How to integrate National Identification Authority (NIDA) API for Tanzania? - android

I want to integrate National Identification Authority (NIDA) API for Tanzania in my Android application. In my application, user will enter their NIDA number and i want to retrieve user information according to NIDA number.
I have just one PDF file to guide me, it says that i need to have 3 to 4 certificates ie. Serve CA Certificate n etc. And after that 4 to 5 encryptions are needed to implement to request NIDA API. And no other information are given like what is the end point for the request?
As i couldn't find anything else on the internet related to NIDA API call, i couldn't even start the programming! So i have not done any coding yet, so not sharing any codes.
If anyone knows anything about the NIDA API call, please let me know.

NIDA does not have a developer portal or documentation online one has to contact them and ask for access. However I heard once in the news that "NIDA will start charging entities who are using its Data - Ref"
But there is no official portal for accessing their API. The legal way to obtain access to their API is to visit their office for Technical Support.
That being said, a simple quick hack solution will be to use existing private sector that uses NIDA API to your advantage since it's REST Full API without verification token or access token
Here is an example :
Where NIN = National Id Number. Eg: 19760517372270000217
`curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Length: 0' -H "Content-type: application/json" '{NIN}`
You should expect a json data object in return if the ID is valid or exist


People API of google versus contacts API

While trying to fetch contacts using google account of user , I am facing some issues after using people API.It only returns few email addresses out of all listed ones.Access token and all scopes have been set correctly.
Code for following :
People peopleService = new People.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
ListConnectionsResponse response = peopleService.people().connections().list("people/me")
. execute();
connections = response.getConnections();
Instead of this if I use contact API of google then I am getting more no of email addresses than people.Code for contact API :
URL feedUrl = new URL("");
ContactFeed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, ContactFeed.class);
// Print the results
for (ContactEntry entry : resultFeed.getEntries()) {
I want to know if there is any difference between both of them and which one i have to use for better results or am I missing something. please suggest. Thanks..!!
People API is more up-to-date. Reading through Google's blog announcement, People API simplifies what needed to be separate calls to Google+ API and Contacts API. Now you only need to use one.
"The new People API uses the newest protocols and technologies and
will eventually replace the Contacts API which uses the GData
When getting the user's list of connections, be sure to specify the correct scopes when using it. - Requests that your app be given read and write access to the contacts in the authenticated user’s Google Contacts. - Requests that your app be given read access to the contacts in the authenticated user’s Google Contacts.
Check this link for similarities and differences between People API and Contacts API.
I'm not sure if there is any issues with the java code, but if you look at the request that is sent out it should be like this:
I was able to get all the contacts with the correct email and name. If you google "manage google contacts" you will see a list of contacts. From there take that number, and just print out the connection count which should match. You just need to make sure the pageSize is big enough or you have to handle paging to get all the contacts.
Also i realized that the requestMask.includeField is really sensitive to what parameters and spaces you put. ",person.email_addresses" worked and ", person.email_addresses" did not.
With the older contact api, you can query the q parameter which I don't think the people api provides this ability. I think the ability to filter your search by key words is important to reduce the request size.

Protecting my Google App Engine API Endpoints

I have been doing a lot of research recently on securing my app engine. Currently, I've been reading through the question below and the links in that question:
How do I restrict Google App Engine Endpoints API access to only my Android applications?
However, it doesn't answer my problem. My question is similar to the question above, restricting access to my endpoint API to only my app. The guy seemed to have got it working when he inputs a correct email into the credentials.
My question is if I can achieve the same results without having to input any credentials. I want it so that only my app can use my endpoint API so to prevent other apps from abusing it and using up my quota. I already got a client id for my android application, and have placed it within my #API annotation. To test if it worked, I made a random value for the client id in the #API notation of another api class. However, my app was still able to use methods from both class. Any help?
From reading from the docs and researching further, the endpoint way of authorizing apps is by authenticating the user and for my API to check if user is null. My question is that in the process of authenticating the user, is Google somehow able to read my app's SHA1 fingerprint and authorize it to its list of client ids? If so, how can I replicate this process in my endpoint so that I check the SHA1 fingerprint of the app making the request and compare it to a set value? I don't understand the mechanics behind the endpoints very well, so correct me if I am understanding this wrong.
If the android app has access, then the user has access. A motivated party has many options for inspecting your protocol, including putting the device behind transparent proxy or simply running the app through a debugger. I do suggest running your app through ProGuard before publishing, as this will make the process [a bit] more difficult.
Ultimately, you'll need to make your appengine API robust against untrusted parties. This is simply the state of the web.
How you can protect your endpoint API is described here:
The secret is that you request a token from Google Play using the following scope: where is your ClientId.
Google Play will look up the id at your endpoints app and return a Google-signed JSON Web Token if it finds the id. Then you pass that id in with your request. Above article says you should pass it in with the body. I would possibly rather add another parameter for that because otherwise you can't pass your own entities anymore. Anyway, your server backend receives the token, and you ask Google as described if it is authentic, before you process the API request.
If you pass in the token using an extra parameter, you can catch it on the server side by adding HttpServletRequest to your endpoint signature and then using request.getHeader("Yourname") to read it out. Make sure you never add the parameter as a URL parameter as it may be logged somewhere.
public void endpointmethod(
// ... your own parameters here
final HttpServletRequest request
) throws ServiceException, OAuthRequestException {
request.getHeader("YourHeaderName") // read your header here, authenticate it with Google and raise OAuthRequestException if it can't be validated
On the Android side you can pass in your token when you build the endpoint api, like this, so you don't have to do it with each and every request:
Yourapiname.Builder builder = new Yourapiname.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), getJsonFactory(), new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest httpRequest) {
Hope this helps you make your endpoints API secure. It should.

Rails api and native mobile app authentication

I know there is a lot of information about this topic, but I can't find any that is up to date.
I see topics like this one relating to rails and android authentication but I see that TokenAuthenticatable is now removed from devise.
My question is simple: is there a good way to authenticate users from native Android and iPhone apps using Rails 4? Does anyone know of good tutorials or articles that provide a solution ?
Adam Waite Adding a bounty:
I have just opened a 500 bounty on this question because I can't find the correct practice for authenticating a user from an iOS app to a Rails API anywhere. This is what I was considering doing but have no idea if it's secure or not?!:
Let's assume we have a User record. A user has signed up for an account which has created a User record in the database with an email column and a password_digest column.
When the user signs-in I would like that user to remain authenticated on the mobile app until explicitly signing-out.
I imagine we're going to need a token based authentication. I would perhaps create an ApiKey record when the User is created and have that saved as an association on the User record.
When the user signs in/up, the response will contain an API token (something like SecureRandom.hex) which will be saved in the iOS Keychain and used with all subsequent requests to verify the user by passing it in a header and verifying it using something like:
before_filter :restrict_access
def restrict_access
authenticate_or_request_with_http_token do |token, options|
ApiKey.exists?(access_token: token)
Is this secure? Should I be refreshing the token with every request and including it in the response?
What other options do I have? What do the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest do?
I am aware of OAuth2.0, but is that not for granting external applications?
Is there a gem that manages any of this?
Sorry, completely unsure here.
500 to the best answer.
Gist of a solution from my research. Feel free to edit, correct, invalidate, etc.
SessionsController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :authenticate_user, :only => [:create]
def create
user = User.where("username = ? OR email = ?", params[:username_or_email], params[:username_or_email]).first
if user && user.authenticate(params[:password])
api_key = user.find_api_key
if !api_key.secret_key || api_key.is_expired?
render json: api_key, status: 201
status: 401
Note the ApiAuth.authentic? method and the request object. The request must be signed with an HMAC algorithm on the client.
ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
respond_to :json
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
before_filter :authenticate_user
def authenticate_user
if authenticate_user_from_secret_key
return true
head :unauthorized
def authenticate_user_from_secret_key
userid = ApiAuth.access_id(request)
currentuser = userid && User.find_by_id(userid)
if ApiAuth.authentic?(request, currentuser.find_api_key.secret_key)
return true
return false
User creation/registration
UsersController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :authenticate_user, :only => [:create]
def create
user = User.create(user_params)
if !user.new_record?
render json: user.find_apit_key, status: 201
# error
Api key model. Similar to api key model in #352 railscast only difference is ApiAuth key generation.
class ApiKey < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :generate_secret_key, :set_expiry_date
belongs_to :user
def generate_secret_key
self.secret_key = ApiAuth.generate_secret_key
end while self.class.exists?(secret_key: secret_key)
User model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :ensure_api_key
has_many :api_keys
def find_api_key
On the client side the HMAC algorithm must be used to sign requests.
The code is from:
[SHA1 HMAC Key generation/authentication]
[Controllers & Models]
I've had this issue, I'm an API developer. You could do it the hard way with tokens and custom authorization, but I will tell you what we do with our application, which serves users in the six digit figure.
At least for iOS, the device will handle sessions for you, meaning that if a user on an iOS app makes a POST request to /users/sign_in with the parameters
user: {
password: 'mypassword',
email: '',
remember_me: true # optional
the iOS device will store the session for you, safely and persistently.
Now, if you want to go the OAuth 2 route, I actually maintain a gem for rails 4 called OAuth 2 providable, to which I added a pretty cool feature that allows you to have the user pass through the "authorization" screen, because obviously if you developed the software you don't need the user to confirm that they trust you.
If you do decide to use OAuth 2, you will need to use what is call the implicit access token.
This is the long and very boring OAuth2 spec for that
The rails 4 project can be found on github
If you're not on rails 4, you can use the original gem
By the way, the gem needs work so if there's anyone reading this who wants to help make it better, please by all means fork this repository
You are on the right track, but the user's token should only be used to identify which user is making the request. You still need some kind of authentication since, as you speculate with changing the token on each request, a hacker could intercept the data stream, get the token, and then "be" that user in subsequent requests.
By changing the token on each request, you eliminate the interception issue, but once someone has intercepted the token, they can then further exploit the system by continuing to intercept it and even modifying the response. One solution to this is to use HMAC (which is used by Amazon Web Services). It is an algorithm that provides a signature (hash) for your request that is unique for every request, doesn't require a changing key, and cannot be predicted for future requests.
There is a ruby gem for rails that implements HMAC on the server side for signing HMAC requests as well as generating them when doing server-to-server communications. For client-to-server requests as in your case, you need to generate the signature on the iOS or Android side and authenticate them on the server.
Consider the ApiAuth gem to do the work on the server side. On the iOS client side, consider the HBHMAC library for generating the signature. Take a look at the ApiAuth's specific implementation as it adds a timestamp to the data to prevent replay attacks, so you may need to add a field to your data before passing it to HBHMAC.
In summary, using HMAC authentication will avoid man in the middle attacks and replay attacks by utilizing a one-way hashing algorithm that prevents attackers from generating authentic requests even if they are able to intercept valid requests.
If you want to use OAuth2.0 in ruby on rails, you would be use Doorkeeper, you can see an example (not free) here:
But you can use a token with SecureRandom.hex, a example (not free) for this is here (in level 6):
I hope my answer help you!

What is the proper way to validate google granted OAuth tokens in a node.js server?

I'm trying to authenticate a mobile application for the Android platform to a custom node.js server api. I would like to use Google OAuth2 tokens for this rather than roll my own authentication, since Android devices with Google Play installed make this available to app developers. I'm using the GoogleAuthUtil.getToken call from the Google Play Services library, documented here. I'm trying to follow the advice outlinedin this android developers blogpost
The getToken method is returning in my case a long 857 byte string. If I try to pass this token to Google's TokenInfo endpoint, it returns:
{'error': 'invalid_token', 'error_description': 'Invalid Value'}
What am I doing wrong here? In the 'scope' of the getToken call, I am sending:
audience:server:client_id:**i_put_my_clientid_here**. I have a clientid generated for "installed applications". Using this client id, the call to getToken doesn't work at all. When I generated a client id for a "service account", the call succeeds, but I get an 857 byte token that fails when passed to the TokenInfo endpoint as described above.
I also created a client id for "web applications", as it appears that is the right client id to use when calling getToken. But the behavior is the same, I get back an 857 byte token that doesn't validate when calling Google's endpoint.
How can I properly get a valid auth token using Google Play services on Android? Once I have the right token, what is the right node.js library to validate it server side? Can I use passport-google-oauth ?
Hm, this is really a comment rather than an answer, but I can’t put newlines in those:
it has to be the web-side Clent ID that goes in the put_my_clientid_here spot
if GoogleAuthUtil.getToken() gives you a String withou throwing an Exception, it really ought to be valid. When you hit tokeninfo, did you use ...tokeninfo?id_token=<857-byte-value-here>
if you’re a rubyist, grab the google-id-token gem and see if it can validate your 857-byte token.
If you just want to read the contents of the data returned by GoogleAuthUtil.getToken then the process is very simple. The returned data is simply a JWT. So all you'd have to do is split the data by the . character, and then base64 (url) decode each piece.
It gets slightly more complicated if you want you want to verify the message's authenticity. Simply use your favorite crypto library to do the verification. The 3rd component of the JWT is the signature of the data and the Google certs are publicly available; that's all you need to verify the message.
For a week I have been looking into how to validate GoogleAuthUtil tokens received in Android Client application at Node.js server using passport.js
Finally I came across passport-google-token passport strategy which perfectly performs the task.
More details are present in the above link.
The official node SDK lets you do that now.
Here's the link:
I'm not too familiar with the details of how Android works with respect to handing a token from the device to the server. My general impression, however, is that you don't go through the typical web-based OAuth dance. Instead, you directly call the "user info" endpoint, which will return the info corresponding to the user who holds the token, or reject the request if the token is invalid. There's some discussion on this related question:
validating Android's authToken on third party server
In effect, the token becomes a secret that is shared between both the device and your server, so its important to protect it.
There are a couple strategies for Facebook and Twitter that were developed to do similar things using tokens from iOS devices:
You can take some inspiration from them and tweak it to talk to Google's endpoints. Let me know how this turns out. I'd love to see a similar "passport-google-token" strategy, so if you implement one, let me know and I'll link to it!

How to get IP address of the users in a particular channel

I have an IRC client application and I am currently trying to integrate it with google maps.
I am fairly new to android and hence I would like to know how to get ip address of the users in an channel.
Note: I am aware about /whois command but I would like to get ip address of all users so that I can locate them on map.
Could you please help me in this regard.
You can use WHO if I recall correctly. This will give a list of all users (full host + nicks in the form of nick!user#host. Do note that most IRC servers honor the user's privacy and enforce a network-wide +i umode, which effectively hides the IP address from the host.
If you know your server is not like that, WHO is your way to go.
This isn't an android problem at all, this is purely an IRC protocol problem. As a user, you may query the channel for the users inside of it, to get information on them. That command is calle WHO. You use it as follows:
WHO <#channel>
And it will give you a list of all the users in this channel in the following format:
352 <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][#|+] :<hopcount> <real name>
From which you can filter out <host> which will contain the IP address (if not hidden) of the user <nick>.
Many IRC servers cloak or mask the user's hostname to prevent hacking as per my comment above. If however you have the correct IRC operator access you can issue commands which will show the unmasked hostname for a user. For example "WHO *#cloaked.hostname h" where cloaked.hostname is the cloaked host:
Note that different irc server software has different ways of approaching this problem, if hosts are cloaked.
Hope this helps!

