Android TalkBack says repeatedly "Service [my app name]" - android

I have a popular read aloud app, that is also often used by visually impaired and blind people. Some, very few of them complain that when using the app or having it read aloud, it repeatedly says "Service at Voice" (my app's name is #Voice Aloud Reader). I tested this on several phones with different versions of Android and TalkBack enabled, but couldn't reproduce this problem.
The app is showing a notification with reading progress and buttons to pause/resume, FF and reverse etc. Of course all the reading aloud is done from a service, not activity, because a user may want to close my activity, or even turn off screen, and still listen. I would gladly post more technical details, but don't know which ones are relevant.
I tried searching for any combination of terms "TalkBack saying 'service' repeatedly", but cannot find anything relevant. My users who contacted me about this could not find either any setting in TalkBack app to make it stop saying this. Could anyone shed some light on this issue?

I found the reason for my problem, part of it was my own app code, and part just confusing behavior of Android system and TalkBack on different devices. Here is what was happening:
The app, #Voice Aloud Reader, reads text loaded into it (web pages, docs, books) and highlights the sentence it reads aloud. On each change of sentence it updates progress, both on its own screen if visible, and in the notification. The notification update code is pretty old, from Android 4 days. I did not know then how to update the content of notification, it seemed to me that the only way to update it, after using NotificationBuilder to update content, was to call in my service again:
startForeground(/* id: */ 1000,;
It worked well for years, also under TalkBack, no problems. Even today on at least 5 test devices I have with Android 5 to 9 and with emulators, TalkBack activated, it works correctly. But some users reported that upon reading each new sentence (progress update), TalkBack says "Service #Voice". I finally updated the code as follows, and my users report that the problem is solved:
if (newNotification) {
startForeground(/* id: */ 1000,;
else {
I doubt that this knowledge will help many people, now notifications are documented better and there is a clear "Update notification" chapter that explains how to do this correctly in Google documents for developers.

I bet it's announcing the app name on orientation changes each time the MainActivity is created.
SO link



My wife has tiktok on her phone, it's an old Huawei Nova 3i, suddenly the notification of receiving a message changed. After I played around with the notifications' sounds I changed that of a direct message, however and scrolling down, I noticed another enabled notification sound named:
I disabled it, looked it up online as "what's X_AUDIO_DEFAULT_SERVICE_CHANNEL"
I found this link:,142,128
I urlscanned it, then scamadviced it: nothing
Opened it: saw some code in there
Not sure what it is, any professional opinion, please!
Should we worry about her data?!

Google CloudPrint printing infinite copies (Android)

I have been using Google CloudPrint since December, and suddenly (sometimes, mostly when the networks is slow) when printing, it keeps printing.
I am using this configuration: Android Phone, my App creates a print job with ticket via Google CloudPrint, the android notification center displays the print job "Printing" (as in sending...), the Google CloudPrint receives the task, and prints it with the printer associated, then, normally, it removes the print job from the notification center. and thats all.
Now, it stays in the notification center... for ever, even if you cancel, it already sent a lot of print jobs (they are slow to appear on the GoogleCloud panel).
Is there a bug with Google CloudPrint or is a problem with my (probably outdated now) code?
I know is Beta, and that, but i neither find documentation, known bugs, or anything at all.
If you can guide me in solving this problem...
(This is the code i use to send the intent)
PrintHelper photoPrinter = new PrintHelper(Context);
photoPrinter.printBitmap("print job", bitmap);
I had the same issue on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. I uninstalled Cloud Print and then reinstalled. Fixed the issue.

Cast Receiver App does not show subtitles

According to the Release Notes (of July 8), the docs for the Sender and the updated answer of this question, the Styled Media Receiver of Google Cast does now support Closed Captioning or Subtitle tracks.
However, when I tell the Default or the Styled Media Receiver to show a text track, nothing happens. It does not even load the .vtt from the server, as I can see in the logs.
I can tell the receiver app got the text tracks just fine, but even using the Android example app, the subtitles never show up. According to all the logs, they are being sent and the receiver app is told to show them - but they never appear, they are never even loaded.
The MediaTrack is being created as follows:
new MediaTrack.Builder(2, MediaTrack.TYPE_TEXT)
I have checked thrice that the file exists and is being loaded with the type text/vtt. But that does not matter, as the file is never even requested by the player. I have tried both MediaTrack.SUBTYPE_CAPTIONS and MediaTrack.SUBTYPE_SUBTITLES.
So I need to know, is this claimed support of CC in the Styled Media Receiver simply a lie? Or is there some undocumented trick required to make it possible?
If there is still a custom receiver required, I would like to know how to convert the example player to support subtitles, as it doesn't seem to support them either.
First, I suggest you change your wording in future posts (re: " simply a lie.."); that is not appropriate at all. Secondly, it works and you can test that with the CastVideos-android app (or ios variation of it for that matter); the first three videos have CC. Lastly, we have documentation on that subject on our documentation site (, under "Using the Tracks API").

Using Android Studio's logcat better, permanent focus on a single process?

When testing on a device in Android Studio you get an awful lot of output in the logcat.
I'm only interested in the output for the app I'm developing. I can see just this, after running, by opening the Devices section and manually selecting my apps process. Problem is, it's pretty tedious to do this every time I run my app, which seems to be the case.
Is there a way to get it to remember this setup?
How about a way to get it to stop reporting anything after I'm done with my app or it's crashed ? (otherwise my app specific stuff gets buried so quickly by output from other proccesses on my phone)
I'm open to other ways of filtering the logcat too, however I couldn't think of a way to set up filters so that I would get my tagged Log messages AND other exceptions I wasn't expecting.
Any suggestions?
Normally this is done by default, but if not,
in logcat, the green plus sign, when you click it you get a dialog, fill the byApplicationName with your package name, and also your filter name with something, now you can filter your output according to your app
with that beeing said, sometimes you don't get the filter column info (application name) in logcat at all (blank), here (and I my self don't know the cause of it) just forget it for a while and retry again

So how can I see the logs in Jelly Bean?

I used to use an app called Log Collector to see system logs. It would send them to my email or via bluetooth,
However, on Jelly Bean the "read log" permission for apps no longer exists and apps can't read the logs, and Log Collector is obviously no exception.
So does one now need to root the device to see system logs? There must be a way for the user to read them. I don't need to access them from an application, I need to read them as a human being. Is there a way?
I got the answer in this google groups thread:!searchin/android-developers/READ_LOGS/android-developers/6U4A5irWang/8xOi74KfRIYJ
the message by Mark Murphy replying to Matteo Sisti Sette (which is me).
(it doesn't seem to be possible to link to a particular message, is it?)
POWER + VOLUME_UP + VOLUME_DOWN will generate a report and a screenshot that you can send via email or upload to Drive (ridiculous you can't share it in an arbitrary way such as send via bluetooth or open as text file, but anyways).
(seems you have to hold them for a while and the action is launched when you release them)
At first I thought he was making fun of me and that would just reboot or something, but then I tried and it works.
Quote from Google+ and credits to +Ian Clifton :
"If you go into the developer options of a device running 4.2, you can check the box to add the Bug Report option to the power menu. This also adds it to the quick notifications menu (not sure of the proper name, but slide down the notification shade with two fingers on a phone or on the right side of a tablet)."
..and that would be right answer.. Cheers

