How to call my function directly in Chaquopy? - android

How to call a function I wrote using Chaquopy?
I used sample from documentation and it worked well. I could put the text on a label using Python. Then I created a button and want to call my function (for example, my_func):
from demo.chaquopy.pythonactivity import R
from java import static_proxy, Override, jvoid
from android.os import Bundle
from import AppCompatActivity
class MainActivity(static_proxy(AppCompatActivity)):
#Override(jvoid, [Bundle])
def onCreate(self, state):
AppCompatActivity.onCreate(self, state)
self.findViewById("Hello From Python!")
def my_func(self):
self.findViewById("Another text")
I tried to write 'android:onclick' as with Java functions, and it doesn't work. And I couldn't find it in samples and documentation. Please can anyone help? Thanks a lot in advance.

To declare a listener in XML, the method has to be visible from Java. You can make it visible like this:
from java import method
from android.view import View
class MainActivity(...):
#method(jvoid, [View])
def my_func(self):


CoordinatorLayout.DefaultBehaviour deprecated, no other option

So according to android documentation, defaultBehaviour is deprecated and AttachedBehaviour should be used instead.
does not "exist" in android. I always receive the Annotation type expected error.
My import is:
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
Am I using the wrong import?
AttachedBehavior is an interface, not an annotation.
Therefore your CustomLinearLayout must implement AttachedBehavior and override the getBehavior() method to return an instance of your MoveUpwardBehavior class.

How to use a class in an imported jar?

What I am doing: Call the method inside the class in a very simple jar from main Activity. (The jar will be used as sdk to make connection with a server but right now is for testing)
Error message
This is all the code in my jar, just 1 class
I have tried this, and changed the class into singleton pattern and this, and make everything in the class public. I also found this one but same error different issue
Create class as public class to make it accessible. In java if you don't provide any access modifier it becomes default.
Refer Java Access Modifiers here
public class Jartest{
//Your Implementation
In addition to create the class with public modifier, all classes must be warped inside a package. Otherwise it becomes default package and there is no way to access it beside reflection. In another word, when you create the jar, create the class inside a package and Android studio should be able to import the package and use the class inside the jar.

Writing custom lint warning to check for custom annotation

I have written the following annotation:
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public #interface Warning {
Which is intended to annotate methods which can cause problems if called carelessly. I added an annotation processor to my project, but this only provides the warning in the log output of the javac command. I want this warning to appear in Android Studio along with the other lint warnings anywhere a method with this annotation is called. This is why I am trying to write a custom lint rule. I have the basic skeleton of the lint rule:
public class CaimitoDetector extends Detector implements Detector.JavaScanner {
public static final Issue ISSUE = Issue.create(
"This method has been annotated with #Warning",
"This method has special conditions surrounding it's use, be careful when using it and refer to its documentation.",
Category.USABILITY, 7, Severity.WARNING,
new Implementation(CaimitoDetector.class, Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE));
public void visitMethod(JavaContext context, AstVisitor visitor, MethodInvocation node) {
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class CaimitoIssueRegistry extends IssueRegistry {
public List<Issue> getIssues() {
return Collections.singletonList(CaimitoDetector.ISSUE);
But I do not know how to proceed from here. How can I check if an annoation exists on a method, and raise a warning such that it will be visible in Android Studio?
But I do not know how to proceed from here
I suggest to write a test for your Detector first. Here is an example project which demonstrates how to write Detector tests [1]. That way you can try and adjust your Detector as you like.
How can I check if an annoation exists on a method
I suggest to have a look at Android's default detectors [2]. There you'll most probably find a good point to start. E.g. the AnnotationDetector.
and raise a warning such that it will be visible in Android Studio?
If you integrate your custom rules correctly into your project, then Lint will raise the warning for you. Please have a look here [3] for different options on how to integrate custom rules in your project. Note: AFAIK warnings of custom rules will only reported when running the corresponding Gradle task. The "auto-highlight" of Android Studio does not work with custom rules.

how to import class of another package from different project in AIDL file?

I have a AIDL file that implemented in the package under ProjectA, and I am trying to import a Parcelable class (Foo) from another package under ProjectB. Below is the way how I implemented the MyService.AIDL file:
package com.packageA.projectA
import com.packageB.projectB.Foo
interface MyService{
void getSomething(Foo foo);
However, I get this compilation error "couldn't find import for class com.example.projectB.Foo". If I copied the packageB to packageA, then I will get no compilation error.
Is there a way to import parcelable class from package under different project? I know there're multiple questions on stackoverflow and elsewhere (like google group) about importing parcelable under the same project, but none from different projects. Thank you for your time.
You mean to say that you defined the class for the parcelable class and you are not able to use that class in the aidl ?
Try the below solution.
you have your MyService.AIDL in your src/xxx path.
Now create Foo.aidl (name should be same)in the same path and define that Foo.aidl as below.
package com.packageB.projectB
parcelable Foo
now remove the import statement from MyService.AIDL and re-type it (its for refreshing , else it will show same error)
now that import error must be gone.
I know this is old but I had the same problem and found the solution very ugly.
I had two classes defined in the package:
I had another class defined in the package
The actual AIDL interfaces were defined in the package
The client would be looking for remote services implementing methods in the package com.pcha.proprietary.handler.
So what did my AIDL file hierarchy have to look like to make this work?
The 'one-liner' files defining the custom classes like MdsIntermediary.aidl look like this
// MdsIntermediary.aidl
package com.lni.codephg.inter;
parcelable MetricIntermediary;
I have to admit I do understand why these one-liner files must exist in such a weird form.
Then the interface AIDL files that reference them (for example IIntermediaryCallback.aidl) look like this
// IIntermediaryCallback.aidl
package com.pcha.proprietary.handler;
// Declare any non-default types here with import statements
import com.lni.codephg.inter.MdsIntermediary;
import com.lni.codephg.inter.MetricIntermediary;
interface IIntermediaryCallback
void onMdsIntermediary(in MdsIntermediary mds);
void onReceiveMetricIntermediaries (in List<MetricIntermediary> metricList, in
MdsIntermediary mds);
Of course I had to implement the Parcelable methods on the said custom classes. However, as ugly as that was, Android Studio seemed to do it for me. Since I know nothing about Parcelable I don't know if it is good enough or if I have to do some massaging.
This was painfully difficult. Hope this will save someone hours of frustration.

Android - Using a method from a Library

I have setup my own android library and now want to use the methods within..
For some reason I am having issues understanding how this works, looking at other questions/ internet has not helped.
In my library class i have the following.
public void testMethod(){
Toast s = Toast.makeText(this, "test!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
I want to be able to reference this in my main for example, how do i do this?
I have found several links which do look at this however it has not helped as it is different to what I want to do. Am I being very stupid and missing something?
I am guessing an interface needs to be setup on my Main Class? I am not sure.
By the way I have already setup the library and have referenced in manifest etc..
You should import to your project the package name you used to create your library, then, create an object of the class you want to use from your library, and finally, call the method.
Supose your library package name it's: "com.mylibrary"
Your library class it's called: "MyClass"
Your method it's called: "MyMethod"
In Your Project you should do:
//Import Your Library Package
import com.mylibrary;
//Instantiate The Library Class
MyClass mytest = new MyClass();
//Call The Library Class Method You Want To Use.

