So how can I see the logs in Jelly Bean? - android

I used to use an app called Log Collector to see system logs. It would send them to my email or via bluetooth,
However, on Jelly Bean the "read log" permission for apps no longer exists and apps can't read the logs, and Log Collector is obviously no exception.
So does one now need to root the device to see system logs? There must be a way for the user to read them. I don't need to access them from an application, I need to read them as a human being. Is there a way?

I got the answer in this google groups thread:!searchin/android-developers/READ_LOGS/android-developers/6U4A5irWang/8xOi74KfRIYJ
the message by Mark Murphy replying to Matteo Sisti Sette (which is me).
(it doesn't seem to be possible to link to a particular message, is it?)
POWER + VOLUME_UP + VOLUME_DOWN will generate a report and a screenshot that you can send via email or upload to Drive (ridiculous you can't share it in an arbitrary way such as send via bluetooth or open as text file, but anyways).
(seems you have to hold them for a while and the action is launched when you release them)
At first I thought he was making fun of me and that would just reboot or something, but then I tried and it works.

Quote from Google+ and credits to +Ian Clifton :
"If you go into the developer options of a device running 4.2, you can check the box to add the Bug Report option to the power menu. This also adds it to the quick notifications menu (not sure of the proper name, but slide down the notification shade with two fingers on a phone or on the right side of a tablet)."
..and that would be right answer.. Cheers


Android app that adds a device properties and then can share this config file to other user

Here is my problem, I've done an app to configure an IoT home device and saves this device properties on a simple SharedPreferences file, that's already done, but the other goal is to give this app the capability of "Invite" another user using this app so that this user can control this ALREADY configured device...I'm having trouble finding the specific name of this "Feature",
At this moment I've been thinking of simply adding the capabily of Sharing this file to the other app, like "Share my Devices", and pair the phones so that the other receives the file with the already configured devices. But I imagine more appropriate the scenario of "Invite User" to control the devices, and when doing it, the app receives a notification for accepting, but...what must happen after this on the underground?, I'm I little confused for "What to search", to start doing this, for example, when I didn't knew what was the concept of refreshing a webpage in real time I got the keyword for "polling", and just with that I was able to do the work, So, I don't know If you could just give a direction of what to search for the feature I'm looking, or at leats example of tecnologies using something close to this.

How to filter out my logcat in android studio?

In Android Studio I connected my device and I can see the outputs of every single running application but i want to see the logs form only one application, I went to the filter and put in "anrdoid.kik" which is was the process is called but no logs showed up. I then went to the search bar and wrote the same thing, some logs showed up but it wasn't live no other logs were being shown live. I checked the name of the process by enabling "show processes " in my developer menu on my android but so far nothing seems to work any solutions? Using the search bar to filter by kik works but i also wish to check the network logs too and I dont think using only the keyword kik doesn't exactly work.
When you open Android Device Monitor, on the side with Saved Filtersyou click on + and add your application by Application Name. Also note that applications in release version (applications downloaded from play store) will not show up, because they don't have debugging messages allowed - not even in alpha release.

Using Android Studio's logcat better, permanent focus on a single process?

When testing on a device in Android Studio you get an awful lot of output in the logcat.
I'm only interested in the output for the app I'm developing. I can see just this, after running, by opening the Devices section and manually selecting my apps process. Problem is, it's pretty tedious to do this every time I run my app, which seems to be the case.
Is there a way to get it to remember this setup?
How about a way to get it to stop reporting anything after I'm done with my app or it's crashed ? (otherwise my app specific stuff gets buried so quickly by output from other proccesses on my phone)
I'm open to other ways of filtering the logcat too, however I couldn't think of a way to set up filters so that I would get my tagged Log messages AND other exceptions I wasn't expecting.
Any suggestions?
Normally this is done by default, but if not,
in logcat, the green plus sign, when you click it you get a dialog, fill the byApplicationName with your package name, and also your filter name with something, now you can filter your output according to your app
with that beeing said, sometimes you don't get the filter column info (application name) in logcat at all (blank), here (and I my self don't know the cause of it) just forget it for a while and retry again

Disable log related to other application/system - android

I am using HTC One X.
There are some system application that has too many logs.
Because of that, I am able to see my application log only for some seconds. After some time, my logs are being remove from buffer since too many new logs from other application.
Can i disable log by using the tag.
Firstly, you cannot stop other applications from logging! Probably some apps more than others log too extensively causing an overflow. What you could try to do is
Force stop some apps so that thier logging activity is reduced(less chance it might reduce).
Secondly, as Rasel suggets,
Use DDMS features like filtering logs using application name, package name, TAG's etc. and pause logging.
In this way you will get a snapshot of your logs. Hope this helps!

android Outbound caller id - on/off

I wan to hide/show my caller id from my activity programmatically. I tried to find it in the android documentation but without the luck. Maybe you have any ideas?
I posted a question asking this on the Android Google group and got absolutely no answers at all. I've also seen a couple of other question on SO which also had no answers (or none that work).
I came to the conclusion that it simply isn't possible. My reasoning is this...
If I go to Settings -> Call -> Additional settings, I see an AlertDialog which has a HeaderTitle of 'Call settings' and I see a circular progress indicator and a message saying 'Reading settings...'.
It occurs to me that my phone is, at that point, accessing my phone/network provider. The resulting 'chooser' dialog gives me options for 'Network default', 'Hide number' and 'Show number' and when I make a selection (or even if I just 'Cancel' the dialog), I get another AlertDialog with circular progress indicator with the message 'Updating settings...'.
In short, it seems the Caller ID setting is not entirely 'local' to the phone settings and relies on interaction with the provider and, for whatever reason, as a result of this the Android APIs don't allow this to be manipulated programatically.
I'm not sure if this is something on the 'To Do' list for future versions of Android or if there are legal/security implications in allowing it to be done or some other reason. Whatever the case may be, I haven't found anybody so far who is able to explain why there isn't a method for TelephonyManager (for example) to simply switch this.
EDIT: No luck on getting the Additional Settings AlertDialog with the standard APIs either.
The reason I say that is that it is possible to pull up various parts of the device's 'Settings', e.g., in one of my apps I use android.provider.Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS in the constructor of an Intent passed to startActivity(). This brings up the Settings page for enabling/disabling wi-fi, mobile internet and bluetooth.
android.provider.Settings has other similar ACTIONs for other Settings pages but there isn't even one for 'Call' never mind Call -> Additional Settings and nothing for the AlertDialog to allow you to choose to Hide/Show the outgoing Caller ID.
If this can be done then it would have to be an undocumented API unless I completely missed it (I spent a long time looking). I suspect examining the Android source-code may be the only way to find an answer and I haven't attempted that yet.
I have managed to get Additional call settings dialog. Explanation below:
Although it looks like it is part of the Settings, in fact it is part of the Native PhoneApp. If you take a look at the AndroidManifest.xml of the PhoneApp you will see that Activity GsmUmtsAdditionalCallOptions has defined IntentFilter for the android.intent.action.MAIN.
So, the code that I checked to work correctly on several phones:
Intent additionalCallSettingsIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");
ComponentName distantActivity = new ComponentName("", "");
If the #31# trick works for your needs for a single call then you could add a broadcast receiver that listens for the outgoing call notification and modifies the number to include #31# at the start before it gets dialled. Android allows the number to be changed on the way through like that.
Only works if your default is to enable caller ID and your network support #31# and you want to toggle it off using a widget, say.
The Caller ID is network specific not something that the phone controls. In fact in certain mobile network configurations the phone doesn't even 'know' its own phone number.
Some networks support sending an activate/deactivate caller ID network command. In GSM this is normally #31#. It can be permanent or on a per call basis.
Permanent requests the network to hide the caller ID for all calls.
Per call requests the network to hide the caller ID only for that call. The latter is achieved by prefixing the number being called by #31#, so for example calling #31#85432786426 would call 85432786426 hiding the caller.
Some networks support both, some only support one of them, and some do not enable it. Try your luck and try prefixing the dialed number with #31# and see if it works.
If you want a shortcut to the additional call settings, you can use App Cut and select GSM settings. It will place a shortcut on your home screen.

