the LIKE comparison on label.
Would that solve your problem?
element_exists("label {text LIKE 'I WANT TO FIND'}")
I wound up going with this:
query("webView css:'TITLE'{textContent CONTAINS ’I WANT’}")
It tends to work more consistently with these particular webviews (given a lack of accessibility labels in the code).

